Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 73 Words from the Earth

"Alien invasion?"

Li Yichen and Chang Guchuan asked at the same time. It seems that Chang Guchuan has never heard of the alien invasion, but this is normal. He is only about 20 years old and was born in the end of the world. How can he bother to inquire about any legends?

"Alien invasion!"

Wan Shan sat down on the ground, looked at the sky, and said while recalling:

"That was when I was young... I heard my grandpa tell me stories when he had nothing to do. There is an ancient legend in our world. It is said that thousands of years ago, our world was invaded by aliens. , seems to be an alien, right?”

"They had advanced technology and spacecraft, and they entered our planet directly and fought with us."

Wan Shan lay down, put his hands behind his head, and looked at the white clouds in the sky comfortably:

"Because it was an alien invasion, at that time, all the countries on the planet united to resist the aliens. It is said that the war lasted for more than a hundred years, and finally ended with the annihilation of the alien army!"

"I heard that those aliens look the same as us, but their language is different. It seems that after wiping out the alien army, some of us have studied their language and tried to figure out where they came from, but they failed! "

"As for the chimney below, it might be the space battleship driven by those alien races when they came. Didn't you say you can't push it? That means the thing below should be very huge, otherwise with your strength , a gentle shake can always be done.”

After listening to Wan Shan's words, Li Yichen couldn't help but fell into deep thought. What he said made sense, but...does a spaceship need such a square metal pillar? When watching the movie, the spaceships in it didn’t seem to have such a thing.

But... I don't have time to study this yet. Once the Tiger Shark Base is solved, we can build a sub-base here and then have someone dig it up, Li Yichen thought to himself.

But before that, all the high-level zombies inside must be killed, otherwise, the enhanced zombies will be suppressed. Except for Li Yichen, no one here can deal with those enhanced zombies.

Thinking about the more than 20,000 enhanced zombies in the Valley of the Dead, Li Yichen had a headache. It seemed that he would be quite busy in the coming period.

"Instructor! What is that?"

Chang Guchuan, who had been looking around, suddenly pointed in a direction and asked. Wan Shan quickly looked over and found that there seemed to be a black shadow at the bottom of the mountain range in front. Li Yichen, who had eagle eyes, directly discovered that it was a cave. .

"It's a cave!"

Li Yichen frowned and said, although the cave is very common, but it appears in this mysterious place, it seems necessary to go and explore it?

"How about! I'll take you back first, and then I'll go over and have a look?"

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan and Chang Guchuan and asked. But after Chang Guchuan heard about the legend and saw the chimney, his curiosity aroused and he wanted to go and have a look, so he said:

"Instructor, that place is no longer within the scope of the Death Army Valley, and the cave still extends towards the interior of the mountain range. After we pass there, we should regain our strength. Let's go over and have a look together? Anyway, even if the danger is out, the two of us can't fight or run away. Can run."


Li Yichen nodded. In fact, he also wanted to see how big the range of this power suppression was. At least he had to know this range well. His base is here and it will definitely be used in the future.

"Let's go! Let's go see it together!"

Li Yichen reburied the chimney, kicked the zombie's body back, and then led the two of them towards the cave.

Before reaching the foot of the mountain, Wan Shan and Chang Guchuan's suppression disappeared. The two regained their strength and their confidence greatly increased. Li Yichen secretly noted this situation. He felt that maybe the scope of this suppression was that The extent of what lies beneath the chimney.

Arriving at the cave, Li Yichen took out three searchlights from his bag and handed one to each of the two people. The two looked at each other, turned on the searchlights and entered the cave.

Li Yichen's backpack seemed to be a treasure bag. No matter what was missing, he could take it out immediately. Xiaohu wanted military thorns, so he opened the bag and took out a pile, just enough for each person. Now that the cave was dark, he could immediately take it out. He took out searchlights, and there were exactly three of them...who the hell could stand this?

After entering the cave, there was no abnormality in Wan Shan and Chang Guchuan. Li Yichen breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he also found that there was wind in the cave, which showed that the cave was not dead and there were other exits.

With this discovery, Li Yichen became more energetic and strode forward inside.

The cave was quite large, at least ten meters in diameter, and after walking inside for a while, they did not find that the data had shrunk.

"This cave...should be man-made!"

Shining a searchlight on the stone wall, Wan Shan said, and Li Yichen nodded. There were indeed traces of carvings on the stone wall, and naturally occurring caves should not be so regular.

"How big is this Duanjun Mountain?"

After walking for about two kilometers, Li Yichen finally couldn't help but ask, because the cave had not changed at all, could this be a tunnel?

"Duanjun Mountain is huge [txt novel www.txtxs.info]!"

Wan Shan Road:

"The Duanjun Mountain surrounding our valley is only one-tenth of the entire Duanjun Mountain."

"Holy shit!"

Li Yichen stopped talking, stopped and took off his backpack, then opened it and took out a...motorcycle from the backpack in front of the two of them!

Wan Shan and Chang Guchuan’s faces twitched, Nah! Brother, can you play like this? The wheels of this motorcycle are bigger than the old bag you are carrying. How about you take this out of it? Why don't you take it out secretly while the two of us are walking ahead?

Putting the motorcycle on the ground, Li Yichen sat on it and said to the two of them:

"You guys go slowly, I'll explore the road ahead first!"

"Okay! Be careful!"

Wan Shan said weakly, and Li Yichen didn't say much. The car rushed forward and quickly disappeared in front of the two of them.

What made Li Yichen depressed was that he took out his motorcycle and drove forward for less than a kilometer when he noticed a change in front of him. If he had known earlier, wouldn't he have just kept walking forward?

Under the illumination of the motorcycle's headlight, Li Yichen saw a section of the cave ahead, with two doors appearing on the mountain walls on both sides. The doors were about three meters high and two meters wide, which happened to be opposite each other.

Arriving between the two doors, Li Yichen stopped the car and picked up the searchlight to shine on the door on the left. When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but widen his eyes with a look of shock - above the door was written Three big words: ammunition depot!

What shocked Li Yichen was not that there was actually a bomb here, but that these three characters were very familiar to him and came from the earth...Chinese characters! !

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