Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 599 You can only rely on yourself

The Lin family had been preparing for many years, so after Lin Yichen met Li Yichen and returned to the Lin family headquarters to confirm with Lin Poyu, the head of the Lin family, the Lin family took action immediately.

Originally, Lin Yichen planned to stay in the Far North Continent to protect Li Yichen, but Lin Poyu did not agree, because Li Fangzhou made it very clear that he would enter the space channel as soon as possible after receiving news from those people from the earth.

Even though Lin Yichen begged in every possible way, Lin Poyu was still not allowed, but fortunately they got the message from Lin Xiaotian right away, saying that he had met Li Yichen.

Therefore, Lin Poyu immediately made the decision to let Lin Xiaotian stay with Li Yichen to protect him without returning. He took Lin Yichen and the entire Lin family into the space passage and came to the earth.

When the Lin family was in the trial land before, they were not actually very strong. When Lin Xiaotian first met Li Yichen, he was only a second-level new human being, and he was already considered the top combat power of the Lin family.

This is because the Lin family simply does not dare to improve their own strength. After all, the space channel reserved by Li Fangzhou was built by himself. It cannot be as stable as the trial channel. Not only does it last for a short time, but also too advanced life forms can enter the channel. Afterwards, space collapse may occur.

However, the Lin family has prepared quite a lot of strengthening substances, because in the Kingdom of Heaven, the Lin family does not rule by force. The reason why people dare not offend the Lin family is precisely because they are a professional family in making strengthening liquids! !

Basically, more than 80% of the strengthening liquid in the Kingdom of Heaven comes from the Lin family, and it even includes other healing and detoxifying potions, etc. This is what Li Fangzhou taught the Lin family and told them in public not to do so. It was rumored that no one from other families dared to ask.

Li Fangzhou had told the Lin family something about the trial land, and said that if people from his planet entered the trial land, it would mean that the trial was about to begin, and the human race had defeated the undead and was ready to accept Trial.

His purpose in letting the Lin family come over was to pretend that he was a hidden family who saw humanity in crisis, so he came out to help. He also asked the Lin family to use the medicine synthesis technology he taught them to help humans improve their strength.

According to Li Fangzhou's speculation, when humans enter the trial area, they should have come through the trial passage. This shows that in the war with the undead, the human race won the final victory and qualified for the trial.

But he felt that after defeating the undead, human beings themselves should be severely injured. Although there are strong people, they may not have the upper hand after entering the trial place, so he asked the Lin family to reserve a large amount of strengthening liquid and prepare Bring it here to strengthen the humans here.

And because the Lin family has the technology to refine the enhanced liquid and has all the equipment, once they get here, they can produce it in large quantities to ensure the greatest possible advantage for humans in the trial.

In return, Li Fangzhou told the Lin family that after they helped humans win the trial, they could find any reason to stay here. Because they had appeared on Earth before and helped other people, naturally no one would question it. them.

At that time, when the trial is over and humans return to Earth, the Lin family can stay in their hometown. At that time, the Lin family will naturally be the most powerful existence in the trial land and can lead other survivors to reorganize this place. A broken world, and re-establishing order with the Lin family as the core.

But after the Lin family arrived on Earth, they found that things were not as Li Fangzhou said. There were no strong people here at all, and they had not even met a human strengthener.

On the contrary, as Li Fangzhou predicted, the undead that should be suppressed have become the masters of the world. So after discussion, the Lin family decided to use the strengthening liquid they had stored for their own use to enhance the strength of their Lin family children.

They took back the city and gathered survivors just to prevent the undead from using these survivors to strengthen themselves, because they had decided that since the human strength of this planet is insufficient, the Lin family would replace the humans here and defeat the undead. Take the trial!

At that time, during the trial, if everything goes well and they defeat other races, then they will choose to stay in their hometown. If the situation is not good for them, they can return to this world and make their home here in the future.

It’s a broken world anyway, where can we rebuild it differently? At least the senior leaders of the Lin family didn't care - I don't know whether it was a deliberate concealment or Li Fangzhou didn't know it himself. Anyway, he didn't tell the Lin family about the earth being the star of reincarnation. He even participated in the trial to compete for resources. The purpose was not revealed to the Lin family.

Just when the Lin family had decided to replace the Earthlings with themselves, Li Yichen appeared and made such a big fuss, especially when Li Yichen said that he had fought against other races in the trial place, and also... After being able to suppress them, Lin Poyu, the head of the Lin family, felt that this earthling seemed qualified to cooperate with him!

This is a manifestation of strength. If Li Yichen is still as strong as when he met Lin Yichen, I am afraid that although Lin Poyu will give him preferential treatment because of Lin Yichen's relationship, he may not reveal his plans.

In any case, the Lin family does not belong to the earth. They do not care about the life and death of the people on the earth. All they want is to return to the trial place as soon as possible, and be able to win the trial and drive other alien races out of their homes.

Now that Li Yichen has strong enough power in the trial land, of course the Lin family will choose to continue to cooperate with Li Yichen!

It took Lin Poyu more than an hour to finish explaining the twists and turns. He did not hide anything from Li Yichen, and even told Li Yichen all about the Lin family's plans.

"Master Lin! I want to ask! What are your arrangements for the humans on this planet?"

After Li Yichen listened, he thought about it and asked.

"They are not strong enough, as you can see. They are ordinary people and it is too difficult to cultivate them, so we will gather them together to protect them!"

Lin Poyu said:

"After we defeat the undead and qualify for the trial, we will leave this planet and return to our hometown. As for the people here, they can only rely on themselves!"

"Yes! But there is one thing. We must completely eliminate the undead and ensure that there are no zombies in this world before we can leave!"

Li Yichen scratched his chin and thought for a while, then finally nodded and replied...

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