Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 904 The Egg and Chicken Problem

Of course, if you want to go to the three living areas, you must at least first determine whether there is anything special under the tree on the island in the middle of the lake. If there is nothing special here, then maybe the strangeness of the three living areas and the island in the middle of the lake is Just locating the coordinates of the Tianyu.

After all, this place and the three living areas can be said to be within the scope of the Ark Project. If those who left behind the Ark Project are indeed as Li Yichen guessed, then it would make sense.

Thinking of this, Li Yichen took out Tianya without saying a word, cut off the tree at the root, and then recovered it. Then, he used Tianya as an engineer shovel to dig out the tree roots and soil underground.

Because of the existence of the system, he can recycle as much as he digs out, so the speed is quite fast...

"This...how is this possible?"

What Li Yichen didn't expect was that after digging down for more than forty meters, he still found nothing. And this wasn't the strangest thing. The weirdest thing was...


This is the island in the middle of the lake. It was under this island that Li Yichen discovered the passage to the sky. In other words, this island is floating on the water, and Li Yichen clearly remembers that the island in the middle of the lake is The thickness cannot reach forty meters at all.

Moreover, this is an island after all. With Li Yichen's digging method, water should emerge about ten meters away, but it doesn't. Now the hole he dug has exceeded the thickness of the island itself, but there is still no abnormality below. This is the biggest anomaly.

Lin Yichen also saw that something was wrong. Although she didn't know the thickness of the island in the middle of the lake, at least she knew that Li Yichen's method was no different from digging a well. But now, even if there is no light below, Lin Yichen can completely see that the hole in the hole is There was no groundwater coming out at all.

Seeing Li Yichen stop, Lin Yichen certainly knew what Li Yichen was thinking, so he softly uttered three words: "Living area!"

Hearing Lin Yichen's words, Li Yichen instantly understood what she meant, yes, the living area! The living area is obviously created using spatial rules. In other words, this island also contains spatial rules?

But the problem is that Li Yichen is very good at space rules. After he entered the living area, he felt the abnormalities in the space rules there, and he knew that it was created using space rules.

But here, he didn't feel anything at all. This was why he, who was originally good at space rules, needed Lin Yichen to remind him.

As a strong person in the space system, Li Yichen is not yet good at using space rules to create a special space and make it last forever, but that is only because he has not yet thoroughly understood the space rules and does not understand how to use some space rules. That's it, it's not that he can't do it.

But if he was in some special space, there was no reason why Li Yichen couldn't feel it. But now, he was definitely in a special space, but Li Yichen didn't find anything. This was definitely an extremely weird thing for him. things.

Moreover, Li Yichen realized now that it was not that he did not feel the abnormal spatial rules in the area he was currently in, but because he did not feel the existence of any spatial rules at all.

This is actually a weirder thing. In this world, there may be areas where some rules of heaven and earth do not exist. For example, in the desert, the water element may be quite rare. In some special areas, there may not be any at all. Water element.

But the rules of space are different. Regardless of whether there are no rules of heaven and earth, the two rules of heaven and earth, space and time rules, are definitely indispensable. At least, if there are no space rules, it means that there should be no space here at all.

Without space, where would this island be placed?

Where was this hole dug from?

Moreover, it is not only the rules of space, but now Li Yichen can't even feel any rules of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Li Yichen suddenly felt a very familiar feeling in his heart, and he immediately remembered that he seemed to have had this feeling when he was digging in the sky before, but because he was focused on digging, he didn't Didn't care.

"There are no rules of heaven and earth. Doesn't that mean... it's the same as that crystal?"

Li Yichen frowned, then simply stopped thinking about it and began to dig deeper, and then... when he dug to a depth of a hundred meters, another crystal stone appeared in front of Li Yichen.

The shape of this crystal is different from the previous one, but the volume is exactly the same. In other words, if the two crystals are made into the same shape, they will be exactly the same. Li Yichen, who has eagle eyes, A closer look confirmed this fact.

"If this is the Heart of Heaven... then..."

Holding the spar, Li Yichen suddenly felt an incredible feeling in his heart. Xiaoyong said that for Tianyu, the most important thing is the heart of Tianyu, because Tianyu can rely on swallowing other Tianyu hearts to survive. Strengthen yourself.

If the piece in Li Yichen's hand is really the heart of the heaven, doesn't it mean that... this island in the middle of the lake is actually a heaven?

But the problem is that the rules of heaven and earth here are not that strong at all. It is exactly the same as other places in the Trial Land. Even the concentration of rules of heaven and earth in the Source Realm is much higher than here. How could it be the heaven realm?

After digging out a crystal, Li Yichen did not continue digging, but jumped directly up. He believed that this crystal should be the most special existence here.

"Here, do some research and see if you can figure out what this thing is?

Let’s go take a look at the living area! "

Li Yichen didn't explain much after coming up and threw the crystal directly to Lin Yichen. Women's intuition is sometimes difficult to explain. Just like when she found the first crystal, Ariel Lin's location was quite accurate.

Give her this crystal, maybe she will make some new discoveries!

Lin Yichen was naturally surprised when she saw another spar appearing, but looking at Li Yichen's expression, she was too smart to ask anything, because he knew that Li Yichen definitely didn't know anything now.

This kind of crystal was dug out by her and Li Yichen. Before that, Lin Yichen could be sure that Li Yichen had never seen this thing, otherwise he would not have the same reaction as before. In this case, it means that for this strange thing Crystal stones, what the two of them know so far is pretty much the same.

After entering the living area, Li Yichen found the place by himself without using Lin Yichen's route. One was that he had already gone to two places with similar terrain, and the other was that the building was indeed too conspicuous. Li Yichen I was wondering why I hadn't noticed this before!

This time, after entering the living area, Li Yichen specially sensed it. Although the rules of heaven and earth here are the same as those in the outside world, he can at least sense the existence of the rules of heaven and earth, unlike the feeling he had in the cave before.

Moreover, when he left just now, Li Yichen also noticed that only within a certain range around the cave would all the rules of heaven and earth be lost. Once they left that range, even if they were still on the island, the rules of heaven and earth would return to normal.

When he came to the building, Li Yichen excavated directly. This time it was easier, and he didn't even need to destroy the building, because there was a lobby under the landmark on the building. Li Yichen could just open the floor and start digging.

This time, before digging, Li Yichen knew that he would be able to obtain another crystal stone, because when he entered the building, Li Yichen felt that the rules of heaven and earth had disappeared again.

Sure enough, it was still a hundred meters away, and Li Yichen found the third crystal stone! !

"System! Have you figured out what the hell this is?"

Li Yichen held the spar and asked in his mind:

"You said it is a higher-level existence than you. If that's the case, why is it going to ruin the streets?

Logically speaking, this kind of thing should be unique, right?

Even your system only has one, but I dug up three pieces of this crystal in less than a day's work, and I bet you that after a while, I can dig out two more! "

"It hasn't been analyzed yet, but this may be because I have never been exposed to this substance, so I can't really analyze it, but I have a guess! Do you want to know?"

The system replied!

"Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly!"

After digging a hole for a whole day and digging out a head full of question marks, Li Yichen was in a very bad mood now, he said angrily.

"I think this substance should be the legendary Hongmeng Qi!"

The system said.

"Hongmeng Qi?"

Li Yichen was stunned, it was actually Hongmeng Qi?

"Host, do you know Hongmeng Qi?"

The system asked strangely, it seems that this level of matter shouldn't be something Li Yichen can know, right?

"Nonsense! I've read a lot of novels before, right?

The Qi of Hongmeng seems to be the existence that breeds the universe. Is it related to some kind of chaos? "

Li Yichen replied that of course he knew about Hongmeng Qi from reading novels, but he was not sure whether the Hongmeng Qi he mentioned was the same as what the system said. Anyway, the names should be the same.

"Yes! That's right! The Qi of Hongmeng is not only bred from chaos, but also constitutes the existence of chaos!"

The system replied.

"What the hell?"

Li Yichen was stunned:

"Doesn't this sound contradictory to you?"

"of course not!"

The system said:

"The magic of the universe is not what you think. What's the contradiction in what I said before?

If we talk about a contradiction, it is just the sentence that you humans often struggle with: 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

'Roughly the same! "

"Uh, forget it, then don't worry about it, tell me first what is the use of this Hongmeng Qi?"

Li Yichen stopped pestering.

"The first use is... you can look at my upgrade progress bar!"

The system replied. Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, and then immediately looked down at the system mall...

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