This passage to the capital of hell was not built in advance because we were not sure about the situation on the other side of the earth at the time. If after building it, the undead came out, it would be convenient for them, allowing them to fight directly to hell. Going to the capital, Li Yichen would naturally not do such a thing!

In addition, because the distance of this space passage is quite short, much shorter than the one from Earth Xiangcheng to Taiwan Island, and he had already determined the exit of the passage in the capital of hell and left the space coordinates, so he constructed It's so easy to make and doesn't take long at all!

Soon, Li Yichen found a suitable location near the cave, and then asked Lin Yichen to help him watch while he directly tore open the space, connected the space points in the capital of hell, and began to build a space passage.

Lin Pingzhi entered the space passage and found that it was a cave, so he stepped out and looked around. He had been away from the trial place for a long time, and he felt a little emotional when he came back.

However, he immediately discovered Li Yichen and Lin Yichen who were building a space passage. He couldn't help but be startled, and then frowned, because there was a distance between Li Yichen and Lin Yichen, and they were both standing still. Looking from a distance, they looked a bit... It seemed like the young couple had a conflict.

"Um...why did we have a quarrel just after we met?"

Lin Pingzhi was a little depressed. When he thought about it, it must be Lin Yichen who was acting petty, because Lin Yichen was already very favored in the Lin family. After having a relationship with Li Yichen, no one would mess with her. In their generation, the Lin family Among people, Lin Yichen is the only one who is qualified to participate in the family meeting!

And judging from Lin Pingzhi's understanding of Li Yichen, he is not a petty person, especially at this time. Could it be that... Yiyi girl wants to benefit from Li Yichen for the Lin family?

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but become nervous. After all, Lin Yichen was from the Lin family and was doted on by Lin Poyu. If she wanted to go to Li Yichen for Lin Poyu and tell him to give Lin Poyu a A higher position is not impossible!

But Li Yichen is not the kind of person who loves his children, especially at this critical moment involving countless lives and deaths. It is impossible for him to change his decision because of Lin Yichen. Even if Li Yichen misunderstood that Lin Yichen did this because of their instructions, then it would be impossible. It's troublesome.

So, Lin Pingzhi hurried over, intending to see what was going on, and if it didn't work, he could still save it.

As a result, when he got closer, he realized that the two of them had not quarreled, and when he came over, Ariel Lin made a silent gesture to him.

"Is this... building a space channel?"

Although he is not a strong person in the space system, Lin Pingzhi still saw what Li Yichen was doing, and secretly admired him in his heart. He was so young, but he could actually build a space channel independently, and... it didn't look like it was very strenuous!

Since it was not a quarrel, Lin Pingzhi felt relieved. He looked around and saw that this place was very close to the cave, so he simply stayed here and helped Li Yichen protect the law!

The construction of the space passage this time was very easy. After all, with this addition, Li Yichen has already constructed four space passages, and there is even an extra-long space passage connecting the earth and the trial place. It can be said that he has rich experience. , such an ultra-short distance space channel is simply extremely simple!

It only took about forty minutes for Li Yichen to complete the construction of the space passage. He stopped, turned to Lin Pingzhi and nodded with a smile:

"Senior Ping!"


Lin Pingzhi also nodded:

"Xiao Wan asked me to look at the entrance of the passage to avoid any accidents. When I came over, I happened to see you building the passage, so I came here to watch it together!

"Well! Then there will be trouble for Senior Ping here!"

Li Yichen was not polite and nodded directly:

"This is not very far from the base of the orcs. They are in the province next door. For safety reasons, senior Ping will stay here until everyone is transferred!"

After saying that, Li Yichen turned around and looked left and right, then came to the middle of the two space passages, took out Tianya, cut off and recycled a piece of vegetation between two towering trees, and cleared a clearing. Then he waved his hand, A small villa appeared in the open space.

The villa only has two and a half floors. The top is a small attic with a rooftop. Because it is not high, it is blocked by the crowns of two big trees and cannot be seen from above!

"Senior Ping, I will give you a temporary shelter here. There are all daily necessities inside, as well as barbecue equipment. You can go into the jungle, hunt mutant beasts and grill them to eat! I also left a lot of wine for you!"

Looking the villa up and down, Li Yichen nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at Lin Pingzhi and said:

"Originally, this place should be guarded by our people, but I think the people who came here in the early stage are all members of the Lin family. It might be more suitable for you to be here!"

"Hahahaha! No problem!"

Lin Pingzhi understood what Li Yichen meant. After all, the Lin family had a strong sense of belonging. When they first entered the capital of hell, they might feel unconvinced. This kind of emotion would be useless even if the senior leaders of the Lin family suppressed it.

But if they saw themselves, the ancestors of the Lin family, standing guard here when they passed by, those unwilling guys would definitely become more honest, so they laughed and said:

"Anyway, I can only be a thug at most. I can't do anything else. I just want to drink wine and eat barbecue here. It's like camping. Don't tell me, the environment here is really good!"

"Thank you, Senior Ping!"

Li Yichen nodded gratefully, then looked at Lin Yichen:

"Then I'll take Yiyi to the Ark first. Then she will be needed to arrange the Lin family's arrival!"

After speaking, Li Yichen pointed to the space passage again:

"After a while the people over there came out, Senior Ping directly let them enter this space channel, and then there will be people over there to guide them, telling them not to stay, and don't block the exit!"

"I understand this! You go ahead!"

Lin Pingzhi waved his hand impatiently. He didn't know how many years it had been. No one had dared to arrange things for him so generously. But after meeting this boy, he seemed to have listened to him all the way from the other side of the earth. His command turned out to be like this again!

Li Yichen didn't waste much time. After explaining, he pulled Lin Yichen into the space passage and returned to the capital of hell!

The entrance to this space channel is also at the central base, and is on the same floor as the space channel that entered the Ark. After coming out, Li Yichen did not stop, and took Lin Yichen directly into the Ark in the subspace...

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