Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 704 Powerful Attack of Space Rules

"Then...I'll just move the first batch of formal members here!"

Wan Shan looked at Li Yichen in the sky. Those people had joined the Capital of Hell very early. Although they did not join the army, it was all due to various reasons. When it comes to their sense of belonging to the Capital of Hell, there must be no problem. of.

Those survivors who joined later were able to quickly accept the Hell City. Speaking of which, these people also contributed a lot! Moreover, these people have long been accustomed to the rules of the capital of hell. Let them come here, even if they don't have to be watched by a lone wolf, they won't cause any trouble!

"Yes! Okay! Let's do it separately! In addition, Lao Wan, leave these things to others. You stay with me. Let's go to the central control room and study this space battleship before deciding on the next steps!"

Lin Xiaotian nodded.


Wan Shan nodded, then turned to look at Li Dong, Kong Tian and others. These people understood and nodded, saying that they could just leave this matter to them!

Soon, everyone dispersed, while Wan Shan and Lin Xiaotian stayed in the town for a while, dividing the areas of the town and waiting for Li Yichen until they had finished dividing all the areas of the town. , Li Yichen still made no movement!

"Let's go! Let's go to the central control room first. This guy looks like he won't wake up for a while!"

Lin Xiaotian finally shrugged his shoulders and said, Wan Shan nodded, and then left the town with Lin Xiaotian!

I don't know how long it took, but Li Yichen finally opened his eyes. His eyes were full of excitement that couldn't be concealed!

After understanding the spatial rules in the small town, Li Yichen's understanding of the spatial rules has finally entered a new realm. It turns out that the spatial rules are not only about teleportation, but also about space superposition, space theft, and space transfer. Space compression, space repulsion...

The ways of using these space rules can actually be used as Li Yichen's means of attack, especially since he can completely control the space rules, so he can do whatever he wants when using the space rules.

Slowly raising his hand, Li Yichen began to experiment with his new understanding of how to use space rules...

A lightning ball instantly appeared between his fingers, and then the space outside his fingertips began to show visible distortions. It only took about a minute for the ball of lightning elements the size of a table tennis ball to be compressed to the size of a needle tip. , if you don’t look carefully, you can’t even see it!

Then, Li Yichen flicked his fingers, and the thunder and lightning elements compressed and wrapped by the rules of space on his fingertips flew into the sky.

After flicking the thunder and lightning elements up, a blue ball suddenly appeared in the sky about two hundred meters above Li Yichen's head, about the size of a basketball. This blue ball was composed of radial thunder and lightning elements, and the blue ball The color ball did not last long, not even a second. Then, the blue ball disappeared, and the area where it was located turned black, and then quickly disappeared!

This whole process was silent. If you didn't look up, you wouldn't even feel it at all. But when Li Yichen saw all this, a smile appeared on his lips. He had succeeded!

Just now, he compressed the lightning element using space rules, and the space rules surrounding him were also compressed to the extreme. Then, he used space conversion to send the double-compressed sphere to his intended target in the air!

After reaching the target point, the spatial rules first erupted. Because those spatial rules were compressed to the extreme, once they erupted, they caused spatial chaos. The thunder and lightning elements that subsequently erupted had enough power to destroy the chaos. The space is torn apart!

The black hole that appeared before was the torn space. This is definitely an attack method that can ignore defense. However, the flaw is that the preparation time of this move is too long. It is probably impossible to use it in a battle, but with it Maybe we can do a sneak attack!

However, even Archimonde has a very powerful crisis prediction, and the Arbiter must also have this ability. It is probably unrealistic to use this move as a big weapon against them.

However, Li Yichen is just casually experimenting with the use of the space rules he has just understood. Moreover, what he used just now was actually just space compression and space transfer. There are many other methods that have not been included. If he thinks about it carefully in the future, Li Yichen I feel that I can come up with several ways to attack using the rules of space.

At least, in the future, Li Yichen will no longer use space rules as a movement technique to transfer positions! In terms of attack, the space rules seem to be more powerful.

Looking around, he found that Wan Shan and the others had already left, so with a thought, Li Yichen used the space rules he had just learned to teleport directly to the central control room! Now, he can freely perform space transformation within a certain range.

In fact, this space transformation is teleportation. However, Li Yichen did not have a deep understanding of space rules before and did not understand the principle of this. In fact, teleportation is to exchange the space where he is with the space of the target area.

However, Li Yichen's previous teleportation used a one-way space transformation. In other words, he could only transform objects in his own space to another location, but he could not transform objects in the target area!

Therefore, before Li Yichen's teleportation, the target location must be empty, otherwise there would be a conflict and even death or serious injury to him.

But that won't happen now. If he can't determine whether there is no object at the target location, Li Yichen can completely use two-way conversion, which means that the two spaces are directly exchanged, including the objects in the space.

In other words, Li Yichen can now even exchange places between himself and another person instantly. In this way, the effect of this teleportation can be greatly improved.

If Li Yichen sets some space traps where he is, and then instantly switches places with the place and triggers the trap, then the enemies who suddenly appear at the location of the trap will naturally be in serious trouble.

Even if there are no traps, just suddenly changing positions during the battle is enough to make the enemy panic and firmly control the rhythm of the battle in your own hands! Of course, when facing a creature that is too powerful and Li Yichen's level is suppressed by the opponent, this conversion will be quite laborious and may even fail. This requires Li Yichen to become more familiar with this conversion in the future to increase the success rate!

After returning to the central control room, Li Yichen found that Wan Shan and Lin Xiaotian were in front of a smart computer, with their heads together, seemingly studying something...

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