Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 519 Looking for the Goblins

"Xiaohu! The first team of Death Shadow is still in the Far West Continent, right?"

After handing Ouyang Da to Lone Wolf, Li Yichen ignored him. After learning the news about George, Li Yichen felt something bad in his heart.

The information he had on the six major trial races all came from the Count of the Blood Tribe. But the problem was that no one knew whether this was the truth. Maybe the Goblin Tribe had come over a long time ago!

Especially now that they are actually associated with the Kingdom of Heaven, a high-tech race, and the local leader of the Kingdom of Heaven, this combination is not as simple as one plus one equals.

Although Li Yichen believed that no matter how good the Goblin's technology was, it would never be able to compare with his own system, but the problem was that the Kingdom of Heaven had been developing here for so many years, and its foundation was definitely not comparable to that of the Capital of Hell.

Although the five major forces had shipped a large amount of materials in exchange for strengthening injections and superpower injections, those materials were all ordinary things. Once high-level materials were synthesized, the quantities would not be much.

In particular, Li Yichen spent a lot of money to build this defense zone, so Li Yichen was convinced that in purely material terms, the City of Hell would never be able to compete with the Kingdom of Heaven.

Li Yichen had strong self-confidence before. No matter what means the Kingdom of Heaven used, it could not cause a real blow to the Capital of Hell. A long-range missile strike? Now that the radar in the Capital of Hell has covered almost the entire Far North Continent, and coupled with the missiles prepared in the base, Li Yichen is confident that no long-range strike can break through the blockade he has arranged and reach the Capital of Hell.

But now, Li Yichen was a little shaken, because Guya Province is also in the Far North Continent. According to Guo Jinbao, the goblins' lair, that is, the trial passage for their race, is in Guya Province, and there is also the God of Heaven there. country people.

From what Guo Jinbao said, it seems that the goblins have been there for a while. Even the people from the Kingdom of Heaven have not been there recently. At least they have provided help to the goblins and obtained some kind of high-tech blueprints. , so we have to capture the capital of hell and prepare to seize high-level materials.

They have been in Guya Province for so long, but the radar station in the capital of hell has found no trace of them at all. This is absolutely impossible to have the ability of the kingdom of heaven.

The reason is simple. If this technology is really mastered by the Kingdom of Heaven, then it is impossible for them to be discovered by the Capital of Hell these two attacks.

Therefore, according to this situation, it is speculated that the technology that can shield the radar of the capital of hell should be the technology of the goblins, and they only use this ability in their own base and surrounding areas, and do not give it to the kingdom of heaven.

If this is the case, Li Yichen must find the goblin base as soon as possible, or at least understand how far they have developed.

Li Yichen knew in his heart that with the current power of mankind, not to mention the six major races, if there were no restrictions on the trial passage, any race could easily destroy them.

The only advantage that humans have now is that the trial passage has not been fully opened, and their real strong people cannot pass it yet. The three years since the trial passage has been completely stabilized are the last chance for humans to work hard to improve themselves in order to be able to fight against the aliens.

Therefore, no matter what, Li Yichen must ensure that the trial passages of those races will not be opened in advance, otherwise, the end of mankind will arrive early.

On the undead side, he was lucky, and he just happened to think of cutting off the insect tide. Otherwise, if the undead had temporarily strengthened the passage, and one or two perverted strong men came over, then he wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore - the dead are There is nothing to think about.

The most important thing for Li Yichen now is to confirm the status of the goblin base. If the radar can't find it, then people will have to find it! Even if you search the entire Guya Province, you still have to dig them out.

In fact, Li Yichen also thought about going directly to the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven, taking out a missile, and then threatening them to tell them the location of the goblin base.

But one thing is that goblins may not easily reveal the location of their base to humans. Didn't you hear Guo Jinbao say that even contacting them is done by that kid George?

On the other hand, Li Yichen is also afraid that the Kingdom of Heaven is really determined to cooperate with the goblins. When the time comes, the two sides will set up a trap for themselves and trick the capital of hell. Especially now, they can't even bring the goblins to this world. I don’t even know what kind of strong man he is.

"It seems! It's better to find it yourself to be sure!"

Li Yichen couldn't help but murmured.

"Brother Yi?"

At this time, a voice sounded, and Li Yichen realized that Xiaohu was in front of him, looking at him with a strange expression.

"What's wrong?"

Li Yichen was stunned.

"No... Brother Yi, didn't you just ask me if the first team was still in the Far West Continent? Then I answered it twice, but you ignored me and just stayed there in a daze by yourself! Is there anything new? "

Xiaohu replied.

"Well! There is a new situation, especially you, you must have another mission!"

Li Yichen nodded:

"That's right! The first team?"

"Still there!"

Xiaohu nodded:

"I asked them to keep an eye on that legion. Don't worry, Brother Yi. No matter where they end up moving, I will definitely know! They can't escape our sight!"

"That's good! Let the first team continue to keep an eye on that glorious base, and then... you take the other members of the Shadow of Death and go to the quaint province with me!"

Li Yichen thought for a while and said.

"With you?"

Xiaohu's eyes lit up and he looked extremely excited. Li Yichen always left alone without taking anyone with him. However, people often came to the door with his tokens. Only then did they know that Li Yichen was doing something outside. Something happened.

Now Li Yichen actually wants to go out with the shadow of death? Of course you can't miss this good thing.


Li Yichen nodded:

"Don't be too happy. This mission is very dangerous, so I only take you there. Tell everyone who goes there to be careful and careful. It doesn't matter if you can't find anyone, but you must not expose yourself!"

"Find someone?"

Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, and then reacted:

"Goblin tribe?"

"That's right! Goblins!"

Li Yichen clicked on the terminal map:

"I have been to Guya Province, and the cities there have been cleared by me, so there are quite a lot of pitfalls, so we have to split up when we arrive. In addition, the goblins' technological level is very high, so we have to minimize the number of contacts. Otherwise, the signal may be intercepted by them.”

"Brother Yi, let's just not use the communicator to communicate! Even when we entered Guya Province, we didn't bring any electronic products with us, including our terminals. Each of us only brought his own two daggers and necessary food. and drinking water, in this case, no matter how advanced their technology is, they won’t be able to track us, right?”

Xiaohu suddenly raised his head, looked at Li Yichen and smiled...

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