"Do you think...these Zerg S-class bugs are endless?"

Archimonde said angrily:

"Although bugs of this level can indeed be produced directly through the insect nest, the time is very long. It will take at least several months, and there is a limit on the number. Only the original S-level bugs die, and the insect nest Only then can we create new bugs.”

"So, these S-class bugs that appear now are the inventory of the entire insect nest. They were only gathered here because of our invasion. Haven't you noticed that the increase rate of S-class bugs has begun to slow down? ?”


After hearing Archimonde's explanation, Varimathras turned his head and looked around. Sure enough, the frequency of S-class bugs had begun to decrease!

"In addition, according to the distance that the human said, we are not going to the center of the insect nest, so there is nothing to be afraid of. The real strong ones of the insect race will never leave the central area of ​​the insect nest easily, especially when When the insect nest is attacked!"

Archimonde added:

"Because if the core of the insect nest is destroyed, it will be the end of the insect race. Therefore, we have been fighting until now, and we have not seen a single intelligent insect appear! That guy Grijalva will not easily He exposed his trump card!"

Varimathras thought about it carefully and realized that he had never seen any intelligent high-level bugs appear. Although there were a lot of S-class bugs, these S-class bugs were just powerful. Others were like other bugs. There is no difference!

But...how could the king know so much about the Zerg? Haven't you heard him mention it before?

Varimathras had some doubts in his heart, but Archimonde didn't give him any more time to think and shouted loudly:

"Don't be stunned. The longer we delay, the greater our losses will be. Speed ​​up and get to the space channel immediately!!"

What Archimonde just said is true. The undead and the Zerg are old rivals, and as the King of the Undead, Archimonde certainly has a very deep understanding of the Zerg.

The strongest of the Zerg race are not the S-class bugs that appeared before. Although they are also very powerful, they are mass-produced by the insect nest and have no intelligence of their own. They are no different from ordinary bugs.

The real controllers of the Zerg are the intelligent Zerg, and without exception, these Zerg are quite powerful. However, Grijalva, the king of the Zerg, has never been willing to send these real elites to fight unless the Zerg reaches the final stage. A critical moment.

The reason is very simple. Among the Zerg, it is easy to produce powerful bugs. As long as there is life energy, they can be produced. However, the emergence of intelligent Zerg is quite difficult.

The bugs produced by the bug nest are all mass-produced, so the bugs are almost the same, and they have no intelligence and only know how to obey orders. Although this makes the bug army become warriors who abide by military discipline, but similarly, they also Can only execute commands mechanically.

The intelligent Zerg among the Zerg, including Grijalva, are also mass-produced in the Zerg Nest in this way. In other words, their birth process and the materials used are different from other Zerg. Zerg don't make any difference.

However, these bugs are relatively lucky. They have their own independent consciousness at the moment of birth, and then, after gradually growing up, they become these intelligent bugs.

This kind of intelligent insect race cannot be deliberately created by the insect nest, and can only rely on luck. After a insect is born, as long as it has its own consciousness, it will be discovered by the insect nest immediately, and will be strictly protected, and resources will be allocated immediately!

Not many of these conscious bugs are born. According to the output ratio of the bugs, it would take hundreds or even hundreds of billions of bugs before one could appear.

Therefore, Grijalva, the king of the Zerg, certainly cares about these intelligent Zerg. Even though they have become the strongest among the Zerg due to the resource bias of the Zerg Hive, Grijalva still refuses to take it easy. Instead of letting them out, he took them to stay in the center of the insect nest. After all, one less person would die, and no one wanted their subordinates to be a group of unconscious machines.

In fact, Li Yichen should be grateful for this characteristic of the Zerg and Grijalva's caution, otherwise, I am afraid that the capital of hell would not be able to develop as it is now!

Back then, when Li Yichen first discovered the abyss and dropped the bomb, the roar he heard came from Grijalva. At that time, the angry Grijalva wanted to kill this person who dared to provoke the Zerg. The guy killed it.

At that time, among those intelligent Zerg races, there happened to be one Zerg race that had the ability to pass through the unsolidified trial passage. If Grijalva could be ruthless at that time and fight to make this Zerg race die together with Li Yichen, at that time Li Yichen might not even have a chance to escape.

However, Grijalva was not able to make this decision in the end, so Li Yichen was able to come to the Insect Nest several times without incident.

Later, when Grijalva and the others came over, they naturally knew that the Zerg army they sent out was not fighting the undead zombies, but was intercepted and killed by the humans.

However, Grijalva still did not take any action, and even continued to send out the Zerg army to attack the human base!

Because those bugs are just the lowest level of the Zerg clan. If they are to be produced, it takes a very short time and is completely worth the consumption!

The most important thing is that the Zerg have actually found the source of life energy this time, so they don't care at all about the loss of life energy caused by the Zerg army attacking the human race.

Moreover, Grijalva also wants to use this method to continuously produce new bugs among the Zerg to see if a self-aware bug can appear again!

It can be said that if the Zerg had not found a new source of life energy and Grijalva also wanted to try this method, they could have sent out a few S-level bugs at will to destroy the capital of hell. .

At that time, the capital of hell could not withstand the attack of the S-class Zerg, even the mass-produced ones! It is estimated that it has been completely destroyed long ago...

Of course, Li Yichen didn't know that he was so lucky, but even if he knew, he would not be grateful to the Zerg for this. He would destroy them anyway.

However, if Li Yichen really knew the situation of the Zerg, he might not have wiped out the Zerg as easily as he imagined...

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