Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 594 The Secret of Class A Life

"We only heard what the family told us after we came here!"

Lin Huaqiang thought for a while and said:

"But before that, the patriarch of our Lin family knew this, but this is the biggest secret of our Lin family, and few people know it."

"And before we came here, our Lin family has been preparing for a long time! So after entering this world, we can explode in an instant and snatch several cities back from the undead!"

"Did your strength only increase after you arrived here?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"Yeah! Yes!"

Lin Huaqiang nodded and said:

"I heard from the family's top management that in this world, we seem to have no bottlenecks, so as long as the life energy in the body accumulates to a certain level, we can advance directly!"

"Huh? Is there such a thing?"

Li Yichen was surprised, and then quickly asked in his heart:

"System, is what he said true?"

"should be!"

The system replied:

"This is the birthplace of mankind, so the rules of heaven and earth will favor the human race. In fact, it is not completely without bottlenecks, but it will indeed become much easier to break through the life level!"

"Are the undead like this too?"

Li Yichen asked again. He remembered that the goblins said that the human race and the undead race are actually from the same origin!

"That's right! The same is true for the undead. This planet is your home planet!"

The system replied.

"Mother planet...I was not born on this planet!"

Li Yichen smiled bitterly.

"It's the same thing! Although time and space are different, the planet is the same, so this planet will not reject you. You will be treated the same as other humans here!"

The system said:

"Especially...the other human races are not actually from this planet, but you are! So here, you will have an advantage over them!"

"What advantage? Is it a breakthrough without bottlenecks?"

Li Yichen said.

"You don't understand! Host!"

The system began to take the trouble to explain to Li Yichen:

"In fact, the classification of life levels is divided into three stages. The first stage is below D level. Before entering D level, all creatures are classified into this stage, no matter how advanced the life form of the creature is. !”

"As I said at the beginning, there is no difference between humans, mosquitoes, and even plankton in the eyes of higher-level beings! Only when you reach D-level can you be considered to have entered the ranks of higher-level beings!"

"This stage is D, C, and B-level life forms! This is your current stage. Although you are now considered an advanced life form, and the human life form was originally very advanced, you still have not truly integrated into the rules of heaven and earth."

"D-level life only requires the accumulation of pure life energy, while C-level life requires finding your own sea of ​​consciousness and knowing how to control the soul, and B-level life requires integrating the soul with your body!"

"This process actually allows you to completely control your own body. I think you also know now that after you completely control your body, whether it is fighting or anything else, your control over your body is already stronger than Isn’t it too strong at C level?”

"Yeah! That's true!"

After Li Yichen thought about it, he realized that it was indeed the case. Now when he was fighting, he could use different weapons with both hands to attack at the same time without being affected at all. This was something he could not do before.

"The last stage above B, C, and D levels is A level and S level, which is the level you need to work hard for next. To step into A level, you have to understand the rules of heaven and earth! Originally, I thought this was still far away from you. It’s far away, so I didn’t remind you specifically! But now it seems that your coming here is the best opportunity!”

The system continued:

"The rules of heaven and earth that everyone can understand are different! Time, space, life, elements, etc.! This can only depend on you! According to your powers, the rules of heaven and earth contained in your powers have space systems. and the elemental system, so the rules of heaven and earth you understand will probably come from between these two."

"Which law of heaven and earth is the strongest?"

Li Yichen asked quickly.

"There is no strength or weakness in the rules of heaven and earth. Everyone who reaches the top level is extremely powerful!"

The system replied:

"For example, after you have complete control over the rules of time, you can control the flow of time and even make your enemies enter a state of time stasis. The rules of space allow you to smash a space and tear your enemies into pieces. The rules of life are even more You can completely control the lives of others, and the elemental rules allow you to directly deprive other organisms of certain elements."

"So! While on this planet, the rules of heaven and earth are friendly to you, you'd better enter the realm of A-level life as soon as possible. This is definitely your best opportunity!"

"No...just wait!"

After Li Yichen heard what the system said, he didn't think about how he could break through to level A. He was thinking about another question:

"The characteristic of A-level beings is to control the rules of the world? Does that mean that the undead are like this too? Let me go! They have dozens of A-levels and S-levels. If I can't break through to A-level, what will happen to them? Don’t you even have a chance to fight back?”

"Breaking through to level A only requires understanding the rules of heaven and earth, not controlling them. Controlling the rules of heaven and earth is still far away from you. I estimate that even those controllers mentioned by the Goblin King may not really be able to control certain rules of heaven and earth!"

The system struck mercilessly:

"What you have to do is to understand the rules of heaven and earth, and after understanding certain rules of heaven and earth, you can store it and use it for your own use. That is considered to have entered the realm of A-level life, and you can do it At best, it can be regarded as using the rules of heaven and earth, it can’t even be said to be domination, let alone control!”

"Whoever can truly control a certain kind of rules of heaven and earth, in your human terms, is a god. No matter what kind of rules of heaven and earth he controls, it is the same! He can control a part of the world and become the master of the world with just a few moves. !”

"Is this... S-level or SS-level?"

Li Yichen asked with a wry smile.

"There are no levels. A-level means understanding the rules of heaven and earth. There are S-level and even SS-level beings at higher levels, but this classification basically just shows the degree of understanding of the rules of heaven and earth."

The system replied.

"How to understand the rules of heaven and earth?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"There's no way to teach this, you have to rely on yourself, but I can tell you the simplest and stupidest way - use your powers!"

The system replied:

"For example, your Thunder Flash does not require a path. It is a complete teleportation. This is the embodiment of the rules of space. If you want to understand the rules of space, you can continuously activate Thunder Flash. When you activate it again, you will experience how you can break through the space. , arrived at another point in space!"

"Continuously activate supernatural powers..."

Li Yichen said thoughtfully:

"The same goes for elements. I just need to keep using lightning powers?"

"That's right! In the past, when you activated your superpowers, it was all to kill the enemy. Now, try to feel your own superpowers when you activate your superpowers."

The system replied...

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