Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 850 Breaking the stalemate

"I decide?"

Hearing Wan Shan's words, Li Yichen smiled, shook his head and said:

"I will not decide your path. Everyone's path needs to be chosen by themselves, even those who the lone wolf is about to kill. Their paths are also chosen by themselves!"

"I told you about the Source World before, and Xiaohu and the others have already explored the Source World, and I will definitely enter this Source World in the future."

"It's just that the source world is quite dangerous, even more dangerous than the trial land where the six major trial races were. Therefore, those who want to enter there must have a certain level of strength - at least in the early stage. so!"

Li Yichen looked around everyone and continued:

"Of course, the Trial Land has not completely calmed down yet, so the matter of entering the Source Realm must be postponed. When this place is completed, I will consider the Source Realm."

"So, for the time being, our goal is to destroy the vampires and demons, and drive out all the foreigners who have invaded our world. When this goal is completed, we will have at least three worlds to live in."

Having said this, Li Yichen turned on the terminal and projected the projection on the wall:

"The first one is naturally the place of trial. The world we are in now is also our hometown. After driving away all the foreign races, with our strength, it is only a matter of time to wipe out all the zombies in other continents. , so we can definitely continue to survive here!”

"The second one is the Earth! Many people here have been to the Earth, and the resources on the Earth are also quite rich. Although there may still be some zombies or undead, it is not a problem to clean them up. So Earth can be an option for us as well.”

"And the third, and safest, is the subspace where the Ark is located. The living areas in the three space battleships are actually different from the outside world. Moreover, even if the Arbiter returns to the trial site again, , they shouldn’t be able to discover the people in the subspace!”

"You mean...the Arbiter may return to the Trial Ground? In that case, the Earth will not be absolutely safe, because that is the home of the undead, and the Arbiter must know the coordinates of the Earth."

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Wan Shan couldn't help but frowned.

"Well! This is why I say subspace is the safest!"

Li Yichen nodded and said:

"However, according to my guess, the so-called arbiter should be just a race in the source world. They must have created this trial for a purpose unknown to us!"

"Since they are also creatures in the Source World, we naturally don't need to worry too much about them. Of course, those who want to live here in the future must be more careful. At least do not leave the Far North Continent. If necessary, hide in the subspace. That’s it!”

Having said this, Li Yichen waved his hand and stopped worrying about the arbiter. Anyway, he has not met the arbiter yet, so there is no need to worry about them. He looked at Wan Shan and said:

"Our current goal is to drive the aliens out of the trial land. But after completing this goal, I will enter the Source Realm. I always have a feeling that the Source Realm is the real birth of us humans. land!"

Turning to look at everyone again, Li Yichen continued:

"At that time, everyone will have to choose their own path. Follow me into the Source Realm, or stay in the three places I mentioned before. You can even gather a group of people to drive a space battleship and go into space. Looking for a new home, these are all available! It’s up to everyone to choose!”

"Of course, if you want to enter the Source World, you must have a certain level of strength, because I said that the Source World is very dangerous, and we don't know much about the Source World. It's not like the Trial Land or the Earth. , at least we are familiar with each other!"

"In addition, I also left a space coordinate in the goblin plane. After driving away the vampires and demons, we can also try to go there. If it is suitable for human survival, we can also take the goblin plane. Come on, having more territory won’t be a bad thing after all!”

After listening to Li Yichen's words, everyone looked at each other, and then Chang Guchuan immediately raised his hand and said:

"Brother Yi, I..."


Just as Chang Guchuan spoke, Li Yichen interrupted him. He knew that Chang Guchuan would definitely say that he would follow him into the Source Realm, but Li Yichen didn't want everyone to express their stance now.

He said that he did not want to force anyone. If he used this explicit method to let everyone express their position, it is estimated that even if some people do not want to go to the Source World, they would not be able to say it. After all, he just said that the Source World is very dangerous. If you say you don't want to go, it seems like you are scared.

"Everyone, we don't have to worry about the candidates who will enter the Source Realm. Xiaohu is currently exploring the Source Realm with the shadow of death. After we have more information about the Source Realm, everyone can make a choice. Anyway, in the Demon Clan Before the vampires were driven away, we didn’t have the energy to enter the source world!”

Looking at everyone, Li Yichen said:

"Of course, if someone decides to enter the Source World now, they can also send me a private message. Between now and before officially entering the Source World, everyone who has made the decision can send me a private message at any time."

"In addition, I would also like to remind everyone that everyone only needs to make their own decision, and there is no need to persuade others. At the beginning, most of our soldiers were alone and followed us without any worries. There is no problem in life and death, but with the growth of our hell city, many people have started families!"

"These people already have their own concerns. Maybe they would like a more stable life. In short, it is still the same sentence. The path that everyone wants to take is his own choice. Others do not have to make decisions for others, and progress Entering the Source Realm is just a choice for your future lifestyle and has nothing to do with anything else. No one needs to discuss this! Do you all understand?"


Wan Shan nodded and looked at Li Yichen with some emotion in his eyes. In fact, if all the vampires and demons were really driven away and the trial ground was stabilized again, then Wan Shan still really didn't want to leave here.

After all, this is his hometown. His original dream was to lead the people around him to live as long as possible. After the establishment of Hell City, and with the growth of Hell City, Wanshan's dream has turned into the future. The world is restored and returns to the peaceful world it once was.

As for the Source Realm, Wan Shan actually didn't yearn for it. Although Li Yichen also told him about the Heaven Realm, Wan Shan didn't think that kind of Heaven Realm was much better than the Trial Ground.

Moreover, Li Yichen also said that the Source World is quite large and has countless other races, so war is definitely inevitable. For a person like Wan Shan, he doesn't like war at all, so of course he has feelings for the Source World in his heart. There is some resistance.

And Wan Shan also knows that in the capital of hell, there are many people who think the same as him, and there are not many militants like Chang Guchuan after all.

Of course, Wan Shan also knew that among the military members, especially the soldiers of the legion, they admired Li Yichen greatly. If Li Yichen did not use this voluntary participation method, but directly gave the order, the army would march into the source world. , then surely none of the soldiers would resist his orders.

And now Li Yichen's method is equivalent to giving those who don't like to enter the source world a completely acceptable way to refuse - whoever doesn't want to go doesn't even need to say that he won't go, as long as he doesn't send a private message to Li Yichen to sign up. .

And because it is a private message, no one knows whether others have signed up, so there will be no situation where someone reluctantly joins because everyone around them has joined and they are embarrassed.

As for the end, when driving into the source world, of course you can see who went in and who didn't, but at that time, does this still matter? Moreover, Wan Shan believed that Li Yichen would give a good explanation to those who stayed, giving them a reason not to go in.

Li Yichen made his decision, and Wan Shan immediately agreed. With the two giants in the capital of hell reaching an agreement, others would naturally have no other ideas. Therefore, things on the Source World side were temporarily settled. It's finally settled.

"Okay, that's it for now. The most important thing for us now is to drive the remaining two trial races, the blood race and the demon race, from our homeland."

Li Yichen stopped talking about the origin world and returned the topic to the vampires and demons:

"Zhang Anji, have the vampires and demons developed into other continents now?"

"There was no large-scale mobilization of troops, but both races sent small teams to leave the Far North Continent!"

Zhang Anji immediately replied:

"I once sent helicopters to follow them, but when they arrived on other continents, they dispersed and were difficult to track, so..."

"Well! Then don't worry about it!"

Li Yichen nodded. It's just a small team, so it doesn't matter. As long as the main force of the vampires and demons is still here, it will be fine if the main force is killed. Those stragglers will not become a problem at all.

"However...these two races are now hiding in the mountains where they are located. They have hollowed out the mountains and cannot come out. We dare not fight in, so the battle has entered a stalemate. "

Zhang Anji hesitated and said.

"It doesn't matter, I will find a way to break this stalemate!"

Li Yichen smiled and said, his tone seemed very relaxed. Of course, these were just words he used to comfort everyone. After the battle with Grijalva, Li Yichen would never despise any trial race. At least he knew that these Each race should have its own trump card. If you are careless, you may fall into the hands of a strong person from a certain race...

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