Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 505 The situation is over

After issuing all the orders, Ouyang Da still felt uneasy. He always felt that something was wrong. But now, his only hope is that Huo Qiang and the others can seize the main base of Hell Capital. In this case, they can Defend there and summon the 500,000 troops from the Glory Base to rush over for support.

Otherwise, his advance army has suffered heavy losses. Even if he withdraws now, he will bear a great responsibility if he goes back. Although he is protected by his family, he will not die, but he is destined to stay away from the center of power. The best The situation is that he was thrown into being the person in charge of a small research institute and never saw the light of day for the rest of his life.

Ouyang Da, who already liked being in power, could never accept such a result, so he had to give it a try. He bet that all the main force of the Hell City would be in the two castles, and the defense at the main base would be empty.

The explanation he used to comfort himself was very simple. Originally, the capital of hell used those two castles to resist zombies and bugs. Naturally, they had to station elite troops there. As for their own main base, with those two castles in front, there was no need at all. How to defend!

They would never have imagined that their advance army would bypass their castle, break into their defense area, and penetrate their main base single-handedly!

Ouyang Da has now completely ignored the helicopters in the sky, and has also forgotten that his troops have actually been under the control of the Hell City, because once he thinks of this, it means that his last hope will be shattered, so he subconsciously chose Forget about this.

When encountering a crisis, most people will regard some good wishes as real, hypnotize themselves in their hearts, and subconsciously ignore those factors that are detrimental to themselves.

Just like a drowning person, she clearly knows that straw cannot save her life. At this time, she can only wait for her boyfriend or son to make a choice, which one to save first, but she still insists on holding on to it. That straw is different!

"Let's go! Let's go to the Valley of the Dead Army too!"

After walking twice on the city wall, Ouyang Da, who was sweating profusely, suddenly stopped and gritted his teeth and said, then waved his hand and led his guards to gallop away in the direction of the Valley of the Dead Army.

He knew that the situation ahead might not be as Huo Qiang said, but he had no way out now. Taking away his rights would be more uncomfortable than killing him, so he had to fight!

Either, successfully capture the main base of the Capital of Hell and wait for reinforcements here, or... just die here with those guys. He doesn't want to go back and face those cynicism!

"Brother Mao! You are so amazing! They really all went to the joint base!"

Seeing the direction in which the soldiers from the Kingdom of Heaven were heading, Zhang Anji shouted excitedly into the communicator.

Before, Xiao Mao told Li Qingfeng to show weakness as much as possible and pretend to be suppressed by the enemy. Everyone still didn't understand why, but now they found that except for the soldiers who were still in front of the castle, they were obviously perfunctory and buried their heads in the ground and shot randomly. Besides, everyone else has gathered in front of the joint base’s wall!

This is already quite deep. Now that we are here, do we want to go back? There are no doors!

"This is not my idea, it's Brother Yi's!"

Xiaomao said calmly:

"Actually, even if they don't come here, it won't be difficult for us to kill them all. When they [interesting novel www.youquxiaoshuo.com] divide their forces, their fate is already doomed!"

"If these people attack us at La Fuling Castle with all their strength from the beginning, and coupled with the restraint of the 50,000 people outside, they can really cause us a lot of trouble!"

"Xiao Yi? Why did he bring all these people here?"

Li Qingfeng asked strangely.

"I don't know either, but I should know soon!"

Xiaomao smiled.

In Yunzhong City, Li Yichen, who was sitting on the castle and watching the battle below, suddenly stood up, turned to Chang Guchuan and said:

"Chang Guchuan! Let the snipers deal with these people! They are just here to pester us. If they find it troublesome, call Anji Zhang over!"

"No problem! Why do you need to ask Xiao Hei to come here for these miscellaneous fish? Don't worry, Brother Yi! We guarantee that they will all be solved within half an hour! None of them will let go!"

Chang Guchuan clapped his chest and shouted, although these guys are far away from the castle, but... they are close to the city wall! Wouldn't it be enough to just let people go through the passage and call their names one by one?

"Okay! Everyone! Let's go to the joint base. This should be the last battle of this attack!"

Li Yichen nodded and said to the leaders of the five major forces behind him.

"This kind of battle... we don't need to participate, right?"

Wu Xiaogang shook his head and said, as if he was not interested in this kind of thing.

"Let's go! Since Xiaoyi said so, he must have his intention!"

Chen Tianyu's eyes flashed and he spoke.

"Let's go! Let's go together! Two hundred and fifty thousand people! Are they all here like this? How can we miss the end of this kind of battle?"

Meng Hai also said.

"Let's go! Let's go see it together!"

Guo Jinbao opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but saw that Li Yichen was already walking towards a helicopter, and Chen Tianyu and the others followed him, so he shook his head, patted Wu Xiaogang's shoulder and said.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Wu Xiaogang nodded and waved his hand to bring along all the elites of his own force. Anyway, the helicopters here are enough, so they will naturally not be polite.

Guo Jinbao saw that Wu Xiaogang actually called all his people, he hesitated, then called all the experts from the Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce, and boarded a helicopter alone.

More than a dozen helicopters flew towards the joint base in a mighty manner. When they were about to arrive at the joint base, Li Yichen saw a small group of people running desperately towards the joint base, so he asked the pilot to lower the altitude, open the hatch, and smiled at The fat man below waved his hand.

The fat man was of course Ouyang Da. He didn't know Li Yichen, but at least he knew that these were planes from the Capital of Hell. When he saw that these planes did not attack him, but instead came out and greeted him with a smile, he felt extremely depressed.

No matter what, he knew at this time that his illusions were shattered, what was waiting for him ahead must be a trap, and the situation was over...

Ouyang Da immediately stopped and looked up at Li Yichen. All his guards also stopped and looked at Ouyang Da doubtfully.

Looking at the helicopter formation that ignored him and continued to fly forward, Ouyang Da's face changed for a while, and finally he sighed and continued to run forward with the guards.

He thought about running away, but when he stopped just now, those people didn't care. What does this mean? They are not afraid of escaping on their own, which means... there must be someone intercepting them from behind!

In this case, both the left and right are dead, so it is better to continue moving forward. At least he can die with some dignity, and his army has not been completely wiped out. After joining them, he may still have some capital, at least... he should be able to compete with the capital of hell. Negotiate?

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