Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 842 The siege of the Zerg

Grijalva didn't know the situation on Li Yichen's side, because his time rules were still under his control when entering the space channel. After all, there was no such thing as distance in the space channel.

But after these time rules dissipated from the exit of the space channel, the connection with Grijalva was instantly cut off, because this place was already within ten meters of the insect nest.

Grijalva also knew this situation. When he cut off Li Yichen's spatial connection before, he would also lose some time rules.

But this time is obviously different from before. After those time rules left the space channel, the connection of the space channel would be broken. Therefore, although Grijalva would lose some time rules, it would still prevent Li Yichen from constructing space. channel, achieved its purpose.

And because this kind of obstruction only takes a moment, although some time rules will be lost, it is not much. Judging from the time rules stored in the insect nest, it is still completely affordable.

In the previous time, Grijalva prevented Li Yichen from building a space channel hundreds of times, and the time rule that was recycled by the system was just enough for one injection.

But this time, because Li Yichen also mastered the time rules, the system's recycling was no longer as intermittent as before, and the speed was naturally much faster.

If the time rule is compared to water, it used to drip down drop by drop, but now it flows out directly in a stream. The difference between this is not a difference of several times or dozens of times, but an acceleration of more than a hundred times.

Grijalva felt something was wrong, but the problem was that he had to do this now. Although the consumption of time rules suddenly became much larger, at least the construction of the space channel was still blocked by him.

After all, the insect nest has been riddled with holes by Li Yichen. If he continues, it is estimated that the entire insect nest will be destroyed by him. But if this stalemate continues, it will still be unavoidable for Grijalva and even the entire insect race. Destruction, because their reserves of time rules are limited.

Although the time rules will slowly recover over time, this recovery speed is definitely not as fast as the current consumption rate. Once the time rules are used up, Grijalva still has no ability to stop Li Yichen from attacking the insect nest. destroy!

So, while Grijalva continued the stalemate with Li Yichen, he began to give orders to the intelligent Zerg. This time, Li Yichen was not at too high an altitude, so there were many bugs among the Zerg that could reach the height where Li Yichen was now. .

Moreover, Grijalva is now continuously delivering time rules. Although these time rules have been recycled by Li Yichen's garbage classification system, Grijalva does not know it.

In Grijalva's view, Li Yichen probably left after suffering losses before, then thought of a way to offset his own time rules, and then came back to build a space channel.

And this method, in Grijalva's opinion, should be to use a large number of space rules to offset his own time rules.

After all, these two rules are at the same level, and his own time rules lost his control after leaving the space channel, so it is not impossible for this human being to use space rules to offset them.

Grijalva felt that if he continued like this, the first one to be consumed would definitely be that human being. He did not believe that the reserve of space rules in that human body would exceed the reserve of time rules in the insect nest.

However, Grijalva also knows that this human's resilience is stronger than his own. If he continues to use it up like this, as long as he comes a few more times, his time rules will be completely exhausted, and when the time comes, he will have no way to stop it. This human being, so for him, now is the best time to deal with this human being.

I used time rules to stalemate him here, and then sent out all the Zerg that could attack to that height. With the leadership of those intelligent Zerg, I believed that the human being would definitely not be able to resist his Zerg army.

Especially now that he is consuming against himself and cannot stop at all. As long as he stops and his own time rules are not offset, that human being will be stopped by the time rules.

This stationary time will not be too long, but as long as their Zerg army can reach the human before then, this short period of stillness is enough for them to kill the human.

As a result, a large number of Zerg emerged from the insect nest again, flying towards Li Yichen in the air. The leaders were none other than the intelligent Zerg, and other flying S-class and A-class Zerg!

Seeing these bugs, Li Yichen's lips twitched into a smile. This was the moment he had been waiting for, otherwise, he wouldn't have started building his space passage at such a low place.

Now Li Yichen has mastered the rules of time, and, unlike the rules of space, the time rules in his body are fully absorbed directly in the unique space of the time trial. It is not like the rules of space, after mastering it. , and experienced a long period of accumulation before reaching its current scale.

It can be said that although Li Yichen has just obtained the rules of time, the reserves of the rules of time in his body are already equal to those of the rules of space.

Even if Li Yichen wanted to, the scale of the time rules in his body could even easily surpass the space rules. After all, Grijalva is now continuously providing him with time rules.

However, Li Yichen didn't know what would happen if the rules of time exceeded the rules of space, so he planned to maintain the balance between the rules of space and the rules of time in his body. This allowed the system to recycle all the time rules sent over by Grijalva and change them into Injection into time superpower!

We are about to enter the Source Realm. It will definitely be beneficial to have more powerful people in the capital of hell who can master the rules of time, especially Xiaohu's shadow of death, an assassin who hides in the dark. If he has the rules of time, he can accelerate himself. Or make the target's time slow down or even stop. Is there any creature in this world that can escape their assassination?

"Buzz buzz!"

The sound made by the large swarms of bugs flying was definitely not pleasant, but Li Yichen thought it was pleasant because there were more than a dozen special bugs making the sound.

These Zerg races can all bring him special injections. Although Li Yichen himself can't use them now, the people in the Capital of Hell can!

This is why Li Yichen wants to lure them out and harvest them first. In fact, if he is not in a hurry, Li Yichen can return to an altitude of 10,000 meters and start building a space channel at a location that the Zerg cannot reach.

If Grijalva uses the rules of time to stop himself, then just like now, he will first exhaust his rules of time and then start building a space channel.

However, Li Yichen was worried about whether the Zerg had any back-ups, especially when he first discovered the Zerg, he saw with his own eyes that the Zerg killed each other and eventually evolved into several powerful bugs.

Li Yichen didn't know if these special bugs would be like this, so he thought it would be better to lure them out first, kill them, and then slowly deal with the huge bug nest below!

In fact, Li Yichen thought too much. Those low-level Zerg can indeed strengthen themselves by devouring their own kind, but that is only an evolutionary method that needs to be used when the insect nest has not been built. Moreover, the Zerg evolved through this method can basically continue to live. Not long.

Now that the insect nest has been built, it is impossible for the Zerg to use the method of devouring evolution, and Grijalva cannot let these intelligent Zerg kill each other. That is simply a huge waste!

However, the Insect Hive can indeed exert some special abilities by devouring these intelligent Insects, but it is impossible for Grijalva to make such a decision until the last moment.

Once the insect nest really starts to devour the intelligent insect race, it can only mean that the insect race is not far from extinction.

Usually, Grijalva treasures these intelligent Zerg, but now, he has seen the disaster of the Zerg in Li Yichen, so he no longer holds back at all, and directly puts these intelligent Zerg at the front, leading the others. The Zerg race attacked Li Yichen.

However, in order to completely keep Li Yichen behind, he did not let the Zerg rush up directly. Although they could fly up directly from a height of several hundred meters, under the leadership of those intelligent Zerg, all the Zerg still circled around The circle climbs upward.

In this way, one was to mislead Li Yichen and make him think that the Zerg could not reach this height by flying in a straight line, and the other was to completely surround Li Yichen and leave him with no way out.

Those intelligent Zerg groups were divided into groups of five or six with other Zerg groups, and they circled and approached Li Yichen. Although there were too many bugs and they looked a bit disorganized, under Li Yichen's eagle eyes, he could still see The intentions of these Zerg.

The flying routes of these Zerg races intersect with each other, and there are some differences in height. If they follow their route, when they fly to Li Yichen, they will form a three-dimensional encirclement, completely surrounding Li Yichen.

However, despite seeing the flight path of these Zerg, Li Yichen ignored them and did not even move. Want to surround himself with space powers in the vast sky? The Zerg really have no brains!

The bugs didn't know what Li Yichen was thinking. They just followed Grijalva's order and slowly flew upward. Soon, just like the King of Zerg designed, they really came to Li Yichen and formed a circle. The spherical shape completely surrounded Li Yichen...

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