Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 901 Strange crystal stone


Lin Yichen saw Li Yichen's expression a little confused. Didn't she say this before?

If she hadn't felt that there seemed to be a strange connection between the Tianyu and the living area, how could she have thought that the Heart of the Tianyu was in this location?

"Huh! Let's try it!"

Li Yichen looked at his feet and took a deep breath. He now hoped in his heart that the Heart of Heaven would not appear here. Although he had to get the Heart of Heaven, if it was really dug out from here, then... …

The Heart of Tianyu is actually a crystal. It is not heart-shaped, but a fist-sized, completely irregular crystal. Li Yichen tried it and found that this crystal is quite hard. He used Tianya without leaving any traces on it. !

Of course, this is also the reason why Li Yichen did not use all his strength. This heaven is very important to the human race. It is their base camp for entering the source world. If he uses his strength, he will cut open the heart of the heaven and cause the collapse of the heaven. He cried There is no place to cry.

Moreover, Li Yichen really wanted to cry now, because he was afraid that something might happen. The Heart of Heaven in his hand was really dug out from the position directed by Lin Yichen.

What especially made Li Yichen collapse was that Lin Yichen's location was quite accurate. He dug down along the circle drawn by Lin Yichen without any deviation at all, and then he dug directly.

"Is this thing... so easy to find?"

Seeing that the Heart of the Heaven Realm was really dug out, Ariel Ariel was a little surprised. After all, everything she had before was just a guess. Although she was sure, Ariel Ariel actually didn't know for sure.

"not easy!"

Li Yichen shook his head and said, after getting the Heart of Heaven in his hand, Li Yichen sensed it carefully. He couldn't sense any energy fluctuations in the Heart of Heaven at all. It seemed that he was holding the most ordinary stone in his hand.

Li Yichen obtained this piece of Heart of Heaven after digging nearly a hundred meters underground. Although this depth is not deep for Li Yichen now, the problem is that before digging out the Heart of Heaven, he I can't feel the existence of this thing at all.

Even now, Li Yichen could feel its existence only because he looked at the Heart of Heaven and even held it in his hand.

Previously, after learning about the existence of the Heart of the Heaven Realm, Li Yichen thought that this kind of thing must contain great energy, so it should not be difficult to find. As long as he can get the Heaven Realm, he can walk around in the Heaven Realm. You should be able to sense the location of the Heart of Heaven soon.

But now it seems that if it weren't for Lin Yichen, it would have taken a long time for this Heavenly Realm Heart to be born, because the Heavenly Realm Heart did not emit any energy fluctuations at all, as if it contained no rules of heaven and earth at all.

Not even Li Yichen could sense such a Heart of Heaven, let alone Li Yichen. Even now, Li Yichen asked the system to try it, but the system still couldn't sense the Heart of Heaven.

You can't even feel it when you hold it in your hand. If you want to find this heart of the sky, I'm afraid Li Yichen has only one way - to dig down the entire land of the sky a hundred meters.

Although the Sky Domain is not big, this project will probably take a long time, and it will also significantly delay the progress of the construction of the Sky Domain in the Capital of Hell.

However, Li Yichen's problem now is...how to absorb this Heart of Heaven?

When he was in the human race's heavenly domain, Xiaoyong said that after the heart of the heavenly domain was obtained, the race that obtained the heart of the heavenly domain would be strengthened in the heavenly domain.

But now, Li Yichen was holding the Heart of Heaven and didn't feel any changes in his body. He couldn't help but look up at Lin Yichen:

"Yiyi, do you feel any changes in yourself?"


Lin Yichen shook her head, but looking at the Heart of Heaven, her eyes were obviously a little excited. There are two kinds of creatures in the world, both of which like shiny objects. They have almost no resistance to such objects, that is, the Dragon Clan and the woman! !

"Could it be that...this isn't the Heart of Heaven?"

Li Yichen looked carefully at the crystal in his hand. When he dug it out, Li Yichen's first thought was that this thing was the legendary Heart of Heaven, but now...it doesn't seem to have the effect of being the Heart of Heaven. effect.

Moreover, the Heart of Heaven Realm would be a stone that contains no energy at all?

That's absolutely impossible! !

"You take it first, and I'll go down and take a look!"

Li Yichen simply threw the Heart of Heaven to Lin Yichen, and then jumped down into the hole where the Heart of Heaven had just been dug out. He planned to dig around again to see if he could find similar crystals. If so. If you say that, you can prove your guess - this piece of shit is not the Heart of Heaven!

There is only one Heavenly Heart in a Heavenly Realm. If a second one appears, the two Heavenly Realm Hearts will devour each other. This is what Xiaoyong said at the time.

Then, as long as Li Yichen digs out another crystal stone, it will be enough to prove that this thing is not the Heart of Heaven.

Returning to the bottom of the cave, Li Yichen began to dig around. After digging for half an hour, he expanded the diameter of the bottom of the cave to a hundred meters, but found nothing.

The land in Tianyu is very strange. After digging so deep, no underground water was found. Li Yichen couldn't help but think that Tianyu is surrounded by the sea. Could it be that every Tianyu is actually an island?

Then if I keep digging, will I dig directly into the sea?

etc! The sea?

An island?

Li Yichen suddenly stopped digging. His thoughts just now reminded him of a place...the island in the middle of the lake in the Valley of the Dead Army! !

The island in the middle of the lake is completely floating, and when he first entered the source world, he entered from the water below the island in the middle of the lake.

That island... seems to be round too, right?

Is it similar in shape to Tianyu?

Li Yichen took a deep breath and suddenly wanted to go back to that island to take a look!

When he took Chang Guchuan and the others to the Valley of the Dead Army and had not yet built the capital of hell, they discovered the island. However, because they were weak at the time, they never developed the island.

Although Li Yichen also visited the island later, he was not really impressed by the outline of the island.

"Yiyi! Come with me back to the Dead Army Valley! Help me see if the island in the Dead Army Valley is the same as the living area and the Tianyu!"

Back on the ground, Li Yichen spoke directly to Lin Yichen.


Lin Yichen nodded, and then handed the crystal in his hand to Li Yichen. In fact, Lin Yichen liked this thing that looked like a big diamond. It looked radiant and quite bright. Although it was irregular in shape, it was precisely because of this. On the contrary, it makes it more gorgeous. No woman should be able to resist its temptation.

But Lin Yichen also knew that this might be the Heart of Tianyu. Lin Yichen, who knew the importance of Tianyu, would certainly not ask Li Yichen for it. After managing the Lin family for so long, she knew the importance of it.

"Let's go!"

Li Yichen didn't show any pretense and directly took over the Heart of the Heaven Realm, but suddenly he was stunned because there seemed to be no place for this thing on him.

When he first got the system, Li Yichen carried a backpack to confuse others. But now, although his system is still a secret, his ability to make items disappear and appear has long been exposed. , so of course Li Yichen didn't have to hide anything.

Therefore, Li Yichen now has no backpack at all, and even his combat uniform does not have any pockets. All his belongings are placed in the system space.

But this thing...

Li Yichen looked at the crystal in his hand. This thing was a bit special and could not be sensed by the system at all. Wouldn't there be any problems if it was received into the system space?

The system's reaction to the Heart of Heaven was quite strange, as it was completely unable to sense its existence. Li Yichen even directly told the system that he had a crystal in his hand, but the system still couldn't see it.

You know, the system can share Li Yichen's vision. Although this requires Li Yichen's permission, Li Yichen has opened this permission just now, and the system still tells Li Yichen that he has nothing in his hands.

It would be easy to say that it was just unable to be sensed. After all, Li Yichen and Lin Yichen did not sense any energy fluctuations in the crystal, but they could not even see it, so something was wrong.

You know, even if Li Yichen holds an ordinary stone in his hand, the system can still see it. This is the first time Li Yichen has encountered such a strange thing since he got the system!

"System, if you recycle things, there won't be any abnormalities, right?

I mean...what if something special is recovered? "

Li Yichen hesitated and asked in his heart.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Seeing Li Yichen suddenly in a daze, Lin Yichen asked curiously.

"Wait a minute, I need to think of something!"

Li Yichen said quickly, and at this moment, the system's response came:

"Special items?

As long as it is made by the rules of heaven and earth, I can recycle it. For me, there is nothing special or not! "

The system is quite confident in this, because it can indeed decompose and restore all matter, just like the white mist in the Tianyu Sea. However, its decomposition is controllable and obeys Li Yichen's will, while Tianyu The fog on the other side of the sea relies entirely on instinct! !

"okay, I get it!"

Li Yichen nodded, then took a deep breath and thought...


Looking at the crystal still in his hand, Li Yichen was shocked. He had just used the normal method to transfer the crystal to the system space. He planned to see its reaction first, but... the crystal couldn't be taken in?

What's happening here?


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