Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 57 The Miscalculated Feminine Man


Li Yichen was stunned! Is it so magical? I hid it so well and you were able to find it? Could it be that the reflection from the periscope lens exposed him? But he is under the car now, isn't it such a coincidence?

But seeing the feminine man rushing toward him at extremely fast speeds, Li Yichen understood that this guy was definitely not bluffing, so he stopped hiding himself.

When Tiger Shark heard that there was someone under the car, his first reaction was to bend down and take a look. The one-eyed dragon who acted as the driver in the car had a confused look on his face. He was about to open the door and go down to take a look when a huge momentum suddenly came from underneath the car. …


Li Yichen came out of his hiding place and found that the car above his head was actually an off-road vehicle. He was relieved and stretched out his right hand to grab the rear bumper of the car. Then he threw the car towards the effeminate man who was rushing towards him with force. Then he raised Tianya, and followed the car with a three-shot streak.

The feminine man did not dodge, he stretched his legs a little on the car, and used his strength to rush towards Li Yichen, but at this time, the three feather arrows shot by Li Yichen also arrived.

Because the car blocked his line of sight, the feminine man did not notice the three arrows. When he noticed them, the arrows were already in front of him. The feminine man was in mid-air with nowhere to rely on. In shock, he quickly covered his head and face with his arms. .

"Ding ding!"

Two crisp metal collision sounds were heard, and two of the three arrows in the shape of a Chinese glyph hit the feminine man's arm and were blocked by the silver armor on his arm. The arrow in the middle was It penetrated between his two arms and was tightly clamped by him.

After landing, looking at the tip of the arrow less than two centimeters away from his eyebrows, the feminine man broke out in a cold sweat. Then he suddenly grabbed the arrow, broke it violently, and stared at Li Yichen with a cold gaze:

"Boy, how dare you attack me? You're dead! I'm going to tie you to a dining chair, take off your skull, and let you see your brain with your own eyes. It will be absorbed by the brain and become his nourishment! "

"Intelligent brain? Absorb?"

Li Yichen frowned. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the monster in the previous zombie wave.

"Messenger, he is the guy who killed the armored tyrant!"

At this time, Tiger Shark ran to the feminine man, pointed at Li Yichen and said, when Li Yichen threw the car with one arm, Tiger Shark immediately ran away. He is a strength enhancer, but he admits that He doesn't have as much strength as Li Yichen.

Tiger Shark is now secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, he immediately ordered a retreat after seeing Li Yichen appear and kill the armored tyrant instantly. If he had to face this guy desperately, he might not survive now.

However, Tiger Shark is also very depressed now. When Li Yichen first appeared, he thought he was an agility enhancer because he was too fast. At least the few agility enhancers around him were not as fast as Li Yichen.

Now I find that this guy is actually stronger than me, a powerful enhancer. What type of freak is this? Anyway, he is definitely not the type that Tiger Shark likes.

After hearing Tiger Shark's words, the feminine man who had already revealed his claws and was about to attack suddenly stopped and his eyes fell on Tianya on Li Yichen's left hand:

"You used this crap to kill the armored tyrant?"

"It's just a big, stupid guy with no brains. Do you need special weapons to kill it?"

Li Yichen smiled lightly.

"you do this delibrately?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing Li Yichen's words, the feminine man was suddenly stunned, with an extremely shocked look in his eyes, and asked in horror:

"How did you know?"

I...what the hell do I know? Li Yichen was shocked in his heart, but his face remained calm and he smiled calmly:

"How do I know...why should I tell you?"

The feminine man subconsciously looked at Tiger Shark, who involuntarily took two steps back and shook his head desperately:

"It's not me! Before today, I never left the base!"

The feminine man withdrew his gaze and fell on Li Yichen again. He suddenly realized that it couldn't be Tiger Shark, because even he didn't know the whole plan. He even knew that the corpse wave was related to the organization. But I don’t know the real purpose of the zombie wave.

Li Yichen never expected that his unintentional words would reveal the secret of the armored tyrant.

The armored tyrant is not a finished product. As Li Yichen said, it has no brain, and its brain is exactly the brain monster they named Zhinao that Li Yichen killed in the trap in Wucheng.

This was originally a very important plan of the mysterious organization of Yinrou Man. After the laboratory of the Tiger Shark Base successfully built the armored zombies, the zombie tide would come here and let the brain enter the armored zombies.

In this way, a perfect zombie was born. It not only has the ability to control the zombie tide, but also is extremely powerful. It is completely different from the original brain monster, which needs ghost pupils to act as its eyes and ears, and a tyrant to protect itself. .

When the armored zombies and the intelligent brain are perfectly combined, the zombie tide will wipe out all the bases in this area and completely control this place. Then, they will march towards the Valley of the Dead Army, where... is this The ultimate goal of the organization.

Unexpectedly, Li Yichen appeared out of nowhere and unintentionally completely destroyed the organization's carefully designed and five-year plan. Not only was his brain wiped out, but even the armored zombies were killed by him!

After he had just learned about the disappearance of the corpse tide, the feminine man did not dare to report the matter to the organization, but wanted to try to save it, so he sent Tiger Shark to lead the armored tyrant to Wanshan Base.

He personally went to Wucheng to see it, and he knew in his heart that the person who could destroy the zombie tide of more than 20,000 people and turn Wucheng into what it was couldn't be one person, it was definitely an organization, or even an organization with no strength. Weaker than their organization.

So at that time, this feminine man did not dare to show up on his own. He was afraid that he would not be able to come back. Moreover, after the armored tyrant and the brain brain were combined, a default program would be activated. After that program was activated, the new armored tyrant , will be completely under his control.

In the view of the feminine man, since the other party's organization is so powerful, he can naturally see the role of the intelligence brain, so he will never kill it. If he sends the armored tyrant to the door again, the other side should understand that these two The connection between the two will definitely find a way to catch the armored tyrant at all costs, and then combine the two.

In this case, he can regain control of the Iron Tyrant after combining the two. Not only can he recover the losses, but he can even deal a heavy blow to the mysterious organization.

But he never expected that Li Yichen... really had no organization, and he didn't even have a girlfriend...

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