Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 608 The Immortal King

In an open space five kilometers away from the Undead City, there were about 40,000 to 50,000 undead gathered. The one in the center was an undead that Li Yichen had not noticed before, and the undead standing at the top was It was standing behind this undead.

In addition, on the surveillance screen of the reconnaissance satellite, you can see that there are still many undead gathering towards this location. From a high altitude, it looks like ants returning to their nest.

"It's true! I knew this thing couldn't kill many high-level undead!"

When Li Yichen saw this situation, he couldn't help but sigh softly. Although there are only forty or fifty thousand undead here now, which is much less than the hundreds of thousands before, don't forget that the undead escaped in scattered ways just now. Now they can gather together. The ones here are just the undead in this direction, so this should only be one-seventy-eighth of the surviving undead!

So if you do the math, there are at least three to four hundred thousand undead who have survived. Although many undead seem to be in a very miserable state, and some are even missing arms and legs, but based on their recovery ability, this is not possible at all. What an injury.

Li Yichen didn't pay attention to the undead he knew who was at the top before. What he looked at was the undead who was obviously in the center. The other undead were almost one meter away from him, and they were surrounded by the undead in the center. !

If you guessed correctly, this guy is the strongest among the undead. The reason why the undead before stood at the highest point should be because he is a strong person in the space system and is responsible for connecting the space channels!

The undead in the center looks easy to distinguish, because he has some irregular red magic lines on his face, and the skin all over his body is dark red. Among the undead who are all indigo, he is the most distinguishable one. A very noticeable sign.

Li Yichen's judgment was correct, because this undead was actually the king of the undead - Archimonde! !

Archimonde didn't look good at this time, because the accidents in the past two days were really too many for him. First, there was a situation on the trial continent, and their actions to strengthen the trial passage were destroyed.

Then, among the twenty tribesmen who he supported at all costs, only one survived and successfully passed the trial passage, while all the other 19 died.

If it were here, killing 19 B-level undead would be nothing at all, but in the trial land, this loss would be huge. Even if two more survive, they can suppress two more trials. Race.

Although other races may have sneaked in some C-level or B-level experts, but due to the trial rules, they dare not show up openly, except for the Zerg race!

Of course, the dull-witted race of the Zerg are not taken seriously by the undead at all. If they were not interested in their ability to provide the undead with a steady stream of life energy, they would have been eliminated long ago in the last era.

Strictly speaking, in the trials of the last era, the Zerg was able to get second place in the trial rankings. The main reason was because of the undead, because in the eyes of the undead, the existence of the Zerg could help them quickly recover after suffering heavy losses. Recovery, so they left the Zerg for last.

But now, not only is there a situation in the trial place, but even the trial passage has been blown up! Archimonde knew that the passage was destroyed because a human race passed through the trial passage, and he also knew why the undead did not have strong people guarding the trial passage there!

The only thing he doesn't understand is why there are B-level beings among the humans in the trial land. Aren't the natives the highest in strength and only C-level?

It was precisely because the news came back from the trial place that the highest strength of the human race was C-level, so he agreed to let them go to the beach to hunt aquatic mutant beasts and accumulate energy to strengthen the passage. Otherwise, he would at least let Caldara guard the trial. channel.

Of course, if the trial passage is destroyed, they can re-establish the spatial link, but the cost is somewhat unbearable for them, and there is only one chance.

To re-establish the link, you first need at least two S-level experts who understand the rules of space, and one of them needs to be sacrificed to locate the coordinates of the trial place. Then, a large amount of life energy is needed to re-establish the trial channel. Build it up!

Now, they have completed the first step, but when they took the second step, they were hit! All the weapons of mass destruction in this world have been destroyed by them long ago. Where did the blow just now come from?

Archimonde couldn't think of it, and he didn't have time to think about it now, because the trial passage they just built had begun to shrink or even disappear. If no measures were taken, they would completely lose the coordinates of the trial place.

Because they were the winners before, there is no chance to open the trial channel again. If this coordinate is lost again, then their undead tribe will completely withdraw from this trial!

Because although there are many S-level undead warriors, there are only two who have understood the rules of space. One of them died before because they had to locate the coordinates and the space point connecting here and the trial place. Now there are only two left. Next one.

If the coordinates disappear, even if they use this strong person to reposition the coordinates, they will not have any extra space strong people to build the trial channel.

Now that the trial passage has disappeared, the coordinates can be retained for up to five minutes, but the question is... what if this space powerhouse is sent to maintain the coordinates again, and there is another blow from before?

Archimonde was extremely angry and conflicted in his heart. As the King of the Immortal, he could not tolerate the undead being disqualified from the trial before the trial even started!

Without any further hesitation, Archimonde turned his head to look at the S-level space rules master behind him, and ordered with his consciousness:

"Go to the trial passage and maintain the connection between the space points! It must not be broken!"


There is no doubt about the obedience of the undead. The space powerhouse did not hesitate at all, and passed away in the direction of the trial passage...

"You! Half of us are going to gather the undead from all over the world and gather them all here! Give up all the territory! The rest of you, follow me and attack the human cities!"

Archimonde ordered again. The attack just now must have been launched by the human race. In order to prevent them from continuing to destroy this place, they must fight back immediately so that the human race has no time to worry about their trial passage. Only in this way can the trial place be preserved. coordinates, so even though almost all the zombies had been lost, he decided to personally lead the team to attack the human cities and contain them...

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