Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 59 Can’t seem to beat

"Zhi Nao? Are you talking about that...disgusting thing with a lot of tentacles?"

Li Yichen asked tentatively.

"That's right! It took us five years to make that!"

The feminine man deliberately showed a arrogant look on his face, hoping that Li Yichen would reveal some of the things their organization had because he was unconvinced.

"Tch! It's just an ugly monster that can control zombies. It has no fighting power on its own. What's the use of it?"

Li Yichen curled his lips and said with disdain, but his heart was filled with turmoil. Damn, that monster he had never seen before was actually cultivated by their organization? Doesn't that mean that the organization this guy belongs to has the ability to control the zombie tide?

Although the previous armored tyrant was also man-made, he is an individual after all, and the danger is not that high. But zombies that can control the zombies are different. If such monsters are controlled by ambitious people, they will be struggling in the first place. Human beings seeking to survive will have an even more difficult life.

"That's not a perfect body!"

The feminine man was irritated by Li Yichen's expression:

"That's only half of it. Who said his fighting power is weak? You've always seen the armored tyrant, right? That was originally a corpse prepared for Zhinao, but it was killed by you, an idiot! Otherwise, he can control the corpse tide and possess iron armor. The tyrant’s invincible brain will have the ability to rule the world!!”


Li Yichen suddenly smiled:

"In my opinion, it doesn't seem to be very good!"

The feminine man was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the armored zombie seemed to have been killed by this guy. Are you saying that the armored zombie is invincible in front of him? That’s like praising this guy!

"You're just relying on your weapons!"

The feminine man began to get angry and made a gesture with his hand on his back. He had lost his patience, because after Li Yichen's reminder just now, he suddenly realized that the bow should be made of quite rare materials.

As for the armored tyrant's defense, the feminine man is more aware than the tiger shark. Being able to break the armored general's defense is enough to prove the preciousness of this bow.

At that time, Tiger Shark thought that Li Yichen had the ability to increase the sharpness of weapons, but the feminine man did not. Judging from the force with which Li Yichen lifted the car just now, the feminine man could confirm that Li Yichen was just an enhancer.

Although his strength may be greater than that of ordinary enhancers, that is just because his upper limit of strength is higher than others and his foundation is better, but it is absolutely impossible to reach the height of an evolver.

The feminine man himself is an evolver, and of course he knows more about the attributes of an evolver, so he determined that Li Yichen relied on that bow to instantly kill the armored tyrant.

As long as he takes this bow back and adds the information about this mysterious organization, he will probably be exempted from punishment. Even if the material of this bow is good enough, he will have a chance to be promoted.

"Boy! Now I give you a chance. Surrender immediately and give me your bow. Not only will I spare your life, I will even introduce you to join our organization. Believe me, our organization will definitely become more powerful in the future. By ruling this world, you not only don’t have to worry about zombies, you can even control them to sweep into any place you want to occupy.”

The feminine man began to persuade him to surrender, and the others on his side were ready to fight after seeing his gesture.

"Actually, you just want my bow. As for me, even if I surrender, I will probably die miserably, right?"

Li Yichen suddenly felt a surge of heat in his body, and then some more information came into his mind. He couldn't help but feel calm, looked at the feminine man and smiled.

Seeing that his sweet words were seen through, the feminine man was not angry, but instead laughed ferociously:

"Humph! It's good to see, boy. You killed the armored tyrant, took away the brain, and completely destroyed the plan we had prepared for five years. Do you think we will let you go? But don't worry, not only will you not You’ll die miserably, and you won’t even die!”

There was a trace of madness on the feminine man's face:

"You will become our new brain. Under our orders, you will lead the zombie army and help us conquer the city! You will become our dog. You will bite whoever we ask you to bite. You will even be asked to bite your father. You won’t hesitate at all, do you believe it?”

"Do not believe!"

Li Yichen immediately shook his head. It might be okay to bite others, but bite my father? No way, he is on Earth, where can I find him?

"Really? Just wait!"

The feminine man waved his hand vigorously:

"Do whatever you want, except for the head!"

Following his order, the people surrounding Li Yichen all moved. The crossbow arrows in their hands had already been aimed at Li Yichen. After hearing this, they immediately fired the crossbow arrows, but they were all aimed at the lower third, at least the target was not at the waist. Above.

They were afraid that they would shoot Li Yichen in the head with an arrow. In that case, their own heads would definitely not be saved. They knew the temper of the feminine man very well. Every day, someone would be sent to the laboratory for offending him. That was They absolutely don't want to be a part of hell on earth, which is ten thousand times more terrifying than death.

But immediately, they knew that they had thought too much, and Li Yichen's body disappeared just as the crossbow arrows sounded.

"Why is it so fast?"

The feminine man dodged and avoided Li Yichen's bow arm. He was shocked. Although Tiger Shark had said before that Li Yichen was very fast, from the moment Li Yichen lifted the car, the feminine man had already regarded him as his strength. Type enhancer.

Since when can strength enhancers be able to reach such a fast speed?

"Boy! You are looking for death!"

Caught off guard, Li Yichen almost succeeded in a sneak attack. The feminine man couldn't help but become angry. He waved his hands to both sides. After opening and closing the metal claws a few times, he rushed towards Li Yichen extremely quickly...

The feminine man was at least twice as fast as Li Yichen, but because of his eagle eyes, Li Yichen still clearly saw the direction of the feminine man's attack, and immediately raised his head to block it.


There was a soft sound, and Li Yichen suddenly felt a burning pain in his left arm.

After the feminine man launched an attack, he also stopped. His eyes were a little stunned, as if he was wondering why Li Yichen could block his attack.

But then, the feminine man looked down at the glove on his left hand, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, then looked at the longbow in Li Yichen's hand, his eyes filled with fire.

Two of the claws on his gloves were broken, cut off by Tianya's bow arm. The fractures were quite smooth and flat. The feminine man was now absolutely convinced that the material of this bow was far better than he had expected before. As long as he gets it, his troubles will definitely disappear...

Li Yichen, on the other hand, looked at the scars on his left arm that were scratched by the blade claws. His eyes were full of solemnity. This guy was too fast. Even if he could see his movements clearly, his reaction could not keep up. This time , I’m afraid it’s going to be a little troublesome...

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