Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 502 The attack stops immediately

After coming back, Li Yichen was pulled into the channel established by Xiaomao by Chang Guchuan, and then he learned about the situation of the Kingdom of Heaven. When he heard that the soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven were divided into three groups and prepared to completely defeat the capital of hell, he couldn't help but He laughed, looked down at the tide of corpses below, and murmured:

"It seems... the people of the Kingdom of Heaven did not seize the best opportunity to fight!"

Because Xiaomao and the others did not use the military channel shared with the five major forces, the leaders of the five major forces did not know that the Kingdom of Heaven had invaded the defense zone of the Capital of Hell.

Therefore, after hearing Li Yichen whispering to himself, Guo Jinbao couldn't help but look at Li Yichen curiously and asked:

"Fighter plane? What fighter plane?"

"The Kingdom of Heaven sent 250,000 troops to attack us. Now their 150,000 troops have entered the defense zone and are divided into three groups, marching towards Yunzhong City, Laifling Castle and the Joint Base respectively. It is said that ...They are preparing to completely destroy my hell city in one fell swoop!”

Li Yichen smiled and replied:

"They should have come earlier, while we were trapped in the zombie tide, and concentrated all their forces. Then there was still some hope that they could capture Yunzhong City. Now...it seems to be too late!"

"How did they break through to the defensive area? Could it be that Rifling Castle...no, they came in through the wall between the castles?"

When he heard that the soldiers from the Kingdom of Heaven actually entered the defense zone, Chen Tianyu was about to ask if the Fuling Castle had been lost, but looking at Li Yichen's relaxed expression, he suddenly came to his senses and slapped his thigh hard with an annoyed look on his face. The way:

"Oops! We seem to have forgotten to guard the city wall, mistake!"

"No mistake! We were in the zombie wave just now, so Zhang Anji didn't bother me, but went directly to Xiao Mao. Xiao Mao let them in on purpose!"

Li Yichen said with a smile, because he was quite satisfied with Xiao Mao's combat arrangements. If it were him, he would probably do the same.

"Let them in on purpose?"

Guo Jinbao looked at Li Yichen doubtfully:


"Because, if they hide in the jungle outside, it will be difficult for us to determine their location, and if they scatter and escape, it will be difficult for us to chase them. If they are placed in the defensive zone, it will not be so easy for them to leave again. It’s over!”

Li Yichen smiled.

"You mean... you are sure that you can wipe out all the 150,000 troops of the Kingdom of Heaven in one fell swoop?"

Wu Xiaogang asked with his eyes widened, because from Li Yichen's tone, it seemed that he was saying that he would not let a person from the kingdom of heaven escape!

"Of course! Why else would we let them in?"

Li Yichen nodded:

"You don't need to worry about this. It's just 150,000 soldiers. We can handle it ourselves. Everyone, continue to rest and watch the battle from the sidelines for a while!"

The leaders of the five major forces looked at each other, but no one said anything. They knew that the Capital of Hell only had more than 50,000 combatants, but looking at Li Yichen's expression, it seemed that it would be extremely difficult to use these 50,000 people to kill the 150,000. Something relaxing.

"It seems! We haven't seen the real trump card of the Capital of Hell yet!"

The five leaders all sighed secretly in their hearts. In their opinion, the Capital of Hell was powerful enough, but they did not expect that what they saw was only the tip of the iceberg.

"I understand! Put them into the defensive zone, and our helicopters and missiles can attack them without restraint! Here, we have the air supremacy. No matter how many people they come, they will only be beaten!"

After a moment of silence, Guo Jinbao suddenly said:

"Moreover, the defenses of these two castles and the joint base are extremely strong. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven do not carry heavy weapons. At most, they are portable heavy weapons such as rocket launchers and mortars, which are not enough to destroy the ability of A wall that can withstand frontal missile attacks!”

"President Guo! We don't need missiles or air power to deal with these soldiers. They have already entered our territory, so they are the ones who are anxious. We just have to grind them down slowly."

Li Yichen couldn't help laughing when he heard this:

"They have no supplies, and limited ammunition and food. We only need to rely on defenses for a day or two, and when their ammunition is exhausted, do you think they will be our opponents in close combat?"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, the five major forces were silent. They knew the strength of the three major legions. They were all D-level and above strong men. To deal with these armies with few new humans, of course, it would be a tiger to swarm the sheep, especially them. We have just seen the small formation cooperation of the three legions. Even if both sides are evenly matched, they may not be able to hold on under the attack of this formation, let alone the huge gap between the two sides.

"It seems...all the 150,000 people in the Kingdom of Heaven will be thrown here!"

Guo Jinbao sighed and said.

Hearing Guo Jinbao's words, Li Yichen just smiled and did not answer. He just turned his back to the group of corpses and quietly waited for the arrival of the soldiers from the Kingdom of Heaven.

Because they had decided to go out to search for life energy, after Li Yichen and the others successfully returned to Yunzhong City, the zombie wave stopped attacking, slowly retreated, and finally stopped about fifty meters away from Yunzhong City. Come down.

Obviously, Gary and the others no longer intend to continue the attack, so they use the zombie tide to block Yunzhong City, preventing them from breaking through and entering the Hope Base. Before the trial passage is reinforced, Gary only hopes that the human race will not appear. Any new situation will suffice.

The soldiers here also got enough rest. They piled all the corpses together and waited for Li Yichen to collect them. They came to the other side of Yunzhong City, put on thermal weapons, and waited for the battle with the God of Heaven. country's battle.

Because of the aerial reconnaissance of the Hell Angels, the traces of the Kingdom of Heaven have always been under the control of the Capital of Hell. Even their weapon configurations are clearly known to the Capital of Hell.

The Capital of Hell is waiting, and so is Ouyang Da. The difference is that the Capital of Hell is waiting for enemies, while what Ouyang Da is waiting for is good news!

However, what Ouyang Da waited for first was not the good news, but the order.

The warning was sent by the Glory Base. Because the judge could not contact Ouyang Da directly, he contacted the Glory Base directly.

After receiving the information, the Glory Base immediately contacted Ouyang Da:

"Ouyang Da! We have received news from the judge that there is an ambush among you. The attack will stop immediately. The entire army will retreat and return to the jungle to disperse and hide, waiting for the next order!"

"What? Why do you want us to retreat? We can take down the Hell Capital base in no time!"

Ouyang Da's first reaction after receiving the order was: These bastards know my plan and are worried that if I attack the capital of hell directly, they won't get anything, so they asked me to stop attacking! Do you think I will obey this bullshit order?

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