Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 625 Space Rules Trial

In the originally empty space, countless...mirrors suddenly appeared?

Li Yichen thought those three meters high and two meters wide things should be mirrors, because he saw countless versions of himself, as if he were standing in a place surrounded by mirrors.

"What is this?"

Li Yichen looked confused, looking at the thousands of people around him in a daze. After a while, he carefully stretched out his hand and waved it, and all the "Li Yichen" around him also made the same move. It looks truly spectacular.

"Really a mirror?"

Li Yichen took two steps forward, stretched out his hand to touch it, but stopped as soon as he raised his hand and asked in his heart:

"System! What is this?"

"have no idea!"

The system’s answer is extremely straightforward!

"No! Is there anything else you don't know?"

Li Yichen didn't believe that the system didn't remind him that he had understood the rules of heaven and earth in the wrong direction before. He had accidentally discovered that the elements of heaven and earth were in this world, but he only needed to use his life energy to mobilize them.

Li Yichen found that the system seemed to rarely give him any hints regarding breakthroughs, and seemed to require him to figure it out on his own. This seemed to be the case now.

"System, you don't have to say it explicitly, just give me a rough idea. At least I can find the right direction!"

Li Yichen thought for a while and said.

"Host, I really don't know this time!"

The system said:

"I can only tell you that this is a space automatically generated by the rules of heaven and earth. In this space, only you exist. In other words, this is your exclusive trial place!"

"It's just that, generally speaking, a creature that enters an A-level life can only understand one kind of law of heaven and earth. After being tempered, you should no longer be able to sense other rules of heaven and earth."

"But now... you have been tempered by lightning elements. In other words, you have now entered the category of A-level life, and you should be kicked out of space!"

"But what appears now seems to be a trial of space rules. I really don't know why, but... it doesn't seem to conflict. Although you have experienced the quenching of thunder and lightning elements, you can no longer have an affinity for other elements. , but the rules of space and time are not within this scope!"

"Space and time are the cornerstones of the existence of all worlds! They do not belong to the rules of the element system, but transcend the elements. They are the top rules in the world! Therefore, the quenching of the thunder and lightning elements should not affect the rules of space!"

"You mean...what I'm facing now is a test of the rules of the space system?"

Li Yichen asked looking at himself in front of him.

"Well! The previous tempering of thunder and lightning elements was actually a test of the thunder and lightning elements for you. If you can't bear it, you will be electrocuted into coke, and naturally you will not be able to step into the A-level realm. But now, you have to face Yes, it should be a test of space rules!"

The system replied:

"However... I have never seen a person who can accept the test of two rules of heaven and earth at the same time in the same space, so this is just my guess, and it may not be correct!"

"Then...what should I do?"

Li Yichen turned around and looked around. In the previous trial of lightning rules, he stood still and only had to endure the pain that seemed to scrape his bones and flesh. But the trial of space rules was What?

"I don't know! I really don't know!"

The system replied:

"The test of the rules of heaven and earth is for you, so you'd better follow your own ideas, but let me remind you that these you around may all be real, and that is not a mirror. You are the most Be careful!"

"What? The real...me?"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked around:

"First, where do so many versions of me come from? Second, if they are all real, then why do they move like me? It's like the reflection of a mirror!"

"Multi-dimensional space! What is testing you now is the rules of space, so it can project you from countless multi-dimensional spaces here. As for why their movements are the same as yours... maybe it is to confuse you?"

The system replied:

"In short, I can't give you any advice on this trial. I can only tell you, don't touch those people easily, let alone try to walk in, because in that case, you may enter their dimension and never be able to return. coming!"

"Multidimensional space?"

Li Yichen looked at himself in front of him, a little unbelievable, but considering that the earth he was on now was completely different from the earth he was familiar with, he could barely accept it.

But now his question is...how to pass this trial? Are you just looking in the mirror here? Or should we just do some random actions and let them learn? If it were that simple, Li Yichen wouldn't mind taking "all of himself" to a square dance or a set of radio gymnastics.

But Li Yichen knew in his heart that the trial of space rules could never be that simple, but these damn space rules only brought out so many of himself and did nothing else. Li Yichen had no clue at all.

It's like during the college entrance examination. The teacher who handed out the papers gave you a blank piece of paper, and then sat aside to invigilate the exam. He didn't tell you anything about the questions, rules, etc. You didn't even know that he handed it out. Is this an English paper or a math paper? How do you ask people to answer the questions?

To answer a question, you have to have a question first, and then I can answer it, but... where is your question?

Li Yichen frowned and stared for a long time, not thinking about what he should do, so he recalled what the system had said before.

Since it is determined that this is a trial of space rules, the question of the trial is naturally related to space. Therefore, the countless selves in front of it should be the question of this trial.

But... Li Yichen looked over one by one and saw that they were all of the same age group and dressed exactly the same. Even when he was looking around, they were thinking about him looking around. Even their movements were perfect. What the hell? What does it mean?

"No! The system says that these mes are from other dimensions, so they are unlikely to be exactly the same as me. My experiences in each dimension should not be exactly the same, let alone the same clothes!"

Li Yichen began to think seriously:

"So, just like the system said, the reason why these me's are exactly the same is because the rules of space are disrupting my vision. This should be the title, right? I need to let the me's in these dimensions reveal their true colors!!"

Thinking of this, Li Yichen's eyes lit up. His experiences in each dimension were different, which meant that there were some things he had that they didn't have! For example...system! !

Li Yichen clenched his fist excitedly. He had a system, but they shouldn't have it, right? So as long as he takes out something from the system at random, unless these people are all magicians, they will not be able to perform the same actions as himself. Then, this trial should be passed, right?

As soon as he thought of it, Li Yichen immediately opened the system mall, ready to exchange it for something, but when he saw the page of the system mall, he was stunned.

The mall page is blank, there is nothing, whether it is products or your own points, there is no display at all.

"System! Where is the mall? Is it closed?"

Li Yichen quickly asked, whether he can pass the trial is second, but the system mall must be gone! If he cannot pass the trial, at most he will not be able to use Thunder Flash in the future, because this is a purely space-based ability.

But if the system mall is gone, then I will be useless. Where can I get so many strengthening enzyme injections to strengthen others?

"Host! The system mall is currently unavailable!"

The system replied:

"All spaces are solidified, and no products can be taken out!"

"No! It can even seal the mall in my body?"

Li Yichen asked in disbelief.

"Host! The system mall is not in your body. Do you think your body can accommodate so many things?"

The system replied:

"The garbage collection system is actually in a special space, and I am the link between the system and you. With me, I can link you to the space where the system is located. The principles of the subsystems are similar!"

"So, this is equivalent to using the space rules. Since it is a space rule, then when you are testing the space rules now, it can naturally seal the mall directly. Now not only can you not exchange goods from the mall, you can even recycle them. Nothing can be done!”

"Then...when can you recover?"

Li Yichen asked quickly.

"Maybe... I have to wait until you complete the trial?"

The system said:

"If you fail to complete the trial, you will lose the recognition of the space rules. At that time, not only will your lightning flash ability be unable to be activated, but you will also be unable to use the system. At most, I will be able to chat with you. , so...complete the trial quickly!"

"I'll wipe it!"

Li Yichen couldn't help but curse. He didn't expect that he was just trying to break through to an A-level life, but he could actually cause such a big trouble? If you can't successfully complete the trial of space rules, even your own system will be destroyed by it? This is so damn...

"Mom, it's just a rule of heaven and earth. No matter how tall you are, it's just a rule. How can you still trouble me? I'm a human being, the spirit of all things!"

Li Yichen gritted his teeth and continued to look at himself, and those Li Yichen also looked at him fiercely.


He looked at himself across from him like a fighting cock. After a stalemate for a while, Li Yichen suddenly laughed, pointed at "himself" and said loudly:

"Do you think there's nothing I can do without the system? Come on, if you're awesome, do this with me!"

With that said, Li Yichen slowly raised his right hand...

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