Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 747: Encountered a cheater!

The next moment, Li Yichen reappeared in the huge water area with no end in sight. As soon as he appeared, he found himself under attack again. The same kind of fish that looked like a water snake rushed towards him.

Li Yichen knew that these fish were of the thunder and lightning system. Speaking of which, his lightning system powers came from the fish he killed.

Because he didn't know where he was yet, Li Yichen didn't move. He didn't want to make too much noise, especially now that he had just entered the arbiter plane and was still in the space passage.

If he was discovered by the Arbiter now, not only would his plan to scout the Arbiter's plane be ruined, but even the space passage would be exposed. Li Yichen didn't want to be the reason for the failure of the Ark plan!

However, Li Yichen is different now compared to before. The electric fish that almost killed him on the spot can no longer pose a threat to him, because they are of the thunder and lightning system, and Li Yichen is also of the thunder and lightning system, and Li Yichen is very familiar with the lightning element. A level of control has been achieved.

Let alone a fish, even an arbiter would have no chance of using lightning or space abilities to harm Li Yichen!

Of course, this does not mean that if he meets a strong person from these two series, Li Yichen can ignore the opponent's level and bully them at will. Super powers cannot cause damage, but Li Yichen cannot ignore pure physical attacks! An old punch can smash him into a photo!

Of course, these fish did not have the power to turn Li Yichen into a photo, so they could only become recyclables in the garbage recycling system. Li Yichen did not move, just waiting quietly in the water, when the fish rushed toward him like lightning. At that time, he just solidified the space around him and easily caught these fish!

Then, they directly used space compression to squeeze these fish to death, and then recycled them without even a trace of the smell of blood coming out!

There are a lot of fish in this water area, and they are all of the same kind. It should be because these fish are very aggressive, and other aquatic creatures are hunted by them, so they completely dominate this water area!

In less than five minutes, Li Yichen killed about two to three hundred fish and harvested a large amount of materials and lightning-type superpower injections.

As time went by, fewer and fewer electric fish came to attack Li Yichen. Apart from these fish, Li Yichen found no other abnormalities, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and then carefully observed the surrounding environment.

This is a large body of water, at least with Li Yichen's eagle eyes, he cannot see the boundary. And although it is not that bright, the light is not bad, but it gets darker as you go down!

Li Yichen looked around and after confirming that everything was the same, he started to slowly swim upstream. The Arbiter probably didn't live underwater, so he naturally had to find land first!

I hope the sea in the Arbiter Plane is not very big, because here Li Yichen doesn't dare to drive a helicopter around like he did in the trial area, so he can only swim slowly by himself!

After swimming upstream for about a thousand meters, Li Yichen finally came to the surface of the water. He looked around underwater and didn't seem to find anything, so Li Yichen first used space refraction to make himself sneak, and then pinched a The electric fish he had been holding in his hand since his death was thrown out of the water, and he immediately poked his head out!

Spatial refraction does not make people disappear or become transparent, but uses space to refract light so that the sight of other creatures can directly penetrate the space where they are. It is about the same as refracting back and forth in a mirror, so even in water, it will not There was a phenomenon where although Li Yichen couldn't be seen, he could still find a hole in the water where he was!

But after all, he was in the water. Once the probe went out, the water surface would definitely vibrate, so he first threw a fish and then went out himself. In this way, he should be able to cover up the water surface oscillation caused by him.

However, it turned out that Li Yichen's efforts were in vain, because after the probe came out, there was nothing around him. He should have appeared in the sea, and there was no land around him!

Li Yichen secretly cried out in his heart, what the hell... what should I do?

He didn't know if the Arbiter also had technological power. If so, if he flew up in a helicopter, he might be discovered by the Arbiter.

After thinking for a long time, Li Yichen finally made a decision. He directly redeemed a motorboat from the system mall. Although it still made some noise, it was better than a helicopter, right?

After climbing on the motorboat, Li Yichen looked at the sky. He didn't see any celestial objects, and there was no reference around him, just the vast sea. Moreover, the sea was very calm, and there was not even a trace of wind in the air!

"Hmm? Air?"

Only then did Li Yichen realize that the air in this world was quite fresh. Not only did it not have the rancid smell of the trial land, but it was also quite comfortable to breathe.

In addition, Li Yichen discovered that the rules of heaven and earth in this world were also much more intense. Other uncertainties, at least Li Yichen knew that the accumulation speed of lightning and space rules in his body had increased.

Although the improvement does not seem large, but... over time, this is a quite terrifying advantage!

"No wonder the Arbiter is so powerful, and the fish here are all B-class life forms. It seems to have a lot to do with the environment here!"

Feeling the environment of the Arbiter's plane, Li Yichen looked envious and jealous! Damn it, if you survive in such a concentration of heaven and earth rules, your body is not baptized by the celestial rules all the time. Even if you don't practice, your body's strength will naturally increase. This is simply cheating!

No wonder the Arbiters are so awesome, even a fish in their plane is a B-level life! It turns out that the secret lies in the concentration of the rules of heaven and earth in their plane!

When it comes to the Origin Star, Li Yichen feels that this Arbiter Plane is worthy of being called the Origin Star. Living in a place like this and eating B-level creatures every day, I am afraid that even a pig can kill a dinosaur! !


Li Yichen took a deep breath. Although he hadn't seen the arbiter yet, the environment here allowed him to roughly guess the arbiter's strength. To sum it up in four words, that is: fuck him. Damn it! !

Li Yichen was very depressed. They were simply fighting with cheating creatures! What bothers Li Yichen the most is cheating. The strength of the two sides is not equal at all. Is there any fun in this?

Although Li Yichen himself has a system, his system requires him to work hard to collect garbage in order to be rewarded, while the Arbiter... they only need to breathe air. Isn't this plug-in too powerful?

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