Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 691 Did it actually meet the standard?

Li Yichen vaguely felt that the source of life mentioned by the light and shadow man was probably the life mark mentioned by the system, because the terms seemed to be similar, but the names were slightly different!

If this is really the case, then you are blind, because even if Archimonde is still alive, most of his life mark has been absorbed by himself, not to mention the system telling him that taking the life mark is not perfect in the first place. Even if it is perfect, it has become incomplete after being manipulated like this by myself. It is estimated that it cannot be used against the arbiter!

"Remember! My friend, a latecomer to mankind, the Ark Project is jointly arranged by humans in more than a dozen dimensional universes. Please cherish it. If you are not completely sure, please do not start it. If you have confidence, Then please pass our test first! Complete the three conditions I mentioned."

The light and shadow man continued, while pointing in a direction in the database. Following her movements, two yellow light gates appeared:

"These two doors are the space passages leading to the Hope and Heritage. When enough people enter, these two doors will turn green! This means that your condition has been met!"

"The second condition will be automatically fulfilled when you enter the storage room. As for the third condition..."

The light and shadow man said and pointed to the terminal next to Li Yichen:

"Did you see the palm print above? When you are able to control the most powerful king of the undead, bring him here and let him press his hand. The terminal will automatically evaluate his source of life and give the answer. !”

"Okay! If you are still unclear, you can check it on the terminal at any time. My friend, remember, your choice may affect the fate of the entire human race, so don't be hasty! Moreover, there is no absolute guarantee. Be sure, don’t try to scout the Arbiter plane first, that will expose the space passage and make our previous sacrifices in vain!”

"Please! Come on! May mankind be eternal!!"

At the end of his speech, the man of light and shadow found Li Yichen's direction again, bowed deeply to him, and then slowly disappeared in a flash...

Li Yichen took a deep breath, bent down towards the place where the light and shadow man disappeared, and bowed deeply. After a while, he slowly straightened up and looked at the two lights leading to the Hope and Heritage. He opened the door, looked at the storage room again, and finally came to the front of Zhinao, looking down at the palm print.

Lifting his arm, Li Yichen looked at his palm carefully. According to the system, he absorbed the life mark of the immortal king Archimonde, which is the source of life. So, can he verify it here? ?

Without any further hesitation, Li Yichen turned his palm over and pressed against the palm print...


The moment Li Yichen pressed his palm, a beep sounded, and then a line of words appeared on the Zhinao screen:

"The source of life has mutated and is being analyzed..."

"Mutation? Under analysis?"

Li Yichen was stunned when he saw this line of words, but before he could figure it out, another line of words appeared on the screen:

"The total number of sources of life chains reaches the standard and the verification is passed!!"


Li Yichen raised his hand blankly and looked at it with a confused look on his face. Didn't he say...this is the most difficult one? Why...passed?

Didn't the system say that the life mark of Archimonde it absorbed was incomplete? It was not perfect in the first place, and what I absorbed was only part of it, but now it is actually judged as up to standard by the terminal? Could it be that something is wrong with this terminal because of its age?

"System! What's going on? Doesn't it mean that the life mark I absorbed is incomplete? How come it passed?"

Li Yichen quickly asked the system in his mind! However, he did not get a response from the system. After being stunned for a moment, Li Yichen finally remembered that the system could not hear his question now!

When he heard the words of the first light and shadow man, Li Yichen knew that what he was about to hear might be related to the great secret of mankind, so he directly cut off the system's communication with the outside world.

The garbage collection system is attached to Li Yichen, so all the systems that Li Yichen has experienced can also be experienced. However, Li Yichen can actively block it. In this case, the system cannot know Li Yichen's experience.

In fact, Li Yichen felt that his connection with the system was similar to the connection between this subspace and the main space, because the system itself said that he was not in Li Yichen's body, but because there was a space in Li Yichen's body that was connected to the system. point.

Shielding means directly closing this space point. In this case, no matter what Li Yichen has experienced, the system will not know. Of course, this is what the system told him. Li Yichen cannot be sure whether this is the case!

This is what Li Yichen asked the system after he returned to Earth and saw Lin Yichen. After all, the system guy can see everything he sees. What if... Well! That’s what it means anyway!

Blocking the system this time was just Li Yichen's subconscious behavior. After all, the system is not a human being. Li Yichen felt that the light and shadow man might say some negative news about human beings. If the system knew about it, he would be disgraced as a human being, so he should not do it. Let it be known!

But now, the light and shadow man has disappeared, and there is nothing dishonorable about what he said. On the contrary, everything he said made Li Yichen feel that human beings are proud of themselves, so Li Yichen left, canceled the shield, and asked again Previous question.

"It's incomplete! The original life mark of the undead was incomplete, and besides, you didn't absorb all of Archimonde's life marks. Of course, it can't be complete. What do you mean, it's up to standard?"

Hearing Li Yichen's question, the system was a little confused. After all, it hadn't seen anything before, so it didn't understand what Li Yichen was asking!

"This is it!"

Li Yichen pointed to Zhinao in front of him and briefly explained the situation.

"No wonder, let me tell you why the life marks of the undead are so close to those of the human race!"

After listening to Li Yichen's words, the system suddenly realized:

"You guessed it right, the source of life is the life mark, but the name is different. Maybe, this is the name of the life mark by high-level beings, right?"

"However, I am absolutely sure that the life mark of the undead is incomplete. As for why you can pass the verification, it should be your own problem!"

"My own problem?"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly understood, and his eyes widened...

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