Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 583 The familiar demon clan

Li Yichen didn't know the exact time when the vampires were going to enter here, but according to the earl's memory, it should be within the next two days, so he could only wait here.

Because the vampire's goal is obvious, they are here for revenge. As long as the demons can send enough troops at all costs like them, they will withdraw!

This is because the vampires feel that their Count Coria was killed by the demons. Since you scared us into sending so many people in advance and ruined our plan, you have to be like us.

In fact, the demons took the blame for Li Yichen, and they cannot blame the blood tribe. According to their understanding of the trial land, at this time, there is no one in the trial land who can kill the blood count. Apart from the demons, Even the goblins thought so. Even if Li Yichen stood up and said that the count died because he took my body, no one would believe it.

After waiting for two full days, the vampire still didn't show up, but Li Yichen was not in a hurry and lay there motionless, waiting patiently.

Among the six trial races, the ones Li Yichen fears the most are actually the demons, followed by the vampires. Soul attacks are an unconventional fighting method for him. Not only are they difficult to resist, but during the battle, if someone is hit After their racial talents, that is the biggest trouble.

Think about it, if the two sides are fighting and Chang Guchuan or Xiaohu and others are charmed by the demons, or their bodies are taken away by the vampires, what will the other warriors do? Kill them? Li Yichen felt that those soldiers couldn't do anything.

Not to mention the warriors, he felt that he might not be able to do that, but even if he could be ruthless and kill the charming Chang Guchuan or Xiaohu and others, what would the other warriors do? Li Yichen bets that even if they know the truth, they will definitely collapse instantly after witnessing him killing Chang Guchuan and others.

Even morale is gone, how can the battle continue? Therefore, thinking of this situation, Li Yichen has secretly made up his mind to make these two unlucky races withdraw from this trial in advance!

This time was an excellent opportunity. The Vampire Clan came to provoke and exert retaliatory pressure. If Li Yichen could secretly kill a few important people from the Vampire Clan when they achieved their goal and prepared to retreat, maybe the two sides would actually start a war.

However, Li Yichen hasn't figured out how to operate it yet. He can only wait until the two parties get together and adapt accordingly. So now Li Yichen can only wait and dare not leave at all.

After waiting for more than ten hours, in the evening of the third day, Li Yichen finally noticed something moving below, so he immediately became energetic and stared at the valley...

Bloodlines! The Vampires finally appeared. Although they all appeared as zombies, Li Yichen could tell at a glance that these were Vampires!

The more than 3,000 vampires who came were all high-level zombies, and they were all lickers. There were more than 3,000 vampires. Li Yichen didn't know where these vampires could find so many lickers to seize the bodies for the second time.

In the current Far North Continent, it seems that there are only so many lickers among the corpse tide in the Han Province, right? How much else can we come up with outside? It seems that after the things here are over, I want to go to Hanbang Province to see if they have crossed the mountains again and secretly come out to hunt the Zerg?

What Li Yichen didn't know was that these lickers were the lickers that the vampires were plundering all over the Far North Continent and came to seize their bodies for the second time. If the vampires went to the Han Province to carry out the corpse tide, they really wouldn't be able to find any lickers. Eater, even high-level zombies are almost extinct there, and they are all fishing at the beach...

The reason why all vampires are body-snatching lickers is that one reason is that the demon tribe’s trial passage is deep in the mountains, and body-snatching tyrants or ordinary zombies are too slow. The other reason is that their own bodies are also of the agility type. Yes, they are not used to that kind of bulky body.

Because it was a valley, the vampires did not have any formations, so they entered the valley in a scattered manner. They were not very fast, but they headed deep into the valley with a clear purpose, searching for any ambush by the demons along the way.

Because of his condescending position, Li Yichen could take in the entire valley, so he could clearly see the trajectory of the vampires' progress. According to the memory of the vampire count, they would reach the place said to be the demon trial passage in four to five minutes.

"Huh? Is that the demon clan?"

Soon, there was movement in front of the vampires. In a crack in the valley, a large number of strange creatures suddenly emerged and formed an array in front of the crack, sealing all the cracks - in that crack were the demons. The location of the trial passage.

These creatures are also humanoid creatures, except that they have two horns on their heads and a tail trailing behind them. The average height of male demons is about two meters three to four meters, and the female ones are also one meter eight to two meters tall. They are all extremely tall, or Say...hot?

The skin of the demons is blood red, and the clothes on their bodies are very "cool". The male demons only have a short skirt from top to bottom, while the female demons have an extra bust than them... Well! It is indeed very convenient to wear it like this.

The bodies of the demons, both male and female, are covered with irregular black lines. Each demon holds a weapon in its hand. The weapons of the male demons are very exaggerated. There are large axes as big as door panels and wolves as thick as small water tanks. A dental stick, a forty-meter-long sword...

As for the female demons, they are much more polite. They only have one weapon in their hands-whips! Seeing those female demons with horns on their heads waving their long whips from time to time and making "pop, pop, pop!" sounds, Li Yichen felt a very familiar feeling inexplicably, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it...

(Zombie: I can’t remember where I saw it? Are you serious? I remember it all!)

After seeing the demons, the vampires began to gather together. Led by a vampire who was also a licker, they stopped about a hundred meters away from the demons.

"Is this...Marquis?"

Li Yichen murmured. He was moving downwards quickly. Since both parties had appeared, he naturally had to get closer. After all, he was not here to watch the fun!

"Damn vampires! Our two races are not mortal enemies! There is no restraint at all. Why do you take the initiative to provoke us??"

The first person to speak was a male from the Demon Clan. He seemed very angry and roared at the licker at the front of the Vampire Clan, speaking in common language.

"You actually have the nerve to question us? It was obviously you who provoked us first!"

The demon's words also instantly angered the vampire licker. He first stretched out his tasting tongue and turned it in a wide circle, and then shouted:

"If you hadn't killed the count we sent out to explore the road before, so that we could not figure out the situation of the trial land, how could we send so many tribesmen into this damn trial land at this time!!"

Li Yichen was shocked by Li Yichen's words. You have such a long tongue in your mouth, so you can't bite it when you speak so fluently? ?

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