Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 886 The terrifying arrow rain

Arriving at the castle's teleportation hall, Li Yichen immediately began to build a space passage. Li Yichen planned to stay here permanently in this castle, so the materials used were quite good, especially this teleportation hall.

The teleportation hall is the hall where the entrance to Tianyu is located. It is also the largest space in the entire castle. It occupies almost four-fifths of the castle, so it is quite huge.

Moreover, there are all kinds of defense facilities around the teleportation hall. After all, the entrance to the Tianyu is here, and it must be tightly defended in the future.

As for the spatial passage leading to the Capital of Hell, Li Yichen also plans to place it here. As for whether it would be unsafe to put the two spatial passages together, Li Yichen does not plan to consider this for the time being. He will first gather the people from the Capital of Hell to guard it. We will talk about this castle and the rest later.

Because he knew the rules of space quite well, there was no difference between Li Yichen's previous speculations. It took more than ten hours to build the space passage to the capital of hell.

When the space passage was completed, Li Yichen immediately stepped in and came directly to the central base square of the hell capital.

The spatial fluctuation here has long attracted the attention of Wan Shan and others. Although this spatial fluctuation appeared in the square of the central base and should be caused by Li Yichen, Wan Shan still asked Chang Guchuan to summon a large number of people just in case. Soldiers stood around.

Seeing that it was Li Yichen who came out, Wan Shan finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked quickly:

"Where does this lead to?"

"Heavenly Domain!"

Li Yichen didn't explain much and immediately waved his hand:

"Assemble the combatants and go in immediately. There is a castle over there and it is being attacked! Chang Guchuan, let these soldiers enter first, and you continue to organize the manpower! Lao Wan, come with me!"

With that said, Li Yichen turned around and entered the space passage again. After constructing this space passage, he had not yet gone to see how the battle was going on outside. Although no lizardmen rushed into the castle to disturb him, it meant that the defense outside should be No problem, but it’s better to see it with your own eyes.

"Hey! Little..."

Wan Shan was about to ask questions, but found that Li Yichen had entered the space passage, so he quickly followed him.

"Quick! Line up now! Get in quickly!"

Seeing this situation, Chang Guchuan also knew that the situation there might not be good, so he immediately asked the soldiers who were originally guarding the side to line up and enter the space channel. At the same time, he opened his personal terminal and began to mobilize troops.

After Li Yichen returned to the castle, he waited for a while. Wan Shan stepped out of the space passage within a few seconds. Li Yichen immediately pointed to the entrance to the Tianyu next to him and said:

"Old Wan! I'll go outside and take a look. You'll take care of me here! Remember, don't enter this space passage. Let everyone who comes by go outside and find a defensive position by yourself!"

In fact, when Li Yichen came in, he originally wanted to teleport outside to take a look, but he was worried that the soldiers who came over didn't know where to go. If they all went outside the Tianyu, it would be troublesome.

After taking care of Wan Shan and letting him guide him here, Li Yichen immediately teleported outside the castle, but when he saw the situation below the castle, he couldn't help but be a little dazed.

Originally, outside of him, there should be a fierce battle and a fierce battlefield outside, but what he saw now was tranquility. Although there were still broken limbs and rivers of blood around the castle, at least there was no fighting at the moment. conduct.

Looking at the arrows and bloodstains that could be seen everywhere on the castle, Li Yichen knew that the loss of the Blade Legion this time would not be small.

"Xiaoyi! Is it done?"

Li Qingfeng came to Li Yichen in disgrace and asked with a smile.

"Yeah! People are coming! How is it?"

Li Yichen looked at Li Qingfeng and found that this guy also had a lot of scars on his body. Then he looked at the soldiers in defensive positions on the castle. They were all similar to him, so he asked.

"Not bad! Good luck!"

Li Qingfeng smiled and said, and at this time, soldiers began to come out of the castle and entered defensive positions. Seeing this situation, Li Qingfeng finally felt relieved and sat down:

"It was a bit dangerous before. I almost couldn't defend it and was attacked by those big geckos!"

Pointing to the lizardmen's position in the distance, Li Qingfeng spoke, and listening to Li Qingfeng's words, Li Yichen finally understood what had happened in the past hour.

Li Qingfeng's statement just now that he could not defend himself was indeed an exaggeration. The lizardmen's initial attack was indeed disorganized, without any organization, and appeared to be very chaotic. Even the occasional arrow rain did not cover a large area, nor was it dense enough. , the threat is not great.

However, not long after Li Yichen entered the castle, the lizards actually began to retreat. The Blade Warriors who had been retreating to the castle did not pursue them. Under Li Qingfeng's order, they began to set up defenses on the castle and replenish ammunition.

About half an hour later, the lizardman army began to attack again. This time their attack was obviously different. The previous chaos completely disappeared. The troops attacking again were quite orderly and had distinct types of troops.

The ones rushing at the front were a group of lizardmen holding shields nearly two meters high. Each of these lizardmen were quite stout. They did not carry a long bow. They had a shield in one hand and a big ax in the other. They also carried a shield behind them. On their waists, there were several bags of feather arrows.

Behind these lizardmen are lizardmen holding long bows. Their arrows have been strung, and they are constantly moving forward under the protection of the shield soldiers.

Soon, the Blade warriors discovered that the shields that seemed to be woven from plants were actually quite tough. Their rifle bullets were difficult to penetrate. Most of them were embedded in the shields. Only those sniper rifles could directly penetrate them. Penetrate the shield and kill the lizard man behind.

However, Li Yichen had never thought that the lizard people would have such a tough shield. There were not many sniper rifles left. They were only prepared for some strong ones among the lizard people.

In addition, the rate of fire of sniper rifles is much slower than that of rifles. Therefore, under the cover of the shield, the lizardmen advance much faster and the casualties are greatly reduced.

The blade warriors were surprised, but the lizardmen were shocked. You must know that those shield soldiers are the trump cards of their race and are strategic forces.

That kind of shield is made by them using an extremely special plant. Among the entire lizard race, there are only less than 20,000 in number. They have tried this kind of shield themselves, even with the sharpest arrows. Shooting from a distance will also be directly bounced away, leaving only microscopic traces on the shield.

But now, the weapons used by the tailless enemies on the opposite side can actually shoot through the shields and kill the soldiers behind them, which makes the lizard man feel distressed.

These shields are very important to the lizard people. Without these 20,000 shields, the lizard people might have disappeared long ago. Unexpectedly, they started to suffer losses here.

However, now the lizardmen are riding a tiger and are unable to get off. This is already the case. Even if we remove them now, it will be too late. On the contrary, the losses will be even more heavy, so we can only bite the bullet and go ahead.

Soon, the lizardmen came within the range of the bow and arrow. All the lizardmen stopped. The shield soldiers directly put their shields on the ground, one next to another. They used the shields to build a temporary defensive wall and hid behind them. later.

The longbowmen at the back immediately began to project, and this time the projectile was much more powerful than the previous ones. The dark clouds composed of arrow rain neatly rose from the lizard formation, and then landed above the castle.

Countless arrow rain completely covered the castle, densely packed, and one wave after another. Fortunately, all the Blade Legions had already entered the castle's defensive position at this time, and when they saw the arrow rain coming, they had already given up their defense. Enter the castle and take shelter.

If this was outside the castle, I am afraid that this arrow rain alone could cause heavy losses to the Blade Legion, or even annihilate the whole army. Under this level of arrow rain, their round shields and helmets would not be enough to kill them. Thorough protection.

The arrow rain came one after another, continuously. Li Qingfeng could see clearly that these lizard archers did not stop at all, shooting one arrow after another, as if their strength could never be exhausted. This was definitely a lizard. The best among people.

The Blade Legion had all entered the castle, so the defensive weapons naturally stopped roaring. However, the lizardmen's shield soldiers did not take this opportunity to advance. They still built defenses in place to cover the archers and continue to cover them with arrow rain.

At this time, a large group of lizardman soldiers poured out from both sides. They all carried spears and held axes, and rushed towards the castle at extremely fast speeds.

Seeing this situation, many sharp-edged warriors rushed to defensive positions and started shooting regardless of the rain of arrows, while other warriors followed them out, using their own round shields and weapons to deflect the arrows and cover them.

But the arrow rain was too dense, and it was impossible to shoot down all of them. Soon, casualties appeared among the sharp-edged warriors. Most of the warriors were only injured at first, but with the continuous rain of arrows, once injured, it almost meant that Death, unless they could be dragged into the castle immediately.

Li Qingfeng looked at the approaching lizardman army with a serious face. The tactics of these lizardmen were obvious, which was to use arrow rain to suppress their defensive firepower and get closer to the castle.

If they are allowed to come to the castle, the arrow rain should stop, but similarly, the Blade Warriors can no longer use firearms to kill these lizardmen, and can only use cold weapons to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Although the Blade Legion's melee capabilities are very strong, and they may even kill faster with cold weapons than their marksmanship, the problem is that there are too many lizardmen.

Once they are surrounded by lizardmen, the lizardmen army behind them will definitely come over. How long can they hold out in the face of endless lizardmen?

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