Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 575 Successfully obtained

"Damn it! This bastard is really just like what father said! Greedy and shameless!!"

Looking at the helicopter flying away, George gritted his teeth and cursed, Damn! Co-author You still feel that the goblins have not given you enough, right? Why did you move both of our warehouses empty? Don't you have any idea?

Naturally, Li Yichen didn't know that George—or rather, Xi Lihu was scolding him. He was in a good mood now, because his purpose of coming to the goblins had been achieved, and he also chatted with George and used his Come and convey a message to the Goblin King - next time you come, you'd better give me some help, so that I can cooperate with you to seize me!

For Li Yichen, discovering the soul-corrosive potion and guessing what the Goblin King was going to do to him already represented the hostility between humans and goblins. However, before the two sides completely broke up, he had to fight for the maximum for the capital of hell. Interests.

Li Yichen has known for a long time that the six major trial races are definitely enemies of mankind, and there are no friends among them. Although these six major races are also hostile to each other, the saying "the enemy of the enemy is a friend" is obviously not suitable to be used. it's here.

After setting the helicopter to autopilot, Li Yichen began to talk to the system:

"System, how many soul-corrosive potions are in those bullets? I mean, how many of the injections I used before can be put on the shelves in the mall?"

"Quite a few! About ten bullets can be combined into one!"

The system replied:

"In other words, after all these bullets are broken down, the mall can put 50,000 soul corrosive injections on the shelves."

"Fifty thousand! It's not enough!"

Li Yichen frowned. The soldiers in Hell Capital are not what they were before. Because they have been fighting continuously recently, the three major legions have also been expanded repeatedly. The total number has already exceeded 50,000, not to mention that there are still more Standing legions and hunter-killer legions.

Especially the Hunter Legion, they have just joined the Hell City and have not really integrated in yet. If they are excluded this time, it is inevitable that they will have some ideas!

"Host! I think... you'd better not waste these injections! Because I have carefully studied that the substance extracted from the soul corrosive potion does not come from this world, but is most likely unique to the goblin world. Genes extracted from some kind of creature!”

The system then said:

"So, we may not have the chance to obtain this substance in the future, and most importantly, according to your experience, the Soul Corrosion Injection may be very helpful in breaking through to Grade B!"

"You mean...let them use this injection to break through to Class B?"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"That's right! I think this kind of material is rare even among the goblins, so try not to waste it!"

The system said:

"Especially since the current elites in your hell capital are all C-level beings, they may already be invincible in this world, but if you wait until the trial passage is fully opened... To be honest, they may even be used as cannon fodder. Not even qualified!"

"And that moment will definitely come, so if you want to keep your hell capital at that time, you'd better start preparing now!"

"let me see!"

Li Yichen hugged his shoulders and began to think carefully. The system made sense. He had already known the time when the trial passage would be fully opened, and he also had a general understanding of the strength of other races. With the current state of the capital of hell, indeed There is no way to resist any of these races!

If he gives all these soul corrosion injections to the three major legions on the front line, then the threat of the vampires will basically be eliminated. At least the viscounts will never be able to seize them. Even the earls will have a certain degree of difficulty, but this It is equivalent to wasting the effect of those injections on soul splitting.

What if everyone who uses the Soul Corrosion Injection is allowed to first pile up their life energy to the peak of C-level students? After plundering so many alchemical potions from the goblins, the various injections in the mall were enough for them to do this.

The only drawback is that those soldiers cannot use only the injections that are most suitable for them as they had planned before!

"Let's go back and ask Chang Guchuan!"

After thinking for a long time, Li Yichen didn't know what the most appropriate thing to do was, so he simply didn't think about it. Chang Guchuan had been responsible for the deployment of the three legions during this period, so he should know those soldiers best, so it was better to ask him first. Bar!

When Li Yichen returned to the central base of Hell City, Wan Shan and others gathered together, seemingly discussing something.

"What's wrong? What happened again?"

Li Yichen came to Wan Shan, looked at him and asked, among these people, he actually saw a lone wolf.

This guy has never been very gregarious, and he doesn't participate in various management of the base. In ordinary meetings, it is difficult to see him without Li Yichen. Why is this guy here too?

"Xiaoyi! We are discussing something! You are here just in time, help us with our advice!"

"What's up?"

Li Yichen raised his eyebrows. Wanshan and the others were undecided. It must have been a troublesome matter, and this matter must have nothing to do with the battle, otherwise Chang Guchuan and the others would have informed him long ago.

"That's right! Master Chen and the others already know about the birth of the Vampire Clan, and they also know that the Vampire Clan is entering other continents. They are worried about their people in other continents, so they want to transfer them all to us!"

Wan Shan said, then looked at Chen Tianyu and the others, and then at Lone Wolf:

"But Lone Wolf disagrees, because now we don't know where the blood clan's footprints have gone. If someone among their forces has been taken away, then our move will undoubtedly invite the blood clan into our base! "

"Well! Lone Wolf is right!"

Li Yichen looked at Lone Wolf, then nodded, turned to Chen Tianyu and said:

"Now we really don't know the specific movements of the Vampire Clan, and they have been in this world for several days. Although they are all zombies who have taken away their bodies, I don't think it is difficult for the Vampire Clan to cross the ocean, so ...For the safety of the capital of hell, they cannot be allowed to come here for the time being!”

"But many of our bases in other continents have not had contact with zombies during this period!"

Sun Hao said.

"The Vampire Tribe did not seize the bodies only once. Can you guarantee that after they arrive on other continents, they will not seize the bodies of survivors outside and then sneak into your base?"

Li Yichen looked at Sun Hao and asked...

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