The layout and architectural style of the city are the same as the one Li Yichen saw before. At first glance, it looks like a city of native villains, but the scope is larger.

This is normal. Whether on Earth or in the Trial Grounds, cities are large and small. It seems that no matter where they are, as long as there are intelligent life forms, there will always be many similarities.

Li Yichen did not stay in this city. He was just drawing the map now, and the rest would have to wait until later.

It only took about seven or eight hours for Li Yichen to go around the entire sky. In other words, the entire sky was actually smaller than the Far North Continent on the Trial Continent. The size of three provinces in the mainland.

Of course, to Li Yichen, the size of the Heaven Realm does not matter. This may be the initial size of the Heaven Realm. Because the native little people have not obtained the Heart of the Tian Realm, this Tian Realm has not expanded at all.

After traveling all over the Tianyu, the map of this Tianyu was naturally obtained, so Li Yichen directly drove the helicopter towards the entrance of the Tianyu.

The entrance to the Tianyu is not at the center of the Tianyu, but rather west of the southern half of the Tianyu. On the way to the entrance of the Tianyu, Li Yichen actually saw the battlefield between the native villain and the lizard man.

The scale of the battlefield is not large. There are about 10,000 warriors on the native villain side, while about 30,000 soldiers are dispatched on the lizard people side.

The number of lizardmen is at least twice that of the native villains, but the situation on the battlefield is that the native villains have the upper hand.

Looking at the battlefield where the two sides were, Li Yichen shook his head slightly. The previous collision between the lizard man and the native villain at the village could be said to have ended in a disastrous defeat, but that did not mean that the native villain's strength completely overwhelmed the lizard man. .

The main reason for the disastrous defeat of the lizard people was that they were all focused on the village and did not expect that the native villain would come from behind to attack them. The other reason was that their battlefield was in the jungle.

The native villains are quite small in size, like monkeys, and they are much more flexible than monkeys. Of course, they have an advantage in the jungle. The lizard people, who mainly attack from long distances, are in the jungle. He couldn't use his own advantages at all, so he failed miserably.

But this time, the battlefield between the two sides was actually in the jungle. Although a small part was on the edge of the jungle, the people in this position were all lizard people, and all the native villains were in the jungle.

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen understood that the two sides might not have met in the jungle, but that the native villain must have used some method to lure the lizard people over and set the battlefield in the jungle!

Watching the lizard people who stayed outside the jungle slowly enter the jungle, Li Yichen sighed secretly. The lizard people were obviously too anxious and wanted to kill the native villains when they saw them.

In fact, the lizardmen are the invaders, so there is no need to worry at all. When they see the native villains entering the jungle, they don't need to pursue them at all. They can just camp in the plains outside and wait for reinforcements from behind.

All the lizardmen carry longbows, which means that all their warriors are archers. With so many archers shooting in groups, the rain of arrows formed by them is absolutely devastating to the native villains with low defenses. .

It's a pity. I don't know if the lizard people were too anxious, or their commander didn't realize this at all, and actually let the troops chase into the jungle. Judging from the situation, after these lizard people entered, it was not that easy to come out again. .

However, this may also be because the lizardman commander did not know the specialties of the native villain. Although two lizardmen ran away before, they were not close at that time. In addition, they were in the jungle and their field of vision was not very close. Not good, so maybe they just brought back the news that the previous team was wiped out.

Li Yichen just looked at it, without stopping, and drove the helicopter forward directly. The native villain had the advantage, which was a good thing for him. One was that it would allow the lizard people to increase their troops in large numbers, and the other... If he wanted to If he had to choose an enemy between a lizard man and a native villain, Li Yichen would rather choose a native villain.

The reason is very simple. The weapons of native villains are blowguns and daggers. The range of blowguns is incomparable to bows and arrows, let alone the firearms in the capital of hell.

In addition, Li Yichen can build a castle at any time now. If he starts a war with a native villain, Li Yichen feels that just bringing in an army and relying on the defense of the fortress will become a nightmare for the native villain.

When he returned to the exit of Tianyu, Li Yichen found that there were quite a few lizardmen at the exit, and he keenly discovered that among the lizardmen, there were actually many very small lizardmen.

After staring at the little lizardmen for a while, Li Yichen concluded that these lizardmen were not any special soldier, but just children of the lizardmen group.

Moreover, Li Yichen also discovered that about two kilometers away from the exit of Tianyu, the lizard people actually started to build a large camp. Seeing this situation, Li Yichen's eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that the lizard people should be a race without a heavenly domain. Therefore, after discovering this heavenly domain, they migrated as a whole and entered this heavenly domain, preparing to build and destroy the heavenly domain at the same time. protists.

At this moment, there are still lizardmen carrying large and small bags walking out of the entrance of Tianyu and walking towards the camp under construction. A long team formed between the camp and the entrance of Tianyu!

" do I get out?"

Li Yichen hovered the helicopter high in the sky, frowned and murmured, if he wanted to leave the Sky Realm without being discovered, he must wait until all the lizardmen entered, and then use space refraction to approach the Sky Realm entrance invisibly.

However, Li Yichen felt that even if he could escape from the Heaven Realm without being discovered by the lizard people here, there would be a high chance that he would be discovered by the lizard people outside when he got there, unless they did not leave any sentries at the entrance.

This is impossible, just think about the human race's heavenly domain. In the heavenly domain over there, humans have obtained the heart of the heavenly domain. There are attribute bonuses in the heavenly domain, but they are still on the island outside. An elite force was left behind!

Thinking of this, Li Yichen sighed, and then he simply didn't hide anything and drove the helicopter directly to the entrance of the Tianyu.

"Will you die if you touch that baby boy?"

The roar of the helicopter attracted the attention of the lizard men at the entrance to the Tianyu. They roared and raised their spears. Then, when Li Yichen swooped towards the entrance to the Tianyu, they all attacked Li Yichen...


Countless spears and arrows instantly covered the helicopter. Surprisingly, these lizard people's spears and arrows actually penetrated the metal shell of the helicopter and even pierced the fuel tank, directly igniting the helicopter and turning it into a A huge fireball.

"There's a show!"

Seeing the helicopter that was blown to pieces and fell directly from the sky, the lizard people were very satisfied. After looking around to see that no other enemies were approaching, they quickly returned to normal.

At this time, Li Yichen had already left the Tianyu. Before the helicopter exploded, he teleported directly to the exit of the Tianyu, and then immediately entered the space channel.

When he came out, Li Yichen came face to face with a lizard man who was about to enter the sky. However, Li Yichen, who was prepared in advance, teleported directly into the air, and then flashed several times in succession towards the sky. promote.


The lizard man who was facing Li Yichen was immediately stunned and held back his curse words. He looked around and saw nothing. However, the lizard man behind him was blocking the way because he refused to leave. He was a little impatient, so he directly He stretched out his hand and pushed him into the heaven...

When he reached a height where the lizard man could no longer see him in the air, Li Yichen got another helicopter and came out. After hovering the helicopter, he opened his personal terminal and called Xiaohu.

"Xiaohu! Where is he?"

"Brother Yi, I'm here with the lizard people, watching them move!"

Xiaohu immediately responded:

"Their gathering place is in a large valley, but now they seem to be all moving to that heavenly domain. Almost one-third of the lizardmen have already left the valley."

"Yes! Yes, they are migrating!"

Li Yichen looked below. The lizardmen formed a long queue and were entering the sky continuously. Even at his current height, he could not see the end of the long queue.

"Damn it, aren't they afraid of being discovered by other races with this migration method?"

Seeing the lizard man's ostentatious "move", Li Yichen couldn't help but curse.

"Probably not. Their route has obviously been calculated. At least so far, no other race should have discovered the lizard people's migration!"

Xiaohu immediately replied:

"The big man is with me now. I went back to the space channel before, and he came soon. Then I told him that you also came in. After that, we were going to go back to the entrance of Tianyu and wait. you!"

"As a result, we discovered the migrating army of lizard people, and then we followed these armies and found this place!"

"Xiaoyi! We have set up hidden sentries along the way where they are moving their army. At least so far, we have not found anything unusual!"

As soon as Xiaohu finished speaking, Li Qingfeng also said:

"It looks like this guy who looks like a big gecko has a very large group. It is estimated that there are at least more than four million people. How about it? How about we ambush them while they are migrating?"

"Ambush them?"

After hearing Li Qingfeng's words, Li Yichen hesitated and looked at the marching team of lizard men below. It would be very simple to ambush such a team. If the design is good and the terrain is chosen well, one or two million people can be wiped out. It should be very promising...

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