Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 53 Chang Guchuan’s Thoughts

After Wan Shan left, Li Yichen was waiting above. He was not waiting for Xiao Mao to wake up, but waiting for Li Dong. Sure enough, not long after, Li Dong called him from below. After he poked his head out, Li Dong said to him cried:

"I've counted them! In addition to those 60 people, there are now a total of 1,156 people in the base!"

"Okay! Call a few people to come up and move things!"

Li Yichen also yelled, then retracted his head, exchanged 1,200 endurance injections from the mall, and waited for Li Dong to bring people up.

Wan Shan also came up because he was surprised when he heard that things were being moved, so he wanted to come up and have a look. Only when he came up did he realize that there were more than a dozen boxes in Xiao Mao's room!

"This thing, I call it Endurance Injection, it's a strengthening fluid!"

Li Yichen opened a box, took out an endurance injection and said:

"After being injected into the body, it will strengthen people's endurance. We don't have enough vehicles at the base, so we will send this out and let them inject it immediately. Here are twelve boxes, one hundred pills each! The rest, Lao Wan You save it.”

After finishing speaking, Li Yichen seemed to think of something again and added:

"Oh, by the way! Everyone who receives it must be injected in front of you. You can ask Chang Guchuan and others to supervise it. If you are not willing to get the injection, then don't give it to them. It's up to them to choose!"

Wan Shan looked at Li Yichen and hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't ask anything, and he and Li Dong moved all the boxes down!

Li Yichen secretly smiled in his heart. He knew that it was a bit obvious that he did this, because Wan Shan had just left this room and there were so many boxes here in the blink of an eye. Anyone else would find it strange.

But Li Yichen did this on purpose, because even if he changed rooms, it would still be the same, so he might as well stay here. Anyway, as long as I don't conjure it up out of thin air in front of you, I like to see you with question marks on your head, but I don't dare Ask me how I look.

After Wan Shan and the others left, he took Xiao Mao down. Because he was afraid that Xiao Mao would be severely shaken, he took the stairs this time.

When they came down, Wanshan and the others had already started distributing endurance injections. Because there were twelve boxes, the people in the base were lined up in 12 teams. All the people distributing injections were members of the Redemption Legion.


Seeing Li Yichen carrying Xiaomao out, Xiaohu walked over carefully, looked at Li Yichen, and said with some concern:

"I...can I exchange an injection with you?"

"Exchange injections?"

Li Yichen looked at him and asked:

"What kind of injection should I change?"

"I...I'll use this endurance one and replace it with an agility one!"

Xiaohu took out an injection. This was the one he had replaced before, but there was no injection. Li Yichen knew that because he did not recover the syringe of the injection.

"Why? Is it useless for you to use endurance injection?"

Li Yichen was surprised. This little guy seemed to have been injected with three endurance injections. It couldn't possibly have reached the upper limit, right?

"No! I... I originally planned to give this to a friend. I originally thought that if I gave her an endurance injection, she would be able to run longer when she encounters danger. But now that the base has given out endurance injections directly, I'm like... Get another one!"

"Friends? Male or female?"

Li Yichen asked funnyly.


Xiaohu replied softly.

"I'll go! You can do it! Are you so precocious?"

Li Yichen looked at Xiaohu strangely, "This guy is even better than me!"

"No! Because... the day I first arrived at this base, I didn't dare to get food. She gave me her own food!"

Xiaohu blushed and explained.


Li Yichen went over and touched Xiaohu's head and said:

"Very good! A favor must be repaid. I like this character. No problem. There is no need to return this endurance injection to me. Just think of it as a reward for you!"

With that said, Li Yichen took out an agility injection, stuffed it into Xiaohu's arms, and said to him:

"I'm going to leave in a moment, so just follow the people at the base! Do you understand?"


Xiaohu agreed loudly, and then ran away quickly.

After calling Chang Guchuan and Wan Shan over and explaining some things to them, Li Yichen and Xiao Mao left the base and headed towards the Valley of the Dead Army.

When he arrived at the Valley of the Dead, Li Yichen was a little surprised when he saw the piles of corpses outside the valley. He didn't expect these guys to work so hard? To kill so many zombies, these 60 people never had a rest!

What Li Yichen didn't know was that Chang Guchuan had actually violated the rules. When Li Yichen left the injection, he told him very clearly that he could get another injection for every hundred zombies he killed.

But not long after Li Yichen left, Chang Guchuan handed out all the injections. Because when Li Yichen left the injections, he only took care of Chang Guchuan, so no one else knew about it.

The reason for this was that after Li Yichen left, they almost had an accident while hunting zombies. A licker ran out for some reason. For them at the time, this guy was a huge danger. Especially since Li Yichen is not here yet.

Fortunately, they discovered it early, and when Li Yichen left, in addition to leaving enough food and injections, he also specially replaced all their weapons and equipment. Not only did they change their clothes and weapons, but they also gave them each A military crossbow.

For those who are good at using bows, the shooting speed of bows is much faster than that of crossbows, but the problem is that not many are good at it, and drawing the bow consumes too much energy, while crossbows are different, and their accuracy is also low. can be greatly improved.

Although in the end they shot the licker into a hedgehog, the thrill of it made everyone feel scared, especially two of them, whose arms were scratched by the licker. Fortunately, the scratch was not deep. There was a faint blood groove, and the two reacted very quickly. They immediately pulled out their daggers and cut out a piece of flesh from the scratched area, thus avoiding the bad luck of being infected!

After experiencing such an exciting thing, Chang Guchuan hesitated. Fortunately, this time it was a licker, and there was only one. What if a tyrant or several lickers appeared?

So, he secretly made a decision and directly moved out all the injections, and told everyone that Li Yichen said that if they could kill an enhanced zombie, they could use these injections in advance, but it was only necessary to exchange the injections. The zombies still need to be collected before he comes back.

Chang Guchuan knew that Li Yichen would find out if he did this, and he had no intention of hiding it from Li Yichen. He also knew that doing so might cause him, who was originally trusted by Li Yichen, to fall out of favor in an instant, or even be expelled from the Redemption Legion.

However, Chang Guchuan feels that if he can avoid casualties in the Redemption Legion by doing this, it will be worth it. He really doesn’t want to lose anyone here again...

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