Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 856 The whole army attacks!


Li Yichen directly launched the reconnaissance satellite into space, and then began to wait for the reconnaissance satellite to arrive at its location.

Chang Guchuan, Zhang Anji and Varimasas looked at each other. No one said anything and waited quietly.

A few minutes later, the reconnaissance satellite started working. Li Yichen opened the terminal and took in the images of the reconnaissance satellite. Then he waved his hand to Chang Guchuan and said:

"Chang Guchuan, after we start attacking the vampires, you go to the defense center, set the coordinates of the twenty missiles here, and then keep an eye on them."

"The first wave is a long-range strike?"

Chang Guchuan finally understood what Li Yichen meant and asked a little unhappily. He liked going to the battlefield instead of looking at the images of reconnaissance satellites in the base and pressing buttons.


Li Yichen also saw that Chang Guchuan was unhappy, but ignored him and continued to point at the ambush:

"Calculate the distance yourself. It takes time for the missile to fly over. It's up to you. Anyway, what I want is that when the missile hits here, all supporting demons must enter the circle surrounded by eight space channels! "

"Will the explosion of the missile affect the space channel?"

Varimathras asked quickly. After all, they were going to pass through the space channel. If it was blown up, it wouldn't be a big deal if they couldn't get through. But if they got directly into the space turbulence, it wouldn't be a joke. , even if he doesn’t know the rules of space, Comrade Lao Wa still knows the horror of space turbulence.

"Don't worry! It won't happen!"

Li Yichen looked at Varimathras and understood his worries, so he waved his hand and said:

"The shock wave of the missile will not affect the space channel, and after the missile strikes, you will not attack immediately!"

With that said, Li Yichen looked at Zhang Anji:

"Xiao Hei, you Hell Angels are also prepared in advance. When you see the demons setting off, go there immediately, but try not to let them find out. After the missile strikes, you go up immediately and use helicopters to attack them again, but remember not to fly. It's too low, just shoot it, drop a few missiles and then retreat!"


The corners of Zhang Anji's mouth twitched, why did I become a black guy? This is...the name of a dog, right?

"Laowa! After the missile is launched, prepare. When Zhang Anji and the others go up, you can enter the space channel. Remember, activate your racial talents before entering the space channel!"

Li Yichen ignored Zhang Anji and turned to look at Varimathras:

"The first two rounds of strikes are expected to cause a lot of casualties to the demons. You are here to finish them off, so there is enough time. Remember, after killing them all, evacuate from the space channel immediately!"

"OK, thank you!"

Varimathras looked at Li Yichen with gratitude in his eyes. According to Li Yichen's arrangements, there should be no attrition in his orc army.

Although he had no choice but to defect to the human race, to be honest, Varimathras still didn't fully trust Li Yichen. After all, the races were different. To attack the vampires and demons, Varimathras had no choice but to do so.

After all, if you want to be protected by humans, you must reflect your own value. Creatures without value will not get any attention.

But now it seems that no matter what Li Yichen thinks of them now, at least humans do not regard the beasts as cannon fodder and are sincerely fighting their alliance.

In previous battles with demons and vampires, although they were the main force in the battle, under the cover of the Hell's Angels led by Zhang Anji, they suffered very few casualties, and the wounded could receive proper treatment after returning. The real number of casualties was, Almost negligible.

Now only the vampires and demons are left, and they can basically be eliminated in the next battle, but Li Yichen and the others are still very thoughtful and don't let them go up to fight head-on, so Varimathras Now I feel that humans are not simply using them.

Although he doesn't understand why the human race is so good to the orcs, and with Varimathras's mind, he can't think of that much, but at least in Varimathras's heart, as long as the humans do what they promised before, the orcs will definitely He will not wield weapons against humans.

"Okay! I'm going to see how Xiaomao's preparations are going. After we set off, the demon side will be left to you. You can discuss how to connect it!"

After Li Yichen made arrangements here, he said to the three of them.

"Boss! If you have this good thing, then I will take you over to the vampires and build a space passage at the entrance of their cave. Then Xiaomao and the others can directly enter their lair from here. How convenient?"

Looking at the space passage, Zhang Anji had a sudden idea.


Li Yichen shook his head and said:

"We are attacking the Blood Tribe here by force, and we don't need the space channel. Moreover, if we use the space channel to get there, the Demon Tribe may not notice that we have started to attack the Blood Tribe, and then they will not come to the rescue!"

"In addition, if they see the space passage, they may be wary. Although the possibility of this is very small, we must pay attention!"

"So we just marched the army directly to let the demons know clearly how many of us there are and when we started to attack, so that the demons can calculate our casualties and decide when to send reinforcements!"

"So that's it!"

Zhang Anji suddenly realized it, but immediately frowned and asked:

"But in this way, their scouts will be able to find that the only ones we are attacking them are the human army. The orcs they are most afraid of - Lao Wa and others have not moved. Will they not send reinforcements because of this?"

"probably not!"

Li Yichen shook his head:

"Now only the vampires and demons are left. The demons can't just watch the vampires be wiped out by us. They will definitely have reinforcements, and Lao Wa and the others did not show up, which will also make them doubt whether Lao Wa and the others are preparing. Attack them."

"So when they send reinforcements, they won't come out in full force, so that we can smoothly swallow them up!"

"Is it okay to have more?"

Zhang Anji scratched his hair and asked with a puzzled look:

"We have two rounds of air strikes with missiles and helicopters, and we have Lao Wa and the others to finish it off. Even if the demons come out in full force, there will probably be no problem, right?"

"No problem, there should be no problem. As long as they are not hiding in their lair, our long-range strikes will be very advantageous!"

Li Yichen nodded:

"But in that case, I'm worried that Lao Wa and the others will suffer heavy casualties. The Orcs currently have less than 50,000 soldiers, and there is no way to replenish their troops, so we must try to reduce their casualties as much as possible."

"Besides, it doesn't matter if there are some demons left. After the vampires are wiped out, what kind of trouble can one demon make? We can play with them slowly! We can even build a fortress at the door of their lair to block them! "

"Haha! This is a good idea!"

Zhang Anji laughed.

"Okay! If I don't want to be poor with you, I'm going to find Xiao Mao. You can discuss it yourself here. Remember, my request is that no matter how many reinforcements there are, not a single one of them can be allowed to go back!"

Li Yichen looked at the three of them and then left.

"Xiao Hei! Don't worry, wait for now. At least we won't be busy until Brother Yi and Xiao Mao attack the vampire clan's lair!"

After Li Yichen left, Zhang Anji opened the terminal and wanted to gather the Hell's Angels, but Chang Guchuan shook his head indifferently and said to him.

"Okay! I understand, Xiao Guzi!"

Zhang Anji glared at Chang Guchuan and replied.

"What the hell is this just Xiaoguzi?"

Chang Guchuan immediately stared back.

"Who told you to call me Xiaohei!"

Zhang Anji also continued to stare.

"Brother Yi called him that! Xiaohei, Xiaohei, Xiaohei..."

Chang Guchuan continued to stare back.

"Oh! Why make a fuss when you can do something?"

Seeing the two people glaring at each other like fighting cocks, Varimathras shook his head, sighed, and then went to gather his troops...

"Xiao Mao! How are you? Are you done?"

After Li Yichen left Chang Guchuan and the others, he directly found Xiao Mao.

"It's done, Brother Yi! When do we set off?"

Xiao Mao has already assembled an army at this time. Judging from the number, it is at least more than 100,000. It seems that Xiao Mao has not only brought all 50,000 people from Hell's Scythe, but also mobilized soldiers from other legions.

Looking at the legion in front of him, Li Yichen nodded with satisfaction. He did not do any pre-war mobilization and just waved his hand:

"Then let's go!"


Xiao Mao agreed loudly, and then gave an order, leading this mixed army of 100,000 people to start marching towards the outside of the base!

"Huh! Vampire! Dracula...let me see how strong you are!"

Looking at the warriors passing by him, Li Yichen murmured, the leaders of each of the six trial races are not easy to deal with. Although the goblin king seems to be very weak, after all, the goblins rely on orcs. Destroyed.

And at that time, he still used the space channel to launch a surprise attack. It is very likely that the Goblin King still had many methods and died without any use.

As for the other leaders, Archimonde goes without saying. Grijalva of the Zerg tribe also brought a lot of trouble to Li Yichen, and even almost killed him. And the king of the beast tribe... This guy is a bit soy sauce. , who makes the soul power of the orcs not strong enough, and is unlucky enough to get Archimonde in front of him, who is in a hurry to get his lunch box.

Now, we are about to face the leaders of the vampires and demons again. I hope these two guys can give them some face and not be too powerful.

During this march, Xiao Mao and the others had no intention of hiding. They just marched towards the Blood Tribe base openly. However, perhaps because they did not see the Orcs, they felt that they had some conspiracy. Until they approached the Blood Tribe base, Xiao Mao and the others Nor was there any hindrance.

"That's the entrance to the vampire base. Everyone knows what to do, right? Now...the entire army attacks!!"

Looking at the entrance of the cave, Xiaomao waved his hand and shouted an order, and one hundred thousand soldiers suddenly poured into the cave like a tide...

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