Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 496 Are you writing a novel?

With Wan Shan, no one else has any opinions. In fact, Xiao Mao was originally a relatively intelligent being in the capital of hell. Although the three major legions have been mainly dispatched by Chang Guchuan, Chang Guchuan will consult Xiao Mao on many matters. Views.

"Xiaohu! You continue to monitor them. After confirming that they are moving, you will mark their gathering position and then all evacuate. Wan Tou, your missiles are ready. Once you get the signal, just say hello!"

Xiaomao was not polite and started arranging tactics directly:

"Brother Li, you go back and gather the standing army, and ask them to leave some of them at the joint base, and all the others should enter the city wall passage and wait for orders!"

"Zhang Anji, withdraw your Hell's Angels first and leave a few helicopters to watch over there. After they enter the defensive zone, you will be busy!"

"Uncle Lin, take the 10,000 soldiers here to that section of the city wall right now. Don't concentrate too much, spread out a little, and let them think you are just conducting regular defense! When they start to attack, you immediately open fire with all your strength. , stop them for ten minutes, Wan Tou, their firing is your signal, at this time, the missile can be launched!"

"Do they fire first and then we launch the missiles?"

Wan Shan is a little confused. Regarding the military, this guy is really not an expert!

"Yes! If you launch missiles immediately after Xiaohu and the others mark them, then they can easily guess that we have located them, but Brother Li and the others start to attack first, and then you launch missiles, then they will think it is because They exposed themselves, so we launched the missile strike!"

Xiaomao said:

"Our battle with the Kingdom of Heaven has just begun. It would be better if our trump card is less exposed! Not many people know about the ability of the Shadow of Death!"

"Isn't it said that someone here is tipping off the Kingdom of Heaven? Xiaohu and the others must not be able to hide their existence, right?"

Li Qingfeng asked with some confusion.

"The people who tipped off the information are definitely from the five major forces, and they are not from our capital of hell, so they don't know much about the shadow of death. Those little guys rarely show up in front of outsiders, okay?"

Xiaomao said:

"Although Xiaohu often appears, he is the leader of the legion. It is normal for him to use the invisibility ability. Others would not guess that the shadows of death have this ability! Moreover, whether they know it or not, the time is almost the same anyway, so let's do it !”


Everyone agreed, and then divided up to prepare according to Xiaomao's arrangements. Xiaomao arranged for the soldiers to shorten the battle line between Fuling Castle and the insects as much as possible, and began to allocate manpower to try to let the people from the five major forces resist the insect tide. He withdrew and lurked in the castle.

Because Li Yichen didn't say anything about the traitor, Xiao Mao was not sure which force the traitor belonged to. In this case, it would be better for the five forces to be more prepared and let them withstand the insect tide. Even if they suddenly switch sides after a while, This side was able to quickly control the situation.

As for Yunzhong City, Xiao Mao ignored it. Since Li Yichen didn't say anything, it meant that even if the situation was urgent, everything was under Brother Yi's control and he didn't need to worry.

"Legion Commander, the first echelon has been assembled, and the second echelon is almost there. In fifteen minutes at most, the third echelon will be able to complete its assembly. When will we start the attack?"

In the jungle of the mountains, a middle-aged man from the Kingdom of Heaven stood behind a somewhat fat old man and asked respectfully.

"Not urgent!"

The fat old man used the telescope to look at the city wall below the mountain range, put down the telescope, looked at his watch and said:

"The judge has received news that the leader of Hell City is currently fighting the undead and is trapped in a tide of corpses. He will be unable to escape for a while! When all are assembled, the fourth echelon will leave the jungle first and move the people of Hell Capital. Pay attention, and then the first, second, and third echelons immediately start to attack, enter the wall as soon as possible, and attack the designated target separately according to the plan!"


The middle-aged man nodded quickly.

"Hmph! The capital of hell? You probably didn't expect that there is a judge who belongs to us beside you, right?"

The fat old man looked at the wall with a sneer.

This fat old man was the commander of the advance army of the Kingdom of Heaven. This time, the Kingdom of Heaven sent 250,000 people in one go. He divided them into five echelons, each with 50,000 people.

The first, second, and third echelons are the main force of the attack. The fourth echelon is responsible for leaving the jungle again when they are preparing to attack, and marching towards Rifling Castle in a dispersed formation. This echelon is just a suspect, used to contain the capital of hell. Military.

The fifth echelon is the reserve team, because they have three attack targets. Yunzhong City, Laifling Castle and the Joint Base are all their attack targets. They have not yet You know which one the Hell King must protect with all your strength, so you have to attack first and then find out.

At that time, they will decide based on the situation which target is the weakest in defense, and the fifth echelon will give priority to attacking which target. The purpose is to capture a castle first and give themselves a place to stay.

Once their plan succeeds, the 500,000 troops in the Far West Continent who have already been prepared will attack immediately. They already know that the entire hell city has a population of less than one million and only tens of thousands of combatants.

In the opinion of the commander of this advance army, there is no need for follow-up troops at all. The 250,000 soldiers of their advance army alone are enough to take down this bullshit capital of hell.

Although the judge who broke into the Hell City repeatedly emphasized the power of the Hell City army, this guy did not take it seriously. Think about it, the ratio of ordinary people to soldiers in the Hell City is close to ten to one, with an average of ten An individual needs to raise a warrior.

This ratio would be an extremely heavy burden before the end of the world, let alone in the end of the world. So, no matter how strong those warriors are, how strong can they be?

Are they all new humans? And what kind of D-level and C-level beings? What the hell is this? It is said that there is some kind of brain over there that can exchange garbage for strengthening liquid? Are you writing a novel? How could such a ghost thing exist?

To be honest, the legion commander didn't believe the judge's report at all. According to him, what was the ambush? Just push it all the way, I don't believe it, my army of 250,000 will be blocked by your army of less than 100,000?

However, there was an order from above, and the legion commander did not dare to disobey, so he could only wait patiently in the jungle for his legions to complete their assembly...

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