Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 616 Neglected Factors


Li Yichen nodded:

"You should have noticed that not only the city of Shanghai, but also the number of zombies nearby is much smaller. That's because they were summoned by the undead to capture the life energy for the trial passage!"

"So! They are holding back now. They probably just don't want the undead to suffer too many casualties, and they want to wait for those zombies to come over and become cannon fodder!"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Huanyu:

"So, although the undead in Shanghai now seem to have occupied a city and stopped moving, this is definitely only temporary. We still have to evacuate in advance and cannot wait until they take the initiative to attack!"

In fact, Li Yichen's guess was not entirely correct. The undead were holding back their troops now, not simply to wait for cannon fodder and protect those high-level undead! Most importantly, they also want the human race's trial channel to be opened.

If you want to do this, you can't let the human race suffer too much loss now, because only when the power of the human race on this planet exceeds that of the undead, can the human race be qualified for the trial, and the passage will be opened!

In order to open the human race's trial channel, the undead may take the initiative to lose part of their strength in the later stage to allow the human race to surpass them in strength. Therefore, the more humans they kill now, in the future in order to balance the power, their losses will be The bigger.

But one thing Li Yichen was right about! They are indeed summoning zombies. Although this earth is not the earth where Li Yichen is, the layout is the same, so humans are not the only survivors summoned by the Lin family!

The cities occupied by the Lin family all belong to the land of the Flower Planting Country, but there are also survivors in other states, but they are just ordinary survivors and do not pose much of a threat to high-level zombies.

Fortunately, because of the Undead City, basically more than 80% of the high-level undead are here, so although the survivors in other places have a difficult life, at least they are not extinct.

Of course, this may also be a back-up left by the Undead King just in case. Just like now, if they have exterminated the human race on this planet, then the Undead will completely withdraw from the trial without even a chance to recover. None.

However, for Archimonde and the entire undead race, it is not easy for them to seize the human race's trial channel. If they want to seize it first, they must let humans obtain the trial qualification. The refining channel will be opened!

In other words, the undead must first let the human race surpass them in power, and then wait for the human race's trial channel to open, then kill the already dominant human race and regain ownership of the trial channel.

For Archimonde, this requires him to consume a large number of zombies first and let them die. Anyway, as far as the undead are concerned, these guys who have not yet awakened to inherit their memories are not worthy of being called the undead at all, and they are not considered as such. One of them!

Judging from the current remaining population, at least four-fifths of the world's zombies must die before human beings can surpass the undead in strength. This condition is relatively easy to achieve for the undead.

After all, they can control zombies, so reducing the number of zombies is not difficult for them. The only thing they need to consider is that they need to seize the trial passage from the human race!

This is the reason why Archimonde has not attacked for the time being. He is summoning the undead, summoning all the undead and zombies on the planet to gather here. As for the zombies who cannot cross the sea and reach here, then directly Just go into the sea and feed the fish - fish are not intelligent life, and no matter how powerful they are, they will not be qualified for the trial.

For Archimonde, among the humans, those who took back Shanghai City, Xiangcheng and other cities from them pose a certain threat to their undead tribe. However, in order to prevent them from destroying the trial passage, The undead didn't fight them head-on.

Now, Archimonde has no intention of fighting head-on with the Lin family. After returning from robbing a city, Archimonde began to ask the undead to summon all the zombies on the continent to gather here!

This may take a month or two, but Archimonde can afford to wait. There is still a year and a half before the trial channel is fully opened. Even if it takes a year to gather these undead, it will be too late.

Now, all the humans in Shanghai who have not taken refuge in shelters have been arrested. Archimonde has issued a ban on the undead. They are not allowed to kill humans for the time being, but will instead imprison them.

The rules of heaven and earth evaluate the strength of humans and undead based on the people on both sides who are still alive, so the captured humans are still considered human beings!

The undead plan to capture all the humans in these cities, and then consume the zombies until the human race's trial channel is opened. Then, they will increase their strength by devouring these humans.

After all, there are still some strong human beings in these few cities on this planet! Those survivors in other states couldn't even stop the footsteps of high-level zombies, and they were not taken seriously by Archimonde at all.

Moreover, Archimonde now knows that there are a large number of strong human beings hiding under the city of Shanghai. In fact, it is not difficult to dig them out. When the Lin family built the shelter, they set up impregnable defenses at all entrances. , but the undead are not zombies. Do they have to enter through the entrance?

But now, Archimonde is not in a hurry. He is waiting for his zombie army to arrive. When the time comes, they will dig up the underground shelter, use these zombies to consume those strong human beings, and capture them. , you will be able to regain the qualification to return to the trial place.

Li Yichen didn't know Archimonde's plan. He just thought that the undead didn't want to consume too many people, so they wanted to mobilize zombies to attack these cities. So after discussing with the Lin family, they finally decided to abandon the city and enter the mountains.

After all, the high-end combat power of the human race is not as good as that of the undead, and a head-on confrontation will do no good to the human race. After listening to Li Yichen's analysis, Lin Huanyu decided to follow Li Yichen's suggestion and told people in other cities about this decision.

So, on this day, all the Lin family members left their cities with the survivors, entered the mountains in a mighty manner, and began to rebuild an underground base that could accommodate them temporarily!

However, when Li Yichen made this decision, he ignored a very important factor...

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