Although the little guys of the Shadow of Death are also one of the three earliest legions in the Capital of Hell, they were already established when the Capital of Hell was founded. However, because of their special characteristics, these little guys can be said to be a completely self-contained system. of.

In fact, the dividing lines among other legions in the Capital of Hell are not so clear now, especially when they first blocked the zombie and insect tides. All the soldiers were fighting on the front line, and it was impossible to tell which legion was which.

Although the Shadow of Death also participated in the battle at that time, they all went deep into the zombie tide and engaged in another form of fighting. Moreover, they were children themselves and rarely communicated with adults from other legions. This led to the formation of the Shadow of Death. members and have little communication with soldiers from other legions.

Xiaohu, the commander of the Shadow of Death Corps, was quite familiar with Chang Guchuan and other regiment commanders, but he had no contact with the soldiers below at all.

In addition, the members of the Death Shadow can all sneak, and even in the base, they basically remain in a stealth state. Therefore, the members of the Death Shadow basically do not show their faces outside.

Therefore, in the Hell Capital base, the presence of the shadow of death is actually very low. This is also deliberately done by Xiaohu. They position themselves as assassins. Of course, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Because he is not familiar with the members of other legions, the shadow of death does not care about the lives of other soldiers. Take the earliest encounter with the vampires as an example. If the shadow of death among them did not choose to continue to lurk, but If you choose to take action, you can at least save a few warriors so that they will not lose their lives the first time they encounter the vampires.

The number of Death Shadows is the smallest among all legions. Even after vigorous expansion, there are only a thousand people now. In the city of hell, which currently has a population of millions, even if it only counts the number of children, such a ratio It's really too small.

Therefore, the resources obtained by Death Shadow are of course the most among all legions. At least, the resources allocated to each member are definitely unmatched by other legions. Even compared to Chang Guchuan and other legion commanders, Death Shadow's ordinary Members are no less generous.

As for the original latent power injection and the later space power injection, apart from the commanders of the major armies, the first thing Li Yichen thought of was the shadow of death. Therefore, the real combat power of the members of the shadow of death is of course far beyond that of the capital of hell. Other warriors.

If the Shadow of Death really wants to carry out an assassination, it is estimated that in the entire hell city, only Li Yichen and Xiao Mao can escape, and the others...

If this were not the case, Li Yichen and Xiao Mao would not add a Death Shadow to each team. However, the order they gave to the Death Shadow was that when a strong person appeared in the vampire clan and other warriors could not resist, they would think He tried to delay time and summoned Li Yichen for support.

But now, the vampires are not strong ones. Therefore, even though they saw that those warriors may be in danger, these shadows of death did not take action. In their eyes, they did not care whether it was the lives of these warriors or their own lives. , their primary goal is only one - to complete the mission! !

Therefore, no matter what the battle situation was, these members of the Shadow of Death did not take action and remained in a stealth state. Therefore, of course, they had more energy to observe the soldiers who had been truly taken away.

Once the body is taken away, the warrior's body will inevitably become stiff for a moment. This stiffness may not be easy to detect during the battle, but for an assassin like Death Shadow who always pays great attention to the surrounding environment, it is enough. It's obvious.

Of course, the shadows of death will not immediately kill someone when they find someone frozen. They have to verify it. Otherwise, in such a tense battle, once they kill these warriors, they may cause other A soldier's misunderstanding.

At that time, once they are attacked by these warriors, whether they fight back or not, they will cause damage to the capital of hell.

Therefore, every time they see someone freeze, these shadows of death will immediately reveal themselves and directly reach out and take off the helmet of that warrior. Basically, every warrior whose helmet is removed has blood-red eyes. This is also They have been marked as having their bodies taken away from them. If we kill them at this time, of course there will be no problem.

However, among them, there were also some soldiers who were accidentally killed. Originally, their bodies became stiff due to the difficulty of resisting the blood race's seizure of their bodies. But at this time, when their helmets were taken off, they lost the protection of the outer layer of soul defense. Originally, If they are unable to hold on, of course they will collapse immediately.

The little guys in the Shadow of Death don't know this. They only know that the warrior whose body has been taken away must be killed. Moreover, even if they know this situation, they will not care. They would rather be injured by accident than let the warrior whose body has been taken away. among them.

It would be okay if the warrior who had his body taken away immediately tried to fight back, at most it would cause casualties to the warriors around him, but what if the warrior whose body was taken away did not want to be exposed immediately, but pretended that his soul was exhausted and retreated? ?

At this time, no one would pay attention to the soldiers who retreated to rest. What if they got close to Li Yichen and suddenly assassinated him?

Therefore, in order to eliminate potential threats, the Shadow of Death has no scruples. Once it sees suspicious warriors, it will immediately take off their helmets, kill them, and then sneak away again...

With the gradual deepening, the number of troops invested by the vampires also began to gradually increase. At each ambush point, the number of people increased from dozens to hundreds, and finally reached thousands. Even in some locations, the vampires did not consider casualties at all and directly sent the vampires to charge. Before being shot, his soul leaves his body and seizes his body.

After the corpses of the vampires blocked the passage, the subsequent vampires left their bodies directly, passed through the passage blocked by the corpses, and rushed towards the warriors of the capital of hell...

The Vampires began to fight tooth and nail, resulting in a sharp increase in the casualties among the soldiers of Hell City. Basically, if about ten Vampires tried their best to snatch away one soldier, that soldier would definitely be unstoppable.

Even though there was a shadow of death in the middle of the screen, the vampires began to seize the bodies of several warriors at the same time, which made the shadow of death a little busy. The counterattack of the warrior who had their bodies taken away made the soldiers behind them even more chaotic.

Although Li Yichen was "putting out fires" everywhere, the casualties of the soldiers in the capital of hell were still increasing. It was obvious that the vampires had no intention of giving them a chance to breathe. Once any team was taken away and chaos broke out, which team would Reinforcements from the vampire clan will continue to appear in the passage, constantly attacking this team.

Even the members of the Shadow of Death began to appear powerless in this situation. Even if they wanted to assassinate the soldiers whose bodies had been taken away, they could not easily do so.

Because the battle conditions everywhere were sent to the military channel by the soldiers, Li Yichen was able to clearly understand the current battle situation. In just over ten minutes, nearly a thousand soldiers in the capital of hell had been lost. In such a narrow place, Combat experience basically doesn't play a big role. Being able to survive basically depends on luck!

Hearing this situation, Li Yichen finally couldn't help it. He still didn't know how long it would take to break through to the center of the vampire base. If it took too long, the losses to the capital of hell would be very heavy.

So, Li Yichen raised his arm and said to the terminal:

"Xiao Mao, the resistance we are encountering now is too great, so let's postpone our advance. I'll try first to see if I can find the center of the vampire base!"

"No! Brother Yi! I don't accept this order."

What Li Yichen didn't expect was that Xiao Mao actually refused Li Yichen's order without hesitation. This was the first time someone had resisted Li Yichen's order since the day the Capital of Hell was established!

"Brothers, I am Xiaomao!"

Before Li Yichen could continue to speak, Xiao Mao said on the military channel:

"Have you all heard Brother Yi's order just now? Because we have suffered relatively large casualties, Brother Yi plans to let us pause our advance while he goes to find the strong men of the Vampire Clan."

"I know what Brother Yi means. He doesn't want us to make too many sacrifices. This is also Brother Yi's habit. Think about it, since the establishment of our legion, all the powerful enemies have been faced by Brother Yi. "

"Whether it's the earth, the subspace, or the space battleship, it was only after Brother Yi found it and confirmed that it was safe that we were allowed to pass. And four of the six trial races have been wiped out. What contribution have we made?"

"Especially the Zerg. We watched Brother Yi consume them little by little. Even the king of the Zerg was killed by him, completely wiping out the Zerg!"

"For a long time, Brother Yi has been rushing to the front in all dangerous battles, not even letting us participate. We have a lot of resources, but we can only kill little zombies and bugs. If this continues, we will have What’s the use?”

"We are military members, we are soldiers, can we only fight when we are sure it is safe and there will be no casualties? No! The capital of hell is not Brother Yi's own, and our enemies cannot rely entirely on Brother Yi! "

"Before the Capital of Hell was established, Brother Yi led a group of ordinary people to intercept 20,000 zombies. Only that time, we fought side by side. Although there were heavy casualties, we were all fighting side by side. Today, let us fight together again Fight side by side once!"

"Now I order! Everyone, start the assault and wipe out all the Vampires!!"

Xiao Mao's call ended with an order. When Xiao Mao spoke, many soldiers remembered the first battle, and their eyes gradually flashed with light. When Xiao Mao's order was issued, all the soldiers looked solemn and looked at The passage ahead roared together:

kill! !

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