Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 485 Beat them all down

"It's the Kingdom of Heaven!"

Wan Shan didn’t waste any time and said directly:

"President Guo just told me that the Kingdom of Heaven actually built a base in the Far West Continent closest to our Far North Continent. The previous fighter formation took off from there. At that time, their Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce No one has penetrated into that base yet, so we can’t get the information!”

"Just before, that base mobilized a large number of manpower, and several people belonging to the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce also got in. Only then did they know about the existence of that base! And some news was sent back!"

"what news?"

Li Yichen asked in a deep voice.

"The Kingdom of Heaven has accumulated a large number of combatants and transport aircraft at that base. Just an hour ago, that base issued an emergency assembly order, and all personnel and transport aircraft were on standby. After that... there was no news, but Chairman Guo I think it must be related to us!"

Wan Shan Road:

"So I immediately notified the radar station and asked them to pay close attention to that direction. Two minutes ago, the radar finally discovered that a large helicopter formation appeared over there, consisting of at least two hundred helicopters! Now they have entered the Far North Continent. The direction is right here!"

"I see!"

Li Yichen sneered:

"They really know how to choose their time!"


Wan Shan also expressed his gratitude solemnly, then switched the channel and said to Li Yichen:

"Xiao Yi! I think... President Guo's previous suspicion is not unreasonable. If the previous one was a coincidence, then what about just one time? This base of the Kingdom of Heaven was not completed today, but it happened to be today , they launched attacks on us continuously."

"The first time was when we wanted to cut off the insect tide, and the second time was when the zombie tide was abnormal. If it wasn't for us having a traitor here, then it was because the Kingdom of Heaven had made an appointment with the undead, otherwise it wouldn't have been possible. What a coincidence! I think the latter is unlikely!"

"Everything is possible! And..."

Li Yichen looked at the people around him, walked aside and whispered:

"Don't you think... the timing when we got the information was also a coincidence?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Wan Shan was stunned.

"Wait! It should pop out soon!"

Li Yichen smiled and then said to Wan Shan:

"Those helicopter formations don't need to pay attention to them, just let them keep flying over!"

"Huh? What?"

This time, Wan Shan was really shocked! What does it mean? Knowing that a large helicopter formation was coming, you actually ignored them? Let them transport combatants to us?

"Lao Wan! Just do as I say! No problem!"

Li Yichen said confidently:

"If I'm not wrong, that helicopter formation is just a cover now. They are here to earn our missiles. The people they gathered have long since become ground troops!"


After hearing Li Yichen's words, Wan Shan also suddenly realized, yes! If there is really a traitor on their side, then the other side must know that there are high-precision guided missiles here. How could they still use such a large helicopter formation to transport troops?

I am afraid that the troops on the helicopter have already been sent to the ground and are advancing on the ground when they enter the edge of the Far North Continent. After all, radar is not a satellite and cannot detect ground troops. Even some low-flying aircraft can evade it. Pass radar detection!

"The Kingdom of Heaven is so generous that it actually uses more than two hundred helicopters as bait to consume our missiles?"

Thinking of this, Wan Shan couldn't help but take a breath of air. A helicopter needs at least one pilot. That's more than two hundred people, together with more than two hundred large helicopters, just to be used as bait?

"Old Wan! You have to know that our base has intelligence brains. In order to get intelligence brains, they would be willing to fly more than two thousand helicopters, not to mention more than two hundred helicopters!"

Li Yichen smiled and said:

"And...their helicopters, which are specially used as baits, only need to have the most basic flying capabilities. For the Kingdom of Heaven, the death of more than 200 pilots and the loss of 200 such helicopters are basically useless. It’s nothing, as long as we can be fooled, it’s all worth it!”

"Huh? Isn't that right? If a spy tells them about the situation here, then... the Kingdom of Heaven should know that we can see the picture. If there is no one on the helicopter, we can find it! This can't fool us!"

Wan Shan suddenly had doubts.

"First, they must have changed their direction. They did not come from the direction of the original flight formation."

Li Yichen replied:

"Second, even if I launch another satellite, it won't be difficult to disguise it as a fully loaded helicopter. Just get some dummies, put them on in military uniforms and put them in the window. Can we still tell whether the people inside are real? Fake?"

"Then... do we really ignore them? What if we guess wrong? As you said, there is no traitor here, they just happened to be lucky?"

After all, Wan Shan was relatively stable. After thinking about it, he suggested:

"How about... let's try launching a few missiles first?"

"No need! Just leave this to Zhang Anji and the others!"

Li Yichen said:

"I guess... this helicopter formation probably doesn't even carry many weapons, because they think that this formation will be shot down if it can't reach our base, so even if it has weapons, those who fool those pilots! Let hell It’s enough for the angels to go! Kill or drive away these helicopters, and let them reconnoiter the ground along the way! With so many people marching, it’s impossible to leave no trace at all, so I’ll arrange this.”

"Okay! I'll leave it to you then"

Wan Shan immediately agreed!

"Lao Wan! Although it shouldn't be a big deal, you still need to issue a war warning and tell the people in Hell City not to leave the main base. During this period, just let them move within the base first. Outside... Including the defensive zone, non-combatants are not allowed to enter!”

Li Yichen warned again.

"I have already taken care of this! Don't worry!"

Wan Shan replied.

"Anji Zhang!"

After hanging up the communication with Wan Shan, Li Yichen immediately shouted on his own military channel in the capital of hell.

"Boss! I'm here!"

Zhang Anji replied almost instantly!

"Take your Hell's Angels, bring more ammunition, and intercept that helicopter formation. It is said that there are more than two hundred helicopters. Shoot them all down for me, and then... search the ground over there and take a look. Is there anything possible?"

Li Yichen said casually.


Hearing that there were more than two hundred enemy planes, Zhang Anji was not afraid, but looked very excited and replied...

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