Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 81 Human Body Stroke Army

After leading the three legions out of the base, Li Yichen thought for a moment and looked at the lake in the distance! Maybe, we should build a... water pipe first? People's livelihood issues must be resolved as a priority.

When leaving Wanshan Base, Wanshan specially asked people to pump three truckloads of water from the river next to the base and store it, so there was no need to worry about water shortage in a short period of time.

But the water pipe must be taken out, after all, they will not leave here in a short time.

It's not close to the big lake, but for Li Yichen, this is not a problem. He has already thought about it, but he just doesn't have time during this time.

The height of the waterfall far exceeds the height of the resort, so as long as you dig a hole at the top of the waterfall, bury a water tank with a filter, and connect a long enough water pipe to the base, the entire base will have running water.

Li Yichen even thought about digging an artificial river outside the first wall and diverting water there. This would not only stop zombies, but also make it easier to irrigate plantations and so on.

It seems that in the past few days, while training the marksmanship of the three legions, the water problem can be solved, which can also greatly improve the morale of the survivors in the base.

The safety of the base is not a problem, and food and drinking water are guaranteed. Only those survivors can settle down and work hard to earn points to exchange for strengthening potions or sign up to join the army. With clear goals, the base will be much easier to control.

This is just like the world in Li Yichen's previous life. Most people are working hard to make money to buy a house and pay off the mortgage. With such pressure, they have no time to think about other things.

Although the three legions are equipped with firearms and even have two grenades each, the marksmanship of these guys cannot be judged. After all, they are all between the ages of 20 and 40, and they are at best children before the end of the world. , or even simply born in the apocalypse. Where can I get a chance to touch a gun?

Therefore, Li Yichen had already prepared a large number of bullets to feed their marksmanship. In this case, even in the suppression zone, they would not completely lose their combat power, and Li Yichen's plan to dig the chimney could be advanced.

In the cave yesterday, Li Yichen harvested enough gunpowder to make at least hundreds of millions of bullets, because there were many rockets, artillery shells and other large ammunition in it, and one gunpowder could be extracted to make hundreds of bullets.

Therefore, Li Yichen is not afraid of wasting bullets now. Although they will be gone once they are used up, and the gunpowder may not be recovered in the future, he wants to find out the secret of the Valley of the Dead as soon as possible, and who is the person who wrote the words from the earth. I can't take care of so much of what's left.

The equipment of the three major legions, the Hell's Scythe and the Redemption Legion, is a rifle, a spur, a machete, a folding crossbow and two grenades, but the equipment of the Death Shadow is only two spurs and a pistol.

Li Yichen defined the children of Shadow of Death as assassins, and planned to train them in lurking, assassination and other skills from an early age. Whether they were dealing with human bases or zombie waves, they would be able to play a great role in the future, especially at their young age. , just right.

Others have grown up, and it is okay to start practicing lurking now, but it is not as acceptable as these children.

From the base to the Great Lake, all three legions used firearms along the way. Even the children of the Shadow of Death were no exception. They picked up their pistols and shot at the zombies. The ping-ping-pong-pong sound of gunfire attracted the attention of the survivors of the base. Notice that the eyes of those guys who originally wanted to join the army became even more intense.

But fortunately, because there was a wall blocking the way, the survivors could only hear the gunshots like exploding beans, but could not see their achievements. Otherwise, the extremely impressive appearance of the three legions before would probably be over. Big discount.

The marksmanship of these guys is a compliment even if they are said to be masters of body contouring. The average distance between bullets and their targets is almost more than one meter. Although many people also killed zombies, the one that was killed was The zombies were definitely not his original target - they were accidental injuries!

If the zombies were smart, they would definitely be scrambling to get these guys to target them, because only in this way would they never be hit!

"Three points make a straight line! It doesn't mean that your two eyes are symmetrical and cross-eyed and the crosshairs are in a straight line."

"Pick up the gun and lean it against your shoulder. Why are you sticking out your tongue? Do you need to make a face to aim?"

"Chang Guchuan, who on earth asked you to hit zombies with the butt of your gun?"

Li Yichen ran around among these warriors, pointing them out, and was finally persuaded to retreat by Chang Guchuan, who was only five meters away from the zombies. He couldn't kill the zombies after looking at them for a long time. He rushed forward angrily and smashed the zombies to death with his rifle butt.

"Fuck you, sir, hit me as you please, just don't hit me!"

Li Yichen simply ignored it, not even looking at it, out of sight and out of mind!

After ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping-ping all the way to the lake, Li Yichen first turned around and killed all the lickers and tyrants around him. Then he left the three legions here to freely clear out the zombies, while he carefully observed the lake.

There were no zombies on the small island in the middle of the lake. Although it was a little far away, Li Yichen, who had eagle eyes, could still see clearly. Moreover, there were no buildings on the island, not even hills. It actually looked a bit like A platform was built in the middle of the lake.

Logically speaking, such a small island should not exist. All islands should have mountains, because it was originally formed by mountains in the water sticking out of the water.

Coupled with all the strange things in the Valley of the Dead, Li Yichen always wondered whether this island was also artificially created?

However, Chang Guchuan and the others were not suppressed here, so Li Yichen was not sure. After hesitating for a while, Li Yichen decided not to go to the island for the time being and to solve the water problem first.

Because the water tank needed to be installed, Li Yichen ran towards the waterfall. Because the lake here was directly connected to the mountain wall, and the waterfall was cut off by the lake, Li Yichen had to climb up the mountain first, and then reach the edge of the waterfall.

Because there was only a fifty-meter drop from the ground, Li Yichen climbed to the top of the mountain without much effort and came to the edge of the waterfall. He grabbed a handful of water and tasted it. It seemed pretty good and had no peculiar smell, so he chose a suitable one. location, jump into the river and start digging.

Although the current was turbulent, Li Yichen was still able to stay inside and dug a large square pit with a side length of five meters at the bottom of the river. Then, he exchanged a metal box with a filter on top from the mall. Put it in the pit...

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