"Yes! That's good!"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Lin Xiaotian instantly understood what Li Yichen meant. Seeing that he did not want Lin Yichen to participate in the war, Lin Xiaotian certainly had no objection.

In fact, most of the Lin family are now in subspace. Wanshan has specially allocated a living area for the Lin family. In that living area, except for the Lin family, they are the survivors from the earth. , so of course the entire living area is decided by the Lin family.

After arranging everything, Li Yichen immediately drove a helicopter to the vicinity of the demon clan's base, recovered the helicopter, and walked instead.

According to Zhang Anji, the vampire clan often sends out some scouts to scout the area near their lair and around the demon clan. Li Yichen wanted to sneak in for reconnaissance this time, so he couldn't alert them, so he had an idea and simply came to the demon clan, and then Then walk to the vampire clan.

He flew a helicopter directly to come here. Of course the demons would know about it, and the blood clan's scouts monitoring the demons would definitely be able to see it. This would not only make the demons start to be on guard, but also make the blood clan think that their target is still the demons. The tribe will not fully guard its lair.

After arriving on the ground, Li Yichen directly transformed in space continuously, leaving the demon clan's lair for dozens of kilometers. He did not stop until most of the space rules in his body were consumed.

After looking at the map, he saw that it was not too far away from the vampire base, so Li Yichen found a big tree, hid in the tree and began to recover.

Li Yichen certainly wouldn't be careless when it came to going deep into the Vampire Clan's lair, especially since he had the memory of the Vampire Clan's earl and knew that there were at least twenty princes in the Vampire Clan.

The princes of the vampire clan are all in the S-level life realm. Although it sounds like the more than twenty S-level clansmen are not as numerous as the Zerg clan. Even if we exclude the ordinary S-class Zerg clan, the number of intelligent Zerg clan alone is definitely more than that of the Zerg clan. The Vampires, but the combat effectiveness of the Vampire Prince is not comparable to that of the Zerg.

According to the memory from the Blood Count, if it was one-on-one, the Blood Prince could easily kill the Intelligent Zerg, even if the Intelligent Zerg was much larger than the Vampire.

The vampire's own vitality and recovery power are relatively strong, and they can also quickly heal injuries by sucking blood. Vampires who have reached the level of princes even have external incarnations, and the strength of this external incarnation is as powerful as the main body. There is no strong force. Weak points.

In other words, each vampire prince is equivalent to two S-level warriors. In addition, they can use their souls to seize bodies, so Li Yichen does not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Although Li Yichen thinks that his soul strength is not bad, the souls of the vampires are not weak either. After all, they are a race famous for their souls. Li Yichen thinks that it does not take too much, as long as three or four vampire princes take over his body at the same time, he is estimated to be It's useless.

Li Yichen still has lingering fears over the blood count's seizure of his body. If that mysterious place hadn't appeared inexplicably in his consciousness, and the soul of the blood count had been destroyed by that strong man, Li Yichen would have been gone by now. .

After recovering his condition, Li Yichen finally got up and quietly walked towards the Blood Clan's lair. When he was about ten kilometers away from the Vampire Clan, he turned on spatial refraction, hid himself, and slowly approached the Vampire Clan's lair.

Although the speed will be greatly reduced, it is safe and will not be discovered by the vampires.

It was only ten kilometers away, but it took Li Yichen five hours to reach the vampire clan's lair...

I don’t know why, but it seems that the Orcs, Vampires, Demons and Goblins have all chosen to hollow out the mountainside as their bases. Only the Zerg and Undead are not like this.

The Zerg have their own insect nest, which is their best base, while the Undead chose the city because they need to transform zombies.

However, the base of the Blood Tribe is also different from that of the Orcs and Goblins. Although the Orcs have hollowed out a mountain range, they still set up a camp in the valley, with a large number of orc warriors living outside.

The goblins simply set up their base underground, and even the entrances and exits rarely use caves, while the vampires just expanded the caves and did not hollow out the entire mountain.

The vampire's lair doesn't look as grand as the goblins. They extend the cave and twist and turn it straight into the mountain. They dug the entire mountain like an ant's nest, with twists and turns like a maze of forked roads inside.

In fact, Li Yichen had been here before, but when Li Yichen came, there were still many zombies in the valley where the vampire's lair was located. But now, the valley is empty, and even the cave that Li Yichen once saw was empty. There have also been changes, and he can no longer find the original trial passage.

Moreover, when he found the entrance to the vampire's lair in the valley, Li Yichen was not sure whether this was the entrance he had entered before, because the cave looked completely different from the previous one.

At the entrance of the cave, there were many bats hanging upside down. These were the blood slaves of the vampire clan. They seemed to be used as sentinels. However, due to spatial refraction and Li Yichen's very careful movements, these blood slaves did not notice Li Yichen.

Carefully entering the cave, Li Yichen's mouth twitched not long after he walked. Less than fifty meters away, Li Yichen encountered three forks in the road, and the caves at these forks seemed to be about the same size. I can’t tell the difference between the primary and secondary roles, how do I choose?

And what worries Li Yichen the most is that if the entire vampire lair is like this, how can they attack?

The memory of the Vampire Earl that he obtained at the beginning cannot help Li Yichen at all now, because when that count took away Li Yichen's body, this place had not been built yet, so Li Yichen did not expect that the Vampire lair would be in this form.

In fact, if it weren't for the war between the orcs and demons in the capital of hell, the vampires wouldn't need to make their lair so big. Compared to the caves, the vampires prefer to build palaces in the valleys. Anyway, there are blood slaves to help.

Moreover, the Vampires prefer to enjoy themselves. Their palaces are very luxurious and tasteful. At least in the memory of the Vampire Earl, in the Vampires' own plane, no Vampire is willing to live in a cave.

Originally, during the trial, the vampires did not actually need to expand the cave. After entering the trial place, they would build a huge castle in the valley where the trial passage was located to serve as their base.

However, in this trial, because of Li Yichen, they started a war with the demons in advance, so a lot of vampires were sent in advance, which completely disrupted their plan.

After that, they had been entangled with the demons, and of course they had no intention of building a castle. Later, the demons were attacked by the beasts. Although the vampires had time to build a castle, after seeing the way the beasts attacked the demons, they actually He abandoned the castle and instead started digging holes in the mountains.

This kind of maze-like cave is actually used to deal with orcs. When the orcs deal with the demons, they just go berserk, then charge in a group, kill as many as they can, and turn around and run away before the berserk state is about to end. .

Seeing this situation, the vampires came up with the idea to dig the cave like a maze. Only they knew how to go. If the orcs invaded the cave, they could enter the maze when the orcs were furious. He hid in the cave and did not fight with the beasts.

This kind of maze is not easy to get in or out. If you are not familiar with the way, you may not be able to get out after wandering around for several months. When the orcs come in, will they activate their berserk or not?

If you don't activate it, you're afraid of being snatched away. If you activate it, the vampire will hide and you can't find it at all. The most important thing is that when the rage is about to disappear, you can't get out immediately if you want to.

When he reached the next fork in the road, there were three forks in front of Li Yichen. Looking at these three forks, Li Yichen couldn't help but frown.

He originally thought that the vampires would design their lair in the form of a castle, just like the earl's memory. Even if it was not in the valley, they could hollow out the mountain and design the interior of the mountain in the pattern of a castle.

In this case, it would not be difficult for them to invade the heart of the mountain, but now it seems that the previous plan is unlikely to be realized.

The cave was not wide, with a diameter of only about three meters. Of course, Li Yichen would have no problem passing through it, but if it were an orc, it would be a bit troublesome.

Moreover, even if the orcs can come in, they can't go in parallel, they can only come in one by one. In this case, how can they fight? They can't even swing their weapons within a three-meter range.

The Vampires don't use any weapons. Their weapons are similar to zombies, which are their claws and teeth. Moreover, the shape and height of the Vampires are similar to humans, not exceeding two meters. Therefore, this kind of cave is not restrictive for them. Not big.

"This... do we still need to continue the reconnaissance?"

Li Yichen hesitated. This time he mainly came to see the situation of the vampire clan's lair. Although he knew that the vampire clan did not build a castle in the valley before, Li Yichen thought it was built in the mountains or underground like the goblins, so he wanted to come and investigate. , look at the width and how many people can be accommodated to fight at the same time, so as to formulate a battle plan.

But now it seems that there is no open space at all. The orcs cannot enter this cave at all. Even if they can enter, they will die in vain because they cannot use it at all.

"How to break this?"

Grabbing his chin, Li Yichen frowned. In this kind of terrain, I'm afraid they can only call Xiaohu and the others back. If they are here, there will be no problem and they can fully use it. However, if they use the shadow of death, it will be difficult. A problem arises...

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