"Did you come in from outside? Are you not from the Source Realm?"

Captain Zhang looked at Li Yichen for half a minute, and just when Li Yichen was wondering if this guy had any special hobbies, Captain Zhang spoke.

"Well! I haven't even heard of the Source World before, only the Source Star!"

Li Yichen shook his head in confusion:

"And this is definitely not the world I live in. At least I haven't seen the beast chasing me before. Although it looks more like a leopard, its fangs are too long and its ears are wrong!"


Captain Zhang was stunned for a moment, then looked at the young man:

"Xiaoyong! What leopard?"

"Oh! Report to the leader, he said that he was in his own world. He came here for no reason, and then he met a leopard, and was chased by the leopard to us!"

The young man replied quickly.

"Oh! Sit down!"

Only then did Captain Zhang understand, so he nodded and pointed to the sofa in the living room.

The young man and Li Yichen sat on the sofa. The group leader didn't say anything about making tea or anything. He directly started asking Li Yichen questions, and Li Yichen naturally answered all the questions. Anyway, he had already thought of a way to say it.

Before he figured out the plane of the arbiter - or the source world, he would not expose the location of the space passage. It was the gateway to the trial place. Otherwise, the arbiter would not have tricked him, but would have provoked a lot of trouble. The enemy enters your own world!

Of course, apart from the space passage, Li Yichen did not hide anything else. He told everything about the first zombie-infested apocalypse in the trial land, as well as the subsequent trial races, etc.

However, he hid the fact that he was not a human being in the Trial Ground, and he did not mention anything about the earth. He just said that they were constantly fighting zombies in the end of the world, and would eventually destroy the undead that would cause the end of the world.

In the end, those alien races appeared out of thin air in the trial land, making the trial land dangerous again, and the fate of the human race was at stake.

Li Yichen himself accidentally entered this world while exploring the province occupied by the goblin tribe. Before he fully understood it, he was chased by the leopard and fled all the way here.

"You mean...when you appeared here, you appeared in the jungle outside?"

After Li Yichen finished speaking, Captain Zhang frowned and looked at him and asked.

"That's right!"

Li Yichen nodded.

"Xiao Lin! Call Staff Liu over immediately!"

Captain Zhang turned his head and immediately said to the girl.


To Captain Zhang, this girl was respectful, agreed obediently, and then turned around and left.

"Can you still find the exact location?"

After the girl walked out, Captain Zhang looked at Li Yichen and asked.

"Can't find it!"

Li Yichen shook his head:

"As soon as I appeared, I saw the leopard rushing toward me, and then it ran all the way. Let alone the exact location, I couldn't even determine the direction!"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Captain Zhang sighed, but didn't say anything. There was no reference in the jungle, and being chased by wild beasts, it was normal for him to be unable to remember his original position!

"I want to ask! Where are we here?"

Li Yichen asked tentatively.

"Xiaoyong! Please tell him in detail what's going on here!"

Captain Zhang did not answer Li Yichen's words, but said to the young man next to him.

"Yes! Captain!"

The young man immediately stood up and responded loudly, then looked at Li Yichen and told him about the origin world...

Because there were information left by those who built the Ark, Li Yichen had a vague concept of the Arbiter Plane before.

He feels that the Arbiter Plane is actually a planet similar to the Earth! It's just that the ruler of this planet is quite powerful, so he can span many dimensional universes and treat other intelligent life as his plaything.

But what Li Yichen heard from this young man, Xiaoyong, was quite different from his previous guesses!

First of all, this source world may not necessarily be a planet, because no intelligent life has ever been able to leave this source world and observe it from the perspective of a bystander!

Of course there is a sky in the Source World, but this sky is endless. It is said that many technological races have tried to use flying tools to go straight up and leave the Source World to see what it looks like.

But all these intelligent races failed because no matter how long their aircraft flew upward, they never saw the end of the sky!

Therefore, there is a legend in the Source Realm, saying that this Source Realm should be the center of the universe, and that the countless dimensional universes were all born because of the Source Realm.

Moreover, in addition to the heavenly realm, there are many space passages in the source world that lead to the outside dimensional universe. This time it seems to have verified this statement.

However, the life in the source world is not interested in the outer dimensional universe, because the rules of heaven and earth in those dimensional universes are too thin. Although they can live in those dimensional universes, they cannot grow.

Of course, there are also some relatively weak races that will separate some tribesmen into the dimensional universe and leave their own inheritance in that dimensional universe! But most of their clansmen will still stay in the Source Realm.

The main reason for not giving up the Source Realm is because of the Heaven Realm. The Tian Realm is a strange world. The entrance and exit are in the Source Realm. The blue light door in the middle of the square that Li Yichen saw before is the entrance to the Tian Realm.

There are big and small heavens, and the rules of heaven and earth in the heavens are much stronger than those in the outside world. The lives living in them will naturally be more powerful.

Moreover, each Heaven Realm will have a Heaven Realm Heart. The race that obtains the Heaven Realm Heart and transforms it will be able to completely control the Heaven Realm. In this Tian Realm, except for the races that have transformed the Heaven Realm Heart , the attributes of any other life will be suppressed. The larger the heaven, the stronger this suppression will be!

Therefore, if a sky domain is occupied, it is basically difficult to be broken by other races, because the attributes of the attacker are suppressed. Unless it is much stronger than the race occupying the sky domain, it will not be able to kill all the races occupying the sky domain. The one who captures the heart of heaven!

The entrance to the Heaven Realm was originally hidden, but once the Heart of the Heaven Realm is transformed, the entrance will appear, just like the circular halo Li Yichen saw just now!

However, although the defenders of the Tianyu will have a great advantage, wars between various races to attack the Tianyu still occur from time to time, and the purpose is for the Heart of the Tianyu.

After obtaining the Heart of Heaven, you have two options. One is to control this Heaven, and the other is to take the Heart of Heaven back to the Heaven of your own race and let your own Heaven control this Heaven. Devoured by heart.

The Heaven Realm that swallows the Heart of Heaven Realm will grow, the rules of Heaven and Earth will become more intense, and the area will expand to accommodate more lives. This is also a way to make a race more powerful...

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