Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 638 Return to Xiangcheng

Soon, Li Yichen drove the helicopter to the sky above Taiwan Island, and then he started flying at low altitude in the helicopter.

To build a trial passage, you must first find a weak point in space. Only in this way can the space barrier be broken. This is why the undead build a space passage at such a high location.

The location they chose was where the undead trial passage was before. Because there had been an explosion in the space there, the space barrier was extremely weak and could easily be broken.

In fact, Li Yichen could also rebuild the trial passage there, which would save him a lot of trouble, but the target there was too obvious and could easily be discovered by the undead, so Li Yichen chose Taiwan Island, which is far away from the mainland.

The undead don't develop technology, so they basically won't cross the sea to hang out on Taiwan Island. It will be relatively safer here, and Li Yichen also has a plan in mind, which is to build an underground base here on Taiwan Island. Let those Earthlings come here to hide.

Even if it's not the same Earth, Li Yichen doesn't want the humans here to become extinct, and Li Yichen doesn't want to take them all to the trial site. That's no different from giving up on the Earth.

Anyway, they and the undead will eventually leave and enter the trial land. At that time, the people here will be relatively safe and can rebuild the earth and wait for the arrival of the next era.

It took Li Yichen a full day to get around Taiwan Island. There are indeed many survivors on Taiwan Island, and they have also established many survival bases, ranging in size.

Perhaps because there are no undead here, there are not many enhanced zombies. Therefore, although there are no enhanced zombies, the survivors here can still ensure their own safety by relying on weapons and walls.

Seeing the helicopter, these survivors did not say hello loudly. Instead, Li Yichen's eagle eyes saw that they were all looking at Li Yichen's helicopter with vigilance.

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen did not land at any base. Even when he saw the survivor base, he would temporarily raise the helicopter to prevent the people below from misunderstanding or even being attacked by them.

After going around in a circle, Li Yichen found a dozen places where the space was relatively weak. After careful consideration, Li Yichen chose a point in the valley of Awai Mountain!

This space weak point can be said to be the most ideal one in the entire Taiwan Island. The location is quite good. First of all, it is located in the valley, which is quite hidden. There are no survivors in the valley, maybe because there are mutant beasts in the mountains.

The only shortcoming may be that it is a bit far from the sea, and it is still near the central axis of Taiwan Island, so the distance on both sides is about the same! If Lin Xiaoyun brought people to hunt the mutated beasts in the sea, they would not be transported to him and he would have to go to the beach to collect them himself.

After landing the helicopter, Li Yichen came to the location of the weak point in space. This weak point in space was not on the ground, but about ten meters away from the ground. However, this did not bother Li Yichen, so he redeemed it directly from the mall. A platform. Standing on the platform, you can reach out and touch the weak point of this space.

In fact, it may be a bit strange to talk about touch, because space is simply invisible and intangible to ordinary people, just like air. Only space powerhouses like Li Yichen can truly feel the existence of space. .

But at least in Lin Yichen's eyes, Li Yichen was standing on the platform, reaching out and feeling something in the air in front of him. It looked a bit like he was doing Tai Chi.

After confirming that he could break through the weak point of this space, Li Yichen finally stopped "boxing". He had no intention of starting to build a trial passage immediately. After all, this passage was to connect the two worlds, and he had never tried it before. After building a space passage, it was the first time for such a big project, and I was a little unsure!

"Xiao Yi! Where are you? We have arrived at Taiwan Island! Now we are in the northernmost part of Taiwan Island!"

At this moment, the communicator rang, and Lin Xiaoyun arrived with his people. Since they were coming to Taiwan, the communication equipment on their helicopter could not communicate over such a long distance, so they had to reach Taiwan before they could contact Li Yichen!

"We are in Awai Mountain, located in the south of Taiwan Island, probably near the central axis!"

Li Yichen replied immediately, and then his eyes lit up. The appearance of Lin Xiaoyun suddenly made him think of a method that could not only resettle those survivors on the earth, but also familiarize him with how to open space passages!

Thinking of this method, Li Yichen stopped delaying and immediately walked around the valley. Then he selected a location about one kilometer away from where he had built the platform before. After pressing it in the air for a while, he came In front of Lin Yichen.

"Yiyi! You wait here for Uncle Yun. I have to go back to the mainland. It will probably take a day or two before I can come back! When Uncle Yun comes, tell him that I will set up a small base here and let him lead people. Go here and hunt mutant beasts there!”

Li Yichen took out the terminal, clicked a point on the map, and said to Lin Yichen:

"As for you, just follow Uncle Yun and wait for me at that base! When I'm done over there, I'll come find you!"

"No! I want to go with you!"

Lin Yichen looked at Li Yichen warily, apparently thinking that he brought her here for a walk just to get rid of her, and then return to the mainland to build a trial passage.

"Didn't I tell you! If I want to build a trial passage, I will do it at this location, or you can stay here!"

Li Yichen guessed Lin Yichen's thoughts and couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"And without the mutant beasts that Uncle Lin and the others hunted, I wouldn't have that much life energy to build the trial passage!"

"Then I don't care! I've said before that I will always follow you! Uncle Yun is now able to contact you. You can just send him your arrangements and the location of this base directly. Why do you need me? Convey it here?"

Lin Yichen shook his head and looked at Li Yichen firmly.

"Okay! Then come with me!"

Li Yichen shook his head helplessly, then opened the terminal, sent the coordinates to Lin Xiaoyun, and then said to the communicator:

"Uncle Lin, our current location is where we are going to build the trial passage in the future. Just remember this place. You can rush to this coordinate on the seaside now. I will wait for you there!"


Lin Xiaoyun replied happily.

"Let's go!"

After hanging up the communication, Li Yichen looked at Lin Yichen, shrugged his shoulders and then took Lin Yichen onto the helicopter and together they came to the coordinates he marked!

"I'll go! Is it a cliff?"

When Li Yichen marked the coordinates, he only saw that this was the seaside closest to the valley of Mount Awai, and did not pay attention to the terrain. Only now did he realize that this was a cliff, which was not suitable for building a base here, so he drove the helicopter forward and flew forward. After walking for a while, we found an area with relatively gentle terrain.

After landing the helicopter, Li Yichen selected a location, then exchanged it for a small castle from the mall, and then exchanged it for a large circle of walls to surround the castle, and a small base was completed.

Of course, this base is definitely not as strong as Yunzhong City or Laifulin Castle, and it cannot even compare with the walls of the safe zone. However, this is only a temporary base, and Lin Xiaotian only brought a thousand people, so that they can have A temporary resting place is enough.

In addition, Li Yichen also built a simple dock on the beach and exchanged it for two large ships. If there are not enough mutant beasts on the beach, he might try to go to sea!

Not long after the construction of the small base and dock was completed, Lin Xiaoyun and the others arrived. In order to transport the thousand people, the Lin family used twenty large transport planes, not only to transport people, but also many materials such as tents, food, etc.

"I forgot to tell you, as long as you bring weapons, I will prepare everything else for you."

Looking at those Lin family soldiers with big and small bags, Li Yichen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Did you do this...?"

Lin Xiaoyun looked at the castle and asked with disbelief. He had never seen this ability of Li Yichen. Although a bunch of strengthening injections and the like appeared out of thin air in the past, a box of strengthening liquid and a walled courtyard were enough. A castle with a square kilometer is not of the same magnitude.

"Yeah! My superpower - space superpower!"

Li Yichen didn't explain much, nodded and said:

"Uncle Lin, just hunt the mutated beasts in the sea here! There is a dock over there with two boats parked. You can use it as you like. Also, let me tell you, there is a village over there. There are some zombies inside, you can catch some and use them to attract mutant beasts in the sea!"

"Using zombies? Will it work?"

Lin Xiaoyun was stunned!

"I don't know either, let's try it!"

Li Yichen shrugged. He just remembered the scene where the soldiers in the Hell City used zombie corpses to attract the Zerg!

"Okay! Then I'll give it a try!"

Lin Xiaoyun would never refuse Li Yichen's request. Catching a few zombies was no big deal to them anyway.

"Okay! Then you guys should get familiar with it first! Let's go first!"

Li Yichen nodded! Then he took Ariel Lin onto the helicopter again!

This time, Li Yichen flew the helicopter directly towards Xiangcheng without any delay, and landed in a jungle not far from Xiangcheng.

"Xiancheng? There are no more of us here, what are we doing here?"

Looking at the familiar city in the distance, Lin Yichen looked at Li Yichen in astonishment and asked.

"Build a space passage!"

Li Yichen smiled and replied...

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