After intercepting a wave of rescue troops, Li Yichen immediately put away the missile launcher and radar, then drove away in a helicopter, flying towards the Paradise Kingdom base he had chosen...

At the same time, Wanshan at the central base of the Hell City also received remote communications from the Kingdom of Heaven.

"You bastards of the capital of hell, what do you want to do?"

As soon as he picked up the communicator, a gnashing voice came from inside.

"Sorry! What are you referring to?"

Wan Shan knew clearly that Li Yichen must have done something again, so he was not angry and asked politely.

"Stop pretending to be confused, you just shot down ten of our transport planes!"

The person on the other side roared loudly:

"Not only did you destroy our Qianlong base, but even our rescue force was intercepted by you. Do you, the capital of hell, want to fight us to the death?"

"Okay! Then let's fight to the death! That's it!"

Wan Shan replied simply, and then immediately hung up the communication!

"Ten thousand! Cows!"

When Wan Shan hung up the communication, Xiaohu, who was watching, immediately extended his thumbs up and praised, while Li Dong, Kong Tian and others also made the same move.

"Hahahaha! Don't praise me, it was Xiaoyi's idea!"

Wan Shan laughed and said, before he finished speaking, the communicator rang again. Wan Shan didn't answer it this time and hung up directly.

"Come here and watch. As long as they are communications from the Kingdom of Heaven, hang up and ignore them!"

Then, Wan Shan said to a correspondent next to him, then waved his hand and left the remote communication room with Xiaohu and others!

On the other side, the middle-aged man from the Kingdom of Heaven was almost going crazy because the Qianlong Base was destroyed and the rescue team was intercepted. The top management of the Kingdom of Heaven asked him to contact the Capital of Hell and temporarily agreed to send resources. , but use the excuse of preparing resources to delay time and make the other party stop intercepting.

But he didn't expect that Wan Shan hung up the call just after he said a few words and before he got to the point. Moreover, when he called again, the other party stopped answering.

One-third of the Qianlong base was destroyed, and the entire underground base is now crumbling. No one inside can get out, and there is a danger of being buried alive underground at any time.

At this time, the rescue team cannot be sent, and the delay has been too long. I am afraid that the more than 500,000 people still alive there will be completely buried underground.

After hesitating for a long time, the middle-aged man finally couldn't bear it anymore and directly connected to the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven, intending to tell them that the Capital of Hell would not accept his communications at all.

He was not prepared to say what he had cursed during the first communication, because he knew that if the higher-ups knew that it was because of him that the negotiations with the Capital of Hell broke down, then he would definitely not get any good results.

"Lord Gongsun, that hell capital doesn't know good from good at all. I contacted them, but after they knew that I was from the kingdom of heaven, they hung up the communication and ignored us at all!"

After the communication was connected, the middle-aged man said respectfully to the communicator.

"Then keep in touch! No matter what, we must ask them to stop attacking our rescue team immediately. There have been several landslides at Qianlong Base. If there is any further delay, everyone there will die inside."

A stern voice came from the communicator.

"Sir! It is said that a deep pit was blown out of the Qianlong Base by missiles, and the people below were allowed to climb out along the pit, and then they were hoisted up with ropes and returned from the ground?"

The middle-aged man suggested.


A stern voice sounded:

"The buildings in that part of the pit were so brittle by the missiles that they couldn't bear the force at all. How can people climb up? If it was possible, wouldn't we have thought of it? Continue to contact the Capital of Hell! Buy time for the rescue team!"

"Yes! I understand!"

The middle-aged man replied quickly.

"That's right! I remember, doesn't Guo Jinbao have a good relationship with the leader of Hell Capital? Let him contact Hell Capital and tell him that we are preparing resources and we must let them temporarily stop hostilities!"

The stern voice said again.

"Um... Guo Jinbao has already left my place. He said he was going to the headquarters to report on his work. He will arrive at the headquarters in two hours!"

The middle-aged man said quickly.

"Okay! Then continue to contact the capital of hell, and remember to be polite when you speak!"

The stern voice said, then hung up the communication.

"Be polite? Are you asking me to be polite to those bastards?"

Putting down the communicator, the middle-aged man said with a ferocious expression, and then shouted to a person next to him:

"What are you looking at? Keep calling! Call me when you get through!"


The man picked up the communicator with a look of horror on his face...

"Guo Jinbao! Now use the communicator on the helicopter to contact the leader of Hell City and say that we agree to send resources there, but we need preparation time and ask them to give us three days. After three days, we will definitely send the resources Sent to the capital of hell!"

Subsequently, Guo Jinbao, who was on a large transport plane, received a communication from the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven.

"Sir! Do we really plan to send resources there?"

Guo Jinbao was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"You don't need to take care of this. You just need to contact them as I said! Remember, if they don't agree in three days, then two days! We have to strive for at least thirty-six hours before we can complete it. Rescue.”

Said in the communicator.

"Yes! Sir! I understand!"

Guo Jinbao sighed, put down the communicator, and then dialed the channel in the Capital of Hell, but as soon as he dialed, the channel there actually hung up.

Guo Jinbao couldn't help but be stunned, then he understood, shook his head slightly, and after thinking about it, he dialed another channel.

This time, a response came from there, because Guo Jinbao dialed the communications of the joint base. When the joint base was first established, each force had its own separate external communication channel.

"I'm Guo Jinbao! Tell Lao Wan that I have something to ask him about!"

After the call was connected, Guo Jinbao directly identified himself and asked the other party to find Wan Shan. The other party did not refuse and directly transferred the communication.

This time, because it was an internal communication transfer, the people in the communication room connected directly to the communication. Guo Jinbao repeated what he said before. After a few minutes, Wan Shan finally picked up the communicator:

"President Guo, are you okay?"

"Chief Wan, I am contacting you this time on behalf of the Kingdom of Heaven!"

Guo Jinbao did not chat with Wan Shan, but brought the Kingdom of Heaven out. In this case, whatever he said would be said by the Kingdom of Heaven. He did not want Wanshan and the others to think that he was lying to them in the future...

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