Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 631 You will turn green

Archimonde also thought that Li Yichen was targeting him, but when the bullet came out of the chamber, he realized that the bullet was not aimed at him. To his surprise, the subordinate behind him had been shot.

Turning around and looking at his subordinate whose right eye socket had turned into a blood hole, Archimonde was furious. In order to activate the human race's trial channel, the corpse group they had accumulated for a long time had been almost consumed, and it could be said that their vitality was severely damaged.

Although those zombies have low combat power in their eyes, and the undead do not regard them as the same kind, they are the source of the undead's life energy. If they want to improve their strength, they must rely on these zombies.

Now that the zombies are almost dead, they have no resources to improve their strength in the future. In addition, they don't know what the undead are like in the trial land, so these high-level undead are even more important now.

Unexpectedly, this human being would kill one of his S-class subordinates as soon as he arrived here. Archimonde raised his head and looked at the helicopter in the sky with a violent look in his eyes. Then, his legs suddenly exerted force and his body rose into the air. Rushing towards the helicopter...

As the strongest of the undead, Archimonde has entered the SS realm. He is also the only undead strongman who has entered the SS level! This was the reward Archimonde received in the controller space after his undead tribe came first in the trial of the last era.

The rules of heaven and earth that Archimonde understood are the element of gold! Therefore, the body's defense was extremely strong. Therefore, even though he knew that Li Yichen had a thermal weapon in his hand, he still rushed forward, intending to directly crash the human's helicopter.

After all, the undead have no advantage in the air. If the helicopter is not killed, the human can escape at any time.

Seeing Archimonde rushing towards him, Li Yichen turned back and threw the sniper rifle into the cabin, took out Tianya, opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot Archimonde with an arrow.

Li Yichen specially added lightning power to this arrow. Because the sniper rifle just now did not break through Archimonde's defense, he wanted to test whether the lightning power could cause damage to him.

After all, when he used lightning powers before, it seemed to be quite effective against zombies. After he was recognized by the rules of heaven and earth, he was even able to electrocute zombies into fly ash, although this also caused him to have nothing after using his powers to kill zombies. It can't be recovered, but the increased power of the superpower is always a good thing. Everything in the world can't be perfect.


The feather arrow entwined by several electric snakes flashed in front of Archimonde. Unexpectedly, Archimonde ignored the arrow at all, as if he didn't see it, and let the arrow nail him. own forehead.


With a crisp sound, the feather arrow was directly shattered, and part of the electric snake attached to the feather arrow shattered with the feather arrow and disappeared in an instant, while the other part was directly attached to Archimonde's body. , wandering around on him, and then disappeared.

"does not work?"

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen couldn't help but frowned, but at this time, Archimonde was already approaching the helicopter. Li Yichen didn't have time to think too much and shouted to Lin Yichen:

"Raise the helicopter!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Yichen immediately leaned over and pulled up the joystick, and the helicopter flew straight upwards. At this moment, Li Yichen suddenly rushed out of the helicopter, holding Tianya in his hand, and dived down towards Archimonde.

"Human! Your life ends here!!"

Seeing that Li Yichen actually dared to attack him, Archimonde suddenly felt that his dignity had been challenged, and he couldn't help but let out a roar.

He is the undead king, the king of the entire undead race. A tiny human dares to attack him. What is the difference between this and an ant provoking a giant dragon?

Seeing Li Yichen approaching quickly and pointing the ferocious bow in his hand towards him, Archimonde stretched out his arm with a ferocious expression and directly grabbed the bow in Li Yichen's hand.

After all, he is the King of the Immortal, and Archimonde is also well-informed. Although he cannot tell what material the bow is made of, he does know that the material of this bow should be good, and the outer arm of the bow is The serrated edge should also be sharp.

But Archimonde was very confident in his own defense. He did not think that this bow could pose a threat to him. He planned to seize the human's weapon, then grab him and throw him to the ground like garbage. If he could survive, then Archimonde might even personally absorb the life energy in his body because of his current bravery.


The moment Archimonde and Li Yichen met, Archimonde's hand grabbed the upper half of Tianya's bow arm. As a result, half of his hand was cut off, and a piece of dark red blood was sprinkled in the air. rain……

"Ah [58 novel www.58xs.info]!"

Archimonde let out an extremely angry roar. Since he became the King of the Immortal, he has lost count of how many eras he has not been injured, and now, that ant-like human has actually cut off his own hand? ?

"You are dead!"

He suddenly froze his body in the air, then let himself fall, chasing Li Yichen who was diving toward the ground. Archimonde stared at the bow in Li Yichen's hand.

Archimonde knows his own defense best, but the bow held in this human's hand can easily cut off his own palm. The powerful defense he is proud of cannot be used at all under that bow. Didn't play any role.

There is only one explanation for this, and that is that the material used to make this bow is quite advanced, even far beyond what I had imagined before!

Although the undead don't like to use any weapons, Archimonde will not refuse this extremely high-grade material, because he is metallic, and if he gets this weapon, he can use it to strengthen himself!

After entering the SS-level realm, the upper limit of attributes no longer exists, but similarly, the way to increase attributes has also changed. You can only slowly absorb the elements between heaven and earth to strengthen yourself.

Just like Archimonde, he is metallic, so if he wants to strengthen himself, he can only absorb the metal elements between heaven and earth to strengthen and upgrade his body, and weapons that can easily break through his body's defenses, It can definitely greatly increase his physical strength.

Therefore, after his palm was cut off, Archimonde's target became the bow in Li Yichen's hand. If someone wanted to kill someone, he would not let go of this weapon. Even if Archimonde was asked to kill someone and If he had to choose between two weapons, he would choose the weapon without hesitation.

While chasing Li Yichen, Archimonde gave orders to the undead men below through his spiritual connection, asking them to surround the human who was falling to the ground and not let him escape under any circumstances.

After receiving the order, the undead immediately surrounded Li Yichen in the direction where he was about to land, looking up at Li Yichen. However, Li Yichen did not panic at all when he saw so many undead below.

Lin Yichen, who was desperately trying to raise the helicopter, only then realized that Li Yichen had jumped out of the helicopter and was falling into the encirclement of the undead, and she suddenly felt anxious.

She was quite aware of the strength of the undead, and she also knew what level Li Yichen was. Once he fell into that encirclement, it would be difficult to get out.

Although Lin Yichen knew that Li Yichen had space powers, the undead below were all A-level or even S-level, not to mention there was an immortal king. Who knew if there was a strong person in the space system among them?

Lin Yichen immediately moved her body and sat in the driver's seat, then turned the plane's nose and flew towards Li Yichen, but now Li Yichen was close to the ground, and she had no time to rescue him!

In fact, Li Yichen did not need rescue at all. He already had his goal when he jumped down, and now he was very close to that goal. Therefore, Li Yichen did not hesitate and directly launched the Thunder Explosion. .

Because there were no enemies, Li Yichen did not add the lightning power. He pulled out an afterimage in the air, flew in one direction, and then stopped next to the trial passage!

Yes, Li Yichen's goal was the trial passage. The trial passage that appeared in Shanghai City was similar to the one in the Immortal City. It was also above the rooftop of a building, about ten meters away from the rooftop.

Li Yichen did not enter the trial passage directly, but stopped in front of the trial passage and then landed on the rooftop.

Archimonde didn't expect that Li Yichen still had this ability. If he tried to change direction and pursue him, he could no longer do so, so he immediately ordered the undead below to pursue Li Yichen and continue to surround him!

When the undead heard the boss's order, they naturally carried it out immediately. They climbed up to the rooftop where Li Yichen was and surrounded him again. However, Archimonde did not let them attack, so they just surrounded Li Yichen and died. Stare at him.

After Archimonde landed, he immediately went up to the rooftop and walked towards Li Yichen...


Looking at Archimonde with a ferocious face, Li Yichen stretched out his hand to stop him and said at the same time, but Archimonde ignored him and still walked forward - When will you obey the dragon when you see it? An ant's order?

"It's okay that you've become less human, but why can't you even understand human speech?"

Seeing that Archimonde didn't respond to his words, Li Yichen couldn't help but frowned.

"you wanna die!!"

After hearing Li Yichen's words, Archimonde gritted his teeth and said:

"Human! I will take off your head and keep your consciousness, and then let you see with your own eyes how I tear your body apart bit by bit!"

"No! You may have a beautiful wish to tear me apart, but unfortunately, this can only be a wish and will never become a reality!"

Li Yichen looked at Archimonde and suddenly smiled:

"Red-faced! Since you can understand people's words, stop quickly, otherwise, I guarantee you will regret it, and maybe your face will turn green!"

(Zombie: Are you sure the green one is the face?)

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Archimonde couldn't help but be startled. This human...does he have any trump cards? Then, he saw Li Yichen raising his arm with a smile on his face and pointing to the top of his head...

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