Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 587 The temptation to go home!

Although he felt strange, Li Yichen continued flying, planning to see the undead's lair first.

After setting the autopilot and letting the helicopter fly straight to the Hope Base, Li Yichen kept looking down until the Hope Base appeared below. He didn't see a few high-level zombies, and even the alien zombies disappeared together. Without a trace.

"What's going on? Have the undead quitted?"

When he saw the same situation in the city of Hope Base, Li Yichen finally felt that something was wrong! He flew the helicopter in a circle in the air and looked around the entire city. He only found less than ten flesh-wing lickers in total, and no other high-level zombies at all.

"Zhang Anji! Have you patrolled Yinhui Province these days?"

Hovering the helicopter over the collapsed building, Li Yichen summoned Zhang Anji through the communicator.

"Boss, you have been patrolling!"

Zhang Anji came out immediately and answered loudly.

"Have you found another corpse group composed of pure high-level zombies?"

Li Yichen asked.

"No! We rarely see scattered zombies in Hanbang Province now, let alone groups of corpses!"

Zhang Anji replied:

"Boss, what happened?"

"I'm at the Hope Base! I found that the Hope Base is actually full of ordinary zombies, and the high-level zombies don't know where they've gone! I thought they went around to attack the insect wave?"

Li Yichen frowned and replied.


Zhang Anji said immediately:

"If those high-level zombies are hiding in the jungle, we may not be able to find them, but we have been keeping a close eye on the insect tide. There are absolutely no zombies attacking the insect tide!"

"In addition...boss! I hope that we have been conducting high-altitude reconnaissance at the base, so we have never discovered this problem. This is our mistake! But I guarantee that the undead have never obtained life energy from the Zerg during this period! We Now we are scouting the insect tide all the way to Zhongque Province."

Later, Zhang Anji quickly admitted his mistake. After all, the Hell Angels had not noticed Li Yichen's discovery before. All the high-level zombies disappeared. This showed that the undead must have some conspiracy. It was undoubtedly their dereliction of duty for not discovering it in advance.

"It's okay! It's not your fault!"

Li Yichen consoled him because it was his order to let the Hell Angels conduct high-altitude reconnaissance, and the successive appearances of goblins, vampires, and demons during this period had indeed made him ignore the undead, an old rival.

"Boss! I will dispatch all helicopters now to look for those high-level zombies in Hanbang Province!"

Zhang Anji asked for battle.

"Yes! You can, but remember, you still have to fly at high altitudes, don't be careless! Let the Hunter Corps cooperate with you! Place a member of the Hunter Corps on each helicopter, and they will be responsible for observing the ground!"

Li Yichen thought for a while and agreed, but he also brought in the hunter-killer army.


After Zhang Anji agreed, he hung up the communication.

Li Yichen put down the communicator and looked at the Hope Base below, then slowly lowered the helicopter and carefully observed the surroundings.

All this seems a bit like a trap, but if you think about it carefully, it is unlikely. After all, they have not fought with the undead for many days, and he came here today because he saw so many lickers in the vampires. , and then suddenly remembered that it was too random, and it would be impossible for the undead to set a trap for themselves at this time.

Sure enough, until Li Yichen landed the helicopter on the top floor of the building where he had fought with Gary, he was not attacked. Instead, dozens of ordinary zombies on the top floor surrounded him while roaring.

Ordinary zombies were no threat to Li Yichen now. After picking off Tianya and killing them like chopping vegetables and melons, Li Yichen came to the edge of the rooftop and looked down.

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

As soon as Li Yichen looked out, he saw several flesh-winged lickers flying desperately towards the outside of the city. Looking at the direction, it was still in the opposite direction to the capital of hell.

"I understand, am I treating you as homing pigeons?"

Li Yichen smiled and shot down all the flesh-wing lickers with a few arrows. Then he circled around the rooftop and shot all the flesh-wing lickers he could see. Then he put away Tianya and jumped down. Jumped off the rooftop.

Li Yichen did not jump directly to the bottom, but paused on each floor and looked inside the building. Until he landed on the ground, he did not see any undead.

"Oops, they must have thought of a way to use the life energy of the undead to strengthen the trial passage, right?"

Suddenly, a terrible thought appeared in Li Yichen's mind.

The Goblin King once said that if the undead want to strengthen the life channel, they must use the life energy of other races. Their own life energy cannot be used to strengthen the life channel.

But now in this scene, all the high-level zombies have disappeared, which makes Li Yichen think that the undead will kill them all and then use their life energy to strengthen the trial passage.

Thinking of this, Li Yichen immediately ran towards the undead trial passage. He already knew the location of the trial passage.

Underneath the collapsed building, Li Yichen saw the trial passage. This trial passage was different from the one Li Yichen had crossed at the bottom of the lake before. He suspected that it was the passage leading to the Arbiter Plane. This one was completely visible. Arrived.

The trial passage is a bit like a black hole, circular, about five meters in diameter, with a circle of golden light in the outermost circle, and darkness within the light.

Next to the trial passage, stood two nervous undead. They had discovered Li Yichen a long time ago, so they sent the flesh-winged lickers to report the news, and also blocked the entrance to this underground space. Unexpectedly, Li Yichen came over anyway, and so quickly.

They all knew Li Yichen's skills well, so when they saw Li Yichen entering the underground and walking towards the trial passage, the two undead looked at each other and without saying a word, went straight into the trial passage... …

Li Yichen ignored the two undead. He turned around and looked around. After finding that there were no other creatures, he slowly walked to the front of the trial passage and stared blankly at the pitch-black hole.

This is the trial passage, the door that can lead to another world. Especially, Li Yichen knows in his heart that the door in front of him leads to the beautiful blue planet and his hometown. Now As long as he takes a step forward, he can return to the universe he is familiar with and his hometown...

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