Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 78 The Capital of Hell

"Then...you only have deportation and death penalty as punishment, just to satisfy their desires?"

one person asked cautiously.

"of course not!"

Li Yichen shook his head:

"I have said it all, that is insatiable. When you are in danger, you want to live. After you survive, you want safety. When you are safe, you want food. When you are full, you want to enjoy. After you enjoy, you want to rule. If you rule the planet, you will want to If they want to rule the galaxy, they will want to rule the universe. After they rule the universe, they will think that there will be more universes for them to conquer..."

"You guys always...forget it! You haven't heard of it, and I'm too lazy to tell it to you. In short, greed has no limits, and once it grows in the heart, it will gradually make people crazy. I'm not Saints, there aren’t that many small universes for them, so I have to suppress their desires!”

Li Yichen finally came to his own conclusion:

"So! If our base does something wrong, there are only two punishments, one, expulsion, and two, death!"

"Are you sure... you won't add anything else?"

Wan Shan looked at Li Yichen and asked with a frown.

"What to add? A prison? Locking a person in an iron cage, doing no work, and giving him food. In the peaceful times, this was called imprisonment, but now... it's called a shelter!"

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan:

"Or do you want to reason with them, what's wrong? We have many things to do, and we don't have time to reason with them. Survival of the fittest requires others to enlighten and supervise those who are not suitable for this apocalypse, so it is better to let them go early They were eliminated, it was easy for them, and it was easy for us too!”

Li Yichen stood up and looked at everyone present:

"Believe me, with my method, you will see a base that is full of happiness, quiet and harmonious, and people's happiness will never be low!"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally Li Dong nodded:

"Okay! Let's try it then!"

"Okay! There's no need to talk about this matter anymore. Don't worry, as long as they have something to do every day and have big goals and small goals, they won't have time to think about what they have and what they don't have, and they will naturally work hard. !”

Li Yichen said:

"The big goal we give them is to become strengtheners. The small goal is to get strengthened injections. Everyone in the base is the same. They need to use... points. Use points to exchange for strengthened injections!"

"What are points?"

Wan Shan said doubtfully.

"Let's consider it the currency of our base! This is very important to our base. Li Dong, find a few trustworthy people to take care of this matter. From now on, you can get points for whatever work you do in our base. All resources in the camp, whether they are food, clothing, weapons, or strengthening injections, need to be exchanged for points!"

Li Yichen thought for a while and said:

"You will get one point for killing a zombie. As for other tasks such as planting, it will be calculated as one point per work hour. Of course, points will be deducted for those who are lazy, and a strengthening potion will cost one hundred points to redeem."

With that said, Li Yichen looked at Li Dong:

"As for the exchange ratio for other supplies, such as food, you can decide it yourself, but don't make it too cheap. For example, a piece of food requires a minimum of three points, which means everyone must work more than three hours a day. Only then can we ensure that we have food to eat!”

"In addition, I want to form an army, a real army. The treatment of this army will be very good. You don't need to calculate their points, because all their supplies will be provided by me. The temporary candidate is the former Wanshan Those fighters at the base, they've proven themselves."

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan again:

"This team will expand in the future, but those who apply to join the army must pass a strict review. After confirming that there are no problems, they will hand over one thousand points as the application fee, and then I will decide whether they can join the army!"

"are you crazy?"

Wan Shan finally couldn't bear it anymore. The army is the most dangerous profession. When he was at Wan Shan Base, when he called people to join the fighting, he would ask grandpa to sue grandma, so they were still unwilling to join.

Now you are lucky. Not only do you need to be strictly vetted to join the army, but you also need a thousand points? With these thousand points, why don't I exchange them for ten strengthening injections? You have to join the army only if your brain is wet.

"Am I crazy or not! You will know tomorrow!"

Li Yichen smiled:

"That's all I want to say. Oh, by the way, you can finalize the other details and notify everyone. We will gather early tomorrow morning and we will announce these decisions. It can also be regarded as a ceremony to confirm the establishment of the new base. Remember, the conditions for joining the army Put it in too!”

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Seeing Li Yichen about to run away, Wan Shan quickly called him:

"Before that, the name of the new base needs to be confirmed! We also need to have a name for our building! How can we tell everyone if we don't even have a name?"

"Name? You can decide this. What do you want me to do?"

Li Yichen was a little confused. He really didn't care about this. No matter how nice the name was, it was useless if his strength wasn't enough? Just like Wanshan Base, the name is Wanshan, which sounds pretty loud, right? In fact, there isn't even a single hill.

Of course, he couldn't say this, otherwise even if Wan Shan couldn't beat him, he would still have to spit blood all over his face.

"Xiaoyi, why don't you just pick one up?"

Li Dong stood up and said, while giving him a secret wink. Li Yichen looked at the others and finally understood.

In fact, the name problem is easy to solve. The earliest base even used the name Wanshan. But now, because the strengthening injection has long been spread among these management, they all understand that their base will be named after Wanshan in the future. It may become the most powerful base in this end of the world.

Naming such a base is an honor, so everyone thought of a lot of names, and no one was convinced! Wan Shan and Li Dong were helpless, so they simply asked Li Yichen to think of one, so that no one would dare to object.

"The name..."

Li Yichen thought about it. In fact, he really wanted to name the base after Huaxia, but because of the legend of the alien invasion and the discovery in the cave, he felt that before he knew the truth clearly, he should not use the name of Earth. name on it as well.

"We have a name!"

Li Yichen suddenly remembered the few people he met on the day he first got the system. Thinking of the curse that person had placed on him, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"Our base! It's called the Capital of Hell!!"

"The capital of hell?"

When everyone heard this name, they all looked at each other. This name... is a bit too unlucky, right?

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