Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 820 The Weaknesses of the Zerg

Because they saw Li Yichen and the others attacking, the bugs in this direction left the nest and gathered outside the nest, but they did not leave within ten meters of the nest.

Li Yichen can use space blasting to create an explosion, but that requires tearing open the space, and putting his own compressed space bomb into it, and then detonating it. Only then can he detonate the surrounding space at the same time, forming a large-scale space explosion.

When he trapped Archimonde in the insect nest before, Li Yichen used this method. As a result, he not only successfully trapped Archimonde in, but also destroyed the insect nest to pieces, allowing the Zerg to fight against the beasts. The clan's hatred value increased greatly, so they pursued them closely.

Now, Li Yichen wants to use this method, but it takes a certain amount of time to arrange. Previously, inside the insect nest, because Archimonde and the orc army were restraining him, Li Yichen relied on space solidification to set up the space explosion. Prepare.

He was the only one now, and it was impossible for him to sacrifice the soldiers of Hell City to follow him into the insect nest, so he had to find another way.

These bugs are now only ten meters away from the insect nest. If a space explosion is triggered at this distance, it can completely affect the insect nest. Although it is detonated externally, the destructive power cannot achieve the same effect as before, but it should be enough. The bugs came out to attack them.

However, Li Yichen now doesn't know if those bugs will break through the limit and attack him after he gets closer than ten meters. Although he has space to solidify, if he is attacked too many at the same time, the space solidification will be broken. .

At that time, he who is tearing apart space may be affected, and it may cause space turbulence and send him to the space crack. Archimonde was sent there, and Li Yichen doesn't want to go in now!

"Let's try it first and see how close we can get!"

Li Yichen thought in his mind and then recovered the helicopter. Although when exchanging it, he specially exchanged it for a helicopter with sufficient weapons and ammunition. However, it was obvious that using these weapons for long-range strikes would be a useless effort. Of course Li Yichen would not No more waste!

With a teleportation, he came to a position twenty meters away from the insect tide. This distance was already within the attack range for some large insects. Therefore, the moment Li Yichen appeared, several arthropods were attacking him. He swept over.

Li Yichen casually took out Tianya, cut off a few arthropods, and reached out to grab one of the arthropods. With a strong force, he pulled out the Zerg with the arthropod connected.

Although Li Yichen has both space and lightning elements, the power of his body transformed by these two elements cannot be underestimated. The Zerg, which was about the size of an elephant, rushed towards Li Yichen involuntarily under the influence of huge power. .


This kind of Zerg has no resistance at all in front of Li Yichen. With a wave of his hand, Li Yichen cut off his head with Tianya, and then used Space Solidification to block the splashing dark green juice!


The Zerg corpse hit the ground heavily. Li Yichen did not immediately recover the Zerg corpse next to him, but looked at the Zerg corpse quietly.

He previously guessed that the reason why the Zerg gathered within ten meters of the insect nest should be that within this distance, they were within the range that the insect nest could recycle life energy. Now he is not within that range, so he can confirm it. speculation.

Sure enough, the dead Zerg corpse did not melt and disappear on the ground like the Zerg corpses that had been killed by machine guns before. It just lay quietly on the ground without any change.

"Within ten meters, if you leave this range, you can't absorb the life energy back, right?"

Li Yichen suddenly smiled, "It's fine if you can't recycle it. If you don't recycle it, then I can't waste it."

Recovering the insect corpses casually, Li Yichen took a few steps forward again. Among the insects that attacked Li Yichen before, except for one that was directly killed by Li Yichen, the other ones had their limbs cut off. Now that he saw Li Yichen approaching again, Surprisingly, no bugs attacked him again!

"Why did the Zerg suddenly become so cowardly?"

Li Yichen couldn't help but frowned as he looked at the waiting Zerg. He was alone and so close to the insect nest. If the bugs had attacked him, he would have been overwhelmed by the overwhelming number of bugs!

Of course Li Yichen didn't know that the reason why the Zerg treated him so cautiously was because Grijalva, the king of the Zerg, had recognized him!

At the beginning, Li Yichen, a human race, did not attract the attention of the intelligent worms. After all, Archimonde was present at the time, and he was the one who invaded the worm nest with the body of the king of the beasts, Dapura.

Of course Grijalva knew the big BOSS of the Orcs, so his attention was always on Archimonde until Archimonde entered the space channel, and immediately after the space channel exploded, Grijalva Only then did he notice Li Yichen.

That explosion caused Grijalva to suffer a lot. Although the explosion was inside the insect nest and there was basically no loss of life energy, it was not easy to recover the damage caused.

Although Li Yichen had teleported outside the insect nest when the explosion occurred, some Zerg still remembered Li Yichen. After Li Yichen and Varimathras entered the space channel and left, Grijalva sent the Zerg to The army went to attack the Orcs, while reading the memories of the Zerg within the space channel.

From the memories of these insects, Grijalva learned all the trajectories of Li Yichen since he entered the insect nest. Of course, he also learned that in the destruction of the insect nest, this seemingly inconspicuous human being What role did it play?

So, after seeing Li Yichen this time, Grijalva immediately became cautious, because he knew that Li Yichen was a strong person in the space system, and a strong person in the space system was... The existence that the Zerg are most afraid of.

The Zerg are quite powerful, especially in the Zerg Hive. All life energy will be absorbed by the Zerg Hive and used to create new Zerg. Therefore, if fighting in the Zerg Hive, the Zerg will basically be in an invincible position. They can completely rely on a war of attrition to kill any enemy.

However, the real weakness of the Zerg is also within the Zerg Hive. It can be said that even if they fight a war of attrition outside the Zerg Hive, the Zerg will not be afraid of the Zerg who have gained a large amount of life energy due to accidents.

After all, there are intelligent Zerg like Grijalva. They can judge the situation of the enemy and ourselves. If they think they can kill the opponent, they will use the insect sea tactic to kill the opponent. If not, they will retreat to the insect nest. No. Will be reckless!

Insect nest! In fact, it is the basis for the Zerg to get the second place in the trial, but the Zerg Nest is not actually invincible. It has a core, which is the one that Grijalva has been guarding with those intelligent Zerg!

This is the most important existence of the entire Zerg race, even more important than the King of Zerg Grijalva and all the intelligent Zerg species combined. If any Zerg is lost, as long as this core is still there, the Zerg Hive will be able to maintain its existence. , whether it is an intelligent insect race or other insect soldiers, they can always be born in the future.

However, once the core is destroyed, the insect nest will basically be destroyed. Therefore, Grijalva and the others have been staying inside. In addition to not wanting to cause losses to the intelligent insect race, they are also protecting the core of the insect nest.

This core is quite fragile. As long as Li Yichen continuously uses space transformation to rush to the location of the core and wave the Tianya, he can completely destroy the Zerg!

It's a pity that Li Yichen didn't know about this situation, and even the other trial races didn't know about it. Even the undead with space powerhouses didn't use this method to defeat the Zerg.

As the biggest weakness of the Zerg race, the core is also guarded as the biggest secret!

Therefore, after seeing Li Yichen reappear, Grijalva immediately felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He did not let the Zerg use the insect sea tactic to submerge Li Yichen, because he knew that using that tactic to deal with a strong space system would That's just a joke.

What he needs to guard against is that Li Yichen constantly uses teleportation to enter the center of the insect wave to destroy the core.

Li Yichen didn't see it. In fact, the Zerg gathering now was not just what he saw outside the nest. Inside the nest, everything in his direction was densely packed with bugs, all the way to the center of the Zerg.

Grijalva thinks that you can teleport, but there must be space to teleport in, right? I have filled up all the spaces along the way. If you can come in again, it will be cheating. I have to complain to the arbiter!

Moreover, inside the insect nest, there are now eight intelligent insect species hiding among the insect swarms, eyeing Li Yichen!

Although Grijalva has always cherished these intelligent Zerg and refused to send them out easily, of course compared with the Zerg core, the latter is more important.

This time, Grijalva planned to kill Li Yichen directly. For such a huge threat, Grijalva would never be relieved if he was not killed.

In fact, Grijalva was also confused. No matter how well the space rules were controlled, it should not be possible to teleport continuously. How did this human being do it?

If it cannot be continued, even if the cooling time is only a few seconds, it will be enough for the Zerg to kill the intruders. After all, the scope of the insect nest is so large, and it will take a certain amount of time to approach the center of the insect nest from which direction.

Li Yichen is definitely the only guy that the Zerg has encountered since its birth who can threaten their entire race. Unfortunately, Li Yichen doesn't know that he could have wiped out the Zerg in just a few seconds... …

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