Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 596 Goodbye Ariel Ariel

"Look! Helicopter!"

Just when Li Yichen was lamenting those big-hearted survivors, Lin Huaqiang suddenly pointed in the air and said:

"That's our family's helicopter. Sister Yiyi should be here! Let's go to the Central Building!"


Li Yichen nodded and followed Lin Huaqiang towards the center of the city.

The most central area of ​​the city is the control area, which is surrounded by a city wall and does not allow ordinary survivors to enter. However, with Lin Huaqiang leading him, Li Yichen will naturally not be blocked outside!

There are very few people within the wall, and they are all strong. The worst ones are D-level beings. This level may be nothing in the capital of hell, but in this world where almost all survivors are ordinary people. But he is definitely a master.

The end of the world has only been coming for a year, but for some reason, among the human survivors, not even a single enhancer has appeared - at least as far as Li Yichen can see, those who have enhanced their physical attributes seem to be from the Lin family. People, because they all wear uniforms, their identities can be said to be clear at a glance.

"Xiaohua! Bring Xiaoyi to the big conference room! We are all waiting for him here!"

Less than a minute after entering the central area, Lin Huaqiang, who was heading towards the tallest building in the center, received a message from Lin Xiaoyun!

"Okay Uncle Yun!"

Lin Huaqiang agreed, and then took Li Yichen straight to the large conference room on the top floor of the Central Building. It was originally a revolving restaurant, but after it was occupied by the Lin family, it was changed into a conference room. Generally speaking, only the more important ones and the number of participants Many meetings will be held in that conference room.

As a junior member of the Lin family, Lin Huaqiang was originally not qualified to enter there, but today, following Li Yichen's light, he was able to go there and broaden his horizons, so he was very excited.

He was not there to see the big conference room, but to see the people in the conference room. If he could make the head of the family or the senior family members remember him once he entered, maybe his status would be improved.

The Lin family is a very large family. After all, it has developed for so many years. Although they have always been relatively low-key in the Kingdom of Heaven, they knew that they had other tasks at that time, so they never made it public and kept developing in secret.

Therefore, even if Lin Huaqiang and other young talents from the Lin family do not have any special talents, they will soon be overwhelmed. For Lin Huaqiang, it is equivalent to an opportunity to get ahead!

When Li Yichen and Lin Huaqiang arrived at the door of the large conference room, the two middle-aged men at the door looked at them, and Lin Huaqiang quickly said:

"This is Li Yichen. Uncle Lin Xiaoyun asked me to bring him here!"

"Well! Go in!"

The two of them looked at Li Yichen and opened the door. One of them nodded and said, Lin Huaqiang breathed a sigh of relief and just let him in, otherwise this trip would be in vain!

Entering the large conference room, Li Yichen found that there were nearly a hundred people in the conference room. Most of them were old people, some middle-aged people, and very few young people. It seemed that not many of the younger generation of the Lin family were qualified to enter this conference room. many!

"Xiaoyi! Come! This way!"

When Lin Xiaoyun saw Li Yichen, he stood up and waved. It seemed that his status in the Lin family was not low. He was sitting in the direction facing the door. On his right were several old men and a young beauty, who was Lin Yichen.

Seeing Li Yichen, Lin Yichen's eyes lit up and she stood up. Li Yichen, without saying a word, made a lightning flash and came between Lin Xiaoyun and Lin Yichen.

As for Lin Huaqiang, who came in with Li Yichen, he had no intention of sitting down. For him, being able to stand behind and listen was already a very good treatment! After all, those who can enter here represent the core members of the Lin family.

"I'll go! Your superpower is very powerful! Whether it's for assassination or escaping, it's very effective!"

Lin Xiaoyun was startled by Li Yichen's lightning flash, and then he gave a thumbs up.

Li Yichen nodded to Lin Xiaoyun:

"Uncle Lin!"

Then, he looked at Lin Yichen again. This was the first time he saw Lin Yichen since they parted ways in the capital of hell. Moreover, he never thought that when they met again after leaving, they would actually be on another planet.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Yichen and smiled softly.

"Well! Long time no see!"

Lin Yichen's beautiful eyes moved, looking over and over at Li Yichen's face:

"You grow up so fast! And I didn't expect to see you here. I thought I would have to wait until our Lin family completes the mission here and goes back before I can see you again!"

"go back?"

Li Yichen took a breath, they really had the ability to return to that world!

"Okay! You two will chat later! We have plenty of time. Don't you think there are too many light bulbs chatting here?"

Lin Xiaoyun shook his head and interrupted the conversation between the two. Li Yichen and Lin Yichen looked at each other and then took their seats together.

"Okay! We've called everyone here this time because something suddenly happened. This incident should be a good thing for us, but it may also cause some changes in our enemies!"

Lin Xiaoyun saw Li Yichen sitting down, and then turned to look at an old man in the middle. The old man nodded gently, so Lin Xiaoyun turned to the people who were already seated and said, and pointed at Li Yichen:

"This incident was caused by Brother Xiaoyi. We also sent a reconnaissance plane to confirm. That is... the trial channel of the undead has disappeared!"

"Ah? What's going on?"

"Isn't it possible? There are heavy guards of the undead there, and some time ago, it seems that the trial channel on the opposite side was reinforced, and a group of people seemed to have been sent there, but I don't know how many passed through!"

"What does disappearing mean? Temporarily closed or?"

"Xiao Yun! Tell me clearly, what is going on?"

"That's right! What do you mean it disappeared? Is it closed or is it really gone? What do you mean?"

Hearing Lin Xiaoyun's words, some senior members of the Lin family sitting at the table began to talk. They did not understand what Lin Xiaoyun meant. This was because they did not expect that Li Yichen dared to directly pass through the trial passage, which caused the trial passage to completely collapse.

"Quiet! I have asked someone to take pictures. Although we don't dare to get close, we should be able to see clearly!"

Lin Xiaoyun waved his hand to stop the discussion of those people, and then pointed to the wall behind him. At the same time, an image suddenly appeared on the wall.

This is an image taken by a helicopter in the air. Below it is a bustling city. However, in the very center of this city, there is a large crater with a diameter of more than five kilometers. It is like this It looks like the city has just been attacked by a nuclear bomb...

"This is... the immortal city?"

After seeing the image, an old man stood up in shock, pointed at the city above and shouted...

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