"Puff, puff, puff, puff!"

Seeing that the crowd below was about to start commotion again, Li Yichen drew his bow again, and a series of arrows shot out quickly, piercing the heads of more than a dozen people - these were the people who had shouted with loudspeakers before. Under the eagle's eyes, It doesn't matter how low they squat.

"Kill them all? Yes! As long as you dare to speak or move, I can fulfill your wishes. If you still don't believe it, you can try it!"

Li Yichen held a bow in one hand and said to the people below. Lin Yichen also cooperated and raised the loudspeaker in front of him.

The crowd fell silent for a moment, looking at each other in shock. After so many people died, they began to feel that this time things seemed to be real. Even the instigators began to secretly hide their loudspeakers behind their backs. , dare not speak out.

"We are here to reason. If you don't agree, we can discuss it. How can you kill people?"

Seeing that all his companions were acting like fools, an instigator finally couldn't help but speak out in protest.


What answered him was an arrow from Li Yichen...


Li Yichen said coldly, and this time, after more than a minute, there was still silence below, and no one dared to move their position. They didn't even dare to move, for fear of causing a misunderstanding by the murderer above.

"Don't even say anything? It seems like everyone believes me, which is good!!!"

Seeing that these survivors were finally shocked, Li Yichen said:

"Our previous announcement was very clear, either agree to our changes or leave. This is not a consultation with you. I don't understand who gave you the courage to protest collectively!"

"Did anyone tell you that the law does not punish everyone, and as long as you unite, we will compromise with you, so that you can continue your previous comfortable life? Let me tell you, you are thinking too much!"

"If you want to get something, you have to make sacrifices. If you are indispensable people in this city, then it will definitely be useful if you do this. We may really consider your request! But the problem is... you can find it yourself. What contribution have you made to this city?”

"You consume our food and water every day, but what do you bring to this city? Is there anything else besides your excrement?"

Li Yichen looked at the people below with cold eyes, and suddenly shouted into the loudspeaker:

"Do you think we are in desperate need of your shit?"

Hearing Li Yichen's roar, the people below all lowered their heads, and no one dared to look at him. If you think about it carefully, after they came to this city, apart from getting food every day, they really didn't do anything. Apart from themselves and their shit, they really didn’t bring anything else to this city!

"A group of machines that only make fertilizer have the nerve to ask for this and that. Do you think you have the qualifications? Let me tell you, this is the end of the world, and zombies will soon attack our city."

Li Yichen continued:

"In this case, anyone who is worthless will be given up, because we are not your parents and have no obligation to support you and protect you every day! If you want to survive, you have to rely on yourselves!"

"Did you listen carefully to the previous announcement? This is another opportunity that we will give you. Let you take the corpses of ordinary zombies and exchange them for our most important strengthening liquid, so that you can become a strong person like us. "

"You don't want such an opportunity? Do you still want to continue eating and waiting to die? Okay! Then you can continue to stay here! We will evacuate the city immediately. We hope that by then, the zombies will surround the city and start tearing it apart. When it comes to your body, you can still protest against them like today and tell them to get out!"

Speaking of this, Li Yichen looked at Lin Yichen and then at the helicopters in the sky:

"Okay! Let's not waste any more effort. The people in this city are all idiots and there is no hope of salvation. Let's go and let them fend for themselves! These idiots are not worth our waste of strengthening fluid!"

After saying that, Li Yichen threw away the loudspeaker, turned around and walked away with Lin Yichen, disappearing on the rooftop of the building.

On the surrounding helicopters, the pilots looked at each other, as if...that's not what the script said, right? Aren't these people going to be forced to kill zombies in the end? Why don't you care?

However, because they had already received orders when they came out, all their actions today must be under Li Yichen's command. Now that Li Yichen said to withdraw, they will naturally withdraw too!

Seeing that even the helicopters were evacuated, the crowd below really panicked. They knew very well what these people meant to them. It was because of these people that they were now safe and had food to eat every day.

If they leave, not to mention zombies coming to attack the city, they will starve to death even if they are hungry!

Especially since most of them have experienced the beginning of the end of the world, they understand that if all these people leave, the order of the city will also disappear at the same time, and it may only be an instant before it falls into total chaos.

"Wait! We are willing to abide by your announcement! Those things before were organized by some people and have nothing to do with us!"

A girl in her twenties grabbed the loudspeaker from a corpse and shouted loudly into the loudspeaker.

Hearing the girl's voice, the turbulent crowd fell silent again. They all raised their heads and looked at the rooftop where Li Yichen was standing before...

A full minute passed, but the figure they expected to see did not appear on the rooftop. Although they thought it was the God of Death before, now... they all regarded that figure as hope.

"It's over! They are really leaving here, what should we do?"

"They won't all leave from the air. Let's wait at the city gate and go with them!"

"Food! Go grab food quickly. There should be food reserves at the distribution point!"

"Damn it! Who said before that as long as we all come here to protest, they will definitely compromise? Get the hell out of here!"

"Yes! Where are those who instigated us? Beat them to death! They are the ones who caused us to be abandoned by those people!"

Seeing that Li Yichen did not appear, the crowd became chaotic again. Some ran to the food distribution point to grab some stocks, while others were preparing to go to the city gate and retreat with the Lin family. Some even began to search among the crowd for the previous instigators. Their culprit...

"Everyone be quiet!"

At this moment, Li Yichen's voice suddenly sounded again. Everyone immediately stopped their movements and looked up towards the rooftop, but there was no trace of Li Yichen...

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