Now that Li Yichen had made his decision, Li Qingfeng and Xiaohu certainly had no objections, so they quietly went down and arranged all the soldiers of their own legion to lurk near the entrance to the Tianyu.

Because they don't know what kind of methods Li Yichen will use to attack Tianyu, so of course they have to be as close to the entrance of Tianyu as possible. What if this guy rushes in directly? Wouldn't it look embarrassing if they couldn't keep up?

The warriors of the Blade Legion are still not very good at hiding, and they don't have that kind of power. It is impossible to be as traceless as the shadow of death.

However, Li Qingfeng still asked Xiaohu to help. Each team of blade warriors would leave a shadow of death. Although there were still no traces completely, at least the chance of being discovered was greatly reduced.

Xiaohu's prediction of time was quite accurate. He said that it would take one week, but it really took seven days for all the lizardmen's migrating army to enter the sky.

However, perhaps because the war in the Sky Domain has not ended yet, after all the lizardmen entered, a group of about fifty lizardmen walked out of the Sky Domain again. They did not guard the entrance to the Sky Domain this time. Instead, they dispersed quietly and ambush around the entrance to the Heaven Realm.

Seeing this situation, Li Qingfeng broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he asked Xiaohu to help lead his Blade Warriors. Otherwise, these guys might hit his men when they lurk.

In fact, several of the ambush points chosen by these lizardmen coincided with the lurking positions of the Hell Capital warriors. Fortunately, the little guys of the Shadow of Death were quite clever.

Seeing the actions of these lizardmen after they came out, the Shadow of Death understood what these guys wanted to do, so some lurking teams immediately began to move. After all, the Shadow of Death was very good at lurking, and the lizardmen would certainly not let go of the location they chose.

After all this group of lizardmen lurked, the entrance to the heavenly domain became completely quiet. The migrating army of lizardmen was finally followed by a force of about 500 people, who were specifically responsible for eliminating traces on their way.

Although in the eyes of Xiaohu and others, the elimination done by these lizard people was simply too amateurish, but if you didn't pay attention, you could barely get by. After all, the traces left by such a huge team marching were quite obvious.

"Xiaohu! Kill all the lizardmen outside!"

After waiting for an hour and finding no more lizard people coming out of the sky, Li Yichen said to the little tiger next to him.


Xiaohu nodded slightly, and then gave the order to the Shadow of Death to assassinate these lurking lizard men. The Shadow of Death was definitely the most professional.

About ten minutes later, Xiaohu made a gesture to Li Yichen, indicating that all the lizardmen should be killed. Seeing this gesture, Li Yichen was also a little surprised. When the Shadow of Death assassinated those lizardmen, he only saw a few killed. As for the remaining lizardmen, even Li Yichen didn't know how they died, and they died completely silently.

It seems that Xiaohu's Death Shadow should now be considered the most powerful unit in the Hell City, and it's not in vain that Li Yichen has been deliberately cultivating them! If these lizardmen were killed by Li Qingfeng's Blade Legion, they could easily complete the task. After all, they are all elites selected from the Hell Capital Legion, but it is impossible to do it so silently. .

"You guys wait here, I'll go in and take a look first!"

After clearing away the lizardmen outside, Li Yichen stood up. Now that there were no lizardmen outside the sky, they naturally didn't need to be so careful:

"Gather your troops, don't enter for the time being, and keep an eye on the surroundings. If you find any lizardmen coming out of the sky, kill them immediately!"


Xiaohu and Li Qingfeng nodded together, and Li Yichen jumped up directly, arrived at the entrance of the heavenly domain, and then stepped directly into the heavenly domain.

Li Yichen came in with the attitude of being discovered, because he was discovered by the lizard man the last time he came in. When passing through the space passage, he cannot use space powers. Of course, he cannot hide it, and it is useless no matter how careful he is.

But what surprised Li Yichen was that when he entered the Heaven Realm, there were indeed a large number of lizard people around him, but these lizard people were all busy with their own affairs, and no one saw him.

Maybe it's because they feel that their own people are guarding the outside, so the entrance to the Tianyu is currently safe, so no one is watching the entrance to the Tianyu.

Moreover, Li Yichen discovered this situation immediately after entering, and immediately refracted the space, hiding his figure.

The current entrance to the Tianyu has turned into a large construction site, with countless lizardmen busy inside. Li Yichen slowly walked over and after looking at it for a while, he realized that they should be building a defensive fortress.

Well, that's right, the lizard people must have made up their minds to take over this heaven, so of course they regard this heaven as their own. Since it is their own heaven, of course they must take good care of their defense.

Looking at the busy lizard men, Li Yichen couldn't help but shake his head. Are these guys too naive? Even if they don't consider their own factors, those native villains are enough to keep them busy.

Although the appearance of the lizard men was almost the same in Li Yichen's eyes, he certainly couldn't tell which ones were which, but from the costumes of the lizard men, he knew that there were many lizards among the lizard men who were building defensive fortresses. Human warrior!

It is very simple to distinguish this, because although these lizard warriors are working, they still carry the long bow behind them, but the spear and ax are missing. It seems that the lizard warriors are best at long bows. He's quite a match for Li Yichen.

However, these lizardmen are not going all out to destroy the native villains now, but they actually have the intention to build a defensive fortress here and mobilize so much combat power. Is there really no problem for them to fight against the native villains?

But Li Yichen immediately realized that he had been waiting outside for a week. This week should be enough for the lizard man to truly realize the power of the native villain.

In this case, if they still dare to do this, it should mean that they feel confident in dealing with the native villain.

Thinking of this, Li Yichen became somewhat interested. He wanted to know how these lizardmen could deal with those native villains and mobilize so many lizardman warriors.

Therefore, Li Yichen quietly walked around the construction site without disturbing the busy lizardmen, and then left in the opposite direction to the lizardmen's base not far from Tianyu.

After the distance was almost the same, Li Yichen came to the air again, redeemed the helicopter, turned around and flew away...

Of course, Li Yichen didn't know where the lizardmen and the native villains were fighting, but he thought it should be in the direction of the lizardmen's camp. Go in this direction first and have a look. If you find it wrong, look again. Anyway, the entire sky is not that big.

It took so long last time because Li Yichen wanted to draw a map, so he could only reduce the radius in circles and circles without letting go of an inch of land. If he walked directly through it, he could reach the Tianyu in a few hours. Over there.

After flying for less than half an hour, Li Yichen saw the battlefield between the lizard people and the native villains. After seeing the battlefield, Li Yichen finally understood why the lizard people were so confident.

In the previous battle between the lizard man and the native villain, it can be said that he suffered two big losses. Both times, the entire army should have been annihilated. However, it seems that the lizard man is not very stupid and has already understood the weakness of the native villain.

The current lizardman army is arrayed about two kilometers away from the jungle and has built a position. The battlefield between the lizardman position and the jungle is covered with corpses, including native villains. Yes, there are also lizardmen.

However, from a ratio point of view, the corpses of the native villains are much more than the corpses of the lizard people. Li Yichen took a rough look and found that the ratio was about four to one. In other words, on average, four native villains must die before there are One lizardman slain.

This situation is normal, because the battlefield is completely a plain. No matter how good the native villain's blowgun is, it can't blow two kilometers, and the range is estimated to be between ten and twenty meters.

However, the lizard people's bows and arrows can cover at least half of the battlefield. If the native villain wants to rush to the lizard people's position, they can only use their lives to accumulate.

The battlefield is very quiet now. The native villains did not attack the lizardmen's position, and the lizardmen did not take the initiative to attack. They just rested in the position. There were also a steady stream of lizardmen from the rear sending various supplies, including arrows and food. etc.

"Ah! Did they also know they were going to fight like this?"

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen couldn't help but complain in his heart. The lizard people's strategy for dealing with the native villains was almost the same as what he imagined. However, if Li Yichen wanted to do this, he would definitely have to build a castle here to let the warriors Rely on the castle to conduct defensive battles.

Of course, this tactic of the lizard people is actually flawed. Their rear is their weak point. Although the entrance to this heaven is not in the center of the sky, it is not at the edge either, so the rear of the lizard people is still easily accessible. A sneak attack.

If you switch to Li Yichen's castle, you won't have this worry. You can exchange it directly for a large castle at the entrance of Tianyu. The castle is a ring defense system. There is no direction behind it. The native villains are guaranteed to die as many as they come.

However, Li Yichen could see the weakness of the lizard people. Whether the native villain could see it was another matter. Moreover, now Li Yichen finally understood why the lizard people built a defensive fortress at the entrance to the sky.

They are not arrogant and think that the native villains are not a threat, but they are preparing to use defensive fortresses to defend their rear. Once the defensive fortress is built, it will not be that easy for the native villains to raid this defensive position from behind. The lizardmen at the entrance to the Sky Realm can completely surround them...

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