Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 914 The role of the Heart of Heaven!

In the observation room, Lukia was already standing unsteadily, feeling even more depressed. Damn it, can you come quickly if there is anything you need?

Live or die, hurry up, this is so scary, how fun is it?

And at this moment, there was a sound, and both doors of the observation room suddenly opened. Lukia, who had been tortured by the fear in his heart and was going crazy, did not even think about it, and flashed out of the observation room. room!

Standing inside like a big fool, with a lot of big shots watching outside, and being reminded to wait in fear for the mutation that he didn't know when it would happen. With this feeling, Lukia felt that he would rather die than Definitely don't do it again.


Seeing Lukia's speed, all the council members were shocked. This was definitely not a speed that could be achieved simply by relying on the body, especially since Lukia itself was a strength type. The distance from the center of the observation room to the outside was almost sixty or seventy meters. Mi, he actually came out in an instant?

And what was that golden light when he flashed out just now?

All the members looked at each other and knew the answer in their hearts - the secret! !

But this injection... isn't it a little too peaceful, making people understand the secret without any movement?

Lukia didn't realize it at this time. After leaving the observation room, he felt his body relax and couldn't help but collapse to the ground.

"what happened?

Consumption too much? "

One council member couldn't help but ask.


Crudy shook his head:

"This is not because of the secret, but because he was under too much psychological pressure before and relaxed after coming out. Let him take a rest and recover well. If he tries it again tomorrow, he will know the power of this secret!"

As the Speaker, he still has this knowledge. Although Krudy is also anxious, in order to better understand this mystery, he feels it is necessary to let Lukia rest for a day to recover his physical strength and adjust his mentality at the same time, so that they Only then can we get more accurate data!

"Yes! Mr. Speaker!"

Aisa nodded immediately, and then looked at the members of the same faction as him. They immediately understood and found someone to arrange Lukia!

Now it is obvious that Lukia has really awakened to the secret. In this way, he is worthy of their attention. Of course, he must be carefully arranged and cannot be as casual as before.

"Everyone, please leave! Wait for the announcement tomorrow!"

Speaker Krudy looked at the other members, nodded and said. The members immediately bowed and signaled to send Speaker Krudy away!

In another world, Li Yichen certainly didn't know about Krudy and the others. After sending Xiaoyong and the others away, Li Yichen left those people behind and focused on his own world.

In order to know whether Tianyu would be affected after the crystal was taken away, Li Yichen flew the helicopter directly to Tianyu Sea!

At this time, the sky area has been almost cleared, because it is not that big to begin with, and there are Hell Angel helicopters in the hell capital, so the native villains have nowhere to hide!

They are not like goblins who can build palaces underground. All native villains are on the ground. Although the target is small, no matter how small it is, it cannot escape the reconnaissance of the Hell Angels, not to mention they still live in villages or cities. of.

As for the lizard people, they had been wiped out long ago, not by the capital of hell, but by the native villains. The saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" was obviously not accepted by the native villains. During the escape, The little native people reacted and took action one after another, wiping out most of the lizardmen.

The last remaining lizardmen were all destroyed by the double blow of the hell capital and the native villains. The lizardmen race was completely exterminated in this heavenly realm.

And the native villains are almost the same now. All the cities and villages have been destroyed. Now the remaining native villains can only hide in the jungles and mountains, not daring to reveal their whereabouts. And everyone knows that their methods , can only linger on, but cannot change the outcome of their demise.

Arriving at Tianyuhai, Li Yichen looked at the fog in the distance, and then frowned, because he found that the fog in the distance was gradually approaching the shore...

Although the speed of this approach is quite slow and basically undetectable if you don't look carefully, it still cannot escape Li Yichen's eagle eye.

Li Yichen calculated that at this speed, it would only take about half a month for the fog to cover the entire sky and sea, and then touch the land!

"It seems... without the heart of Tianyu, Tianyu should not be able to maintain it!"

Li Yichen frowned, then he took out the crystal from the system space, and then looked at the mist again.

Sure enough, after the crystal was taken out, the fog in the Tianyu Sea stopped shrinking immediately, and then began to gradually expand outwards. However, now that Li Yichen was on one side of the Tianyu, there was no way to know the conditions of the Tianyu Sea in other directions.

Now, Li Yichen was finally sure that the crystal in his hand was the legendary Heart of Heaven. After hesitating for a moment, he returned to the place where he dug out the crystal before and put it back again. Anyway, the system was progressing The number of crystals needed for the strips is still far short, so one missing one will not affect it!

After putting his mind at ease, Li Yichen suddenly remembered something, so he drove the helicopter back to the entrance of the Tianyu again and entered the space passage.

Li Yichen suddenly remembered that he had also taken away the Heart of Heaven on the island in the middle of the lake and the living area of ​​the space battleship, and wanted to come back to see if anything had changed here.

Of course, even if there are changes in these four places, Li Yichen will not return the Heart of Tianyu. Anyway, he is moving into Tianyu, so the living area in the spaceship can be given up.

The living area is a separate space opened in a cabin of the space battleship. Even if it disappears, it will not affect other parts of the battleship. Especially now, it seems that the space battleship has no effect on the sky. !

It's not that the space battleship can't get through. With the system in place, no matter how big things are, they can be transferred there. At worst, they can all be broken down and then exchanged again when they get there.

It's just that with a body as big as a space battleship, it is almost useless in the source world. It looks good, but it doesn't work!

Moreover, the flight environment of the space battleship is designed for the universe. It cannot fly within the planet at all. It does not have such a powerful power, but it can be considered to recycle it and then create some small fighters.

Small fighter planes can still play a big role in the source world, because the source world is too big after all, and when it comes to armed helicopters, speed is a flaw.

Anyway, now that the Lin family has decided to enter the Sky Realm, the space battleship assigned to them is naturally no longer needed, and Wanshan and the others will not leave the Source Realm depending on the situation, so basically there is no need for the Ark to leave.

In this case, instead of leaving the Ark here, it is better to recycle it directly. Just after entering the Sky Domain, building the Sky Domain requires a lot of resources and materials!

Although space battleships are all made of metal, metal can also be used to build buildings, and it is stronger! With the system, these are not problems for Li Yichen.

However, Li Yichen still entered the subspace first. Now there are still people guarding the subspace. Although many people have entered the source world, before completely giving up the trial place, everything here is still operating normally, even for the space battleship. Research is still continuing.

Arriving at a living area, Li Yichen observed carefully and found no changes in the living area. It seemed that the crystal stone was taken away, which had no impact on the space where the living area is located.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Yichen understood. It seemed that when the Ark people built this space, they actually used crystal stones as the foundation. Although he took the crystal stones away now, because the space had been built for a long time, It has already been stabilized, so it does not affect this space.

This place is different from the Tianyu. The spatial range of the living area is fixed, but the space on the Tianyu can be expanded at any time. Moreover, the Tianyuhai itself is a special existence. Maybe it is because of the heart of the Tianyu that it can be expanded. It blocks the fog of the sky and sea. Otherwise, the fog may continue to gather and eventually swallow up the entire sky!

Thinking of this, Li Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief. Since it had no impact on this place, he would ignore it for now and wait until the final migration is over. Then we'll see.

Hundreds of kinds of rice feed hundreds of people, and some people may choose not to enter the Heaven Realm. Li Yichen has promised before that everyone can choose their own future, so he must keep his promise!

After leaving the space battleship, Li Yichen came to the Floating Island again. In fact, there was no one left here at all. Even if the Floating Island disappeared, Li Yichen wouldn't care, but he still wanted to make sure.

After all, below the floating island is the space passage leading to the sky. If something happens here, it may cause some trouble for them!

However, it was obvious that Li Yichen's worries were unnecessary. There was no change in the floating island. Li Yichen also dived into the water again and checked the water below the floating island. There was nothing abnormal.

So, Li Yichen ignored this place, returned to the central base, and plunged into the Heaven Realm for a hundred years!

He just asked by the way that the war there was going quite smoothly, the vampires had been completely wiped out, and Xiao Mao was now discussing with Varimathras about starting to attack the demons.

Xiao Mao also told Li Yichen by the way that he was going to send the Hell Angels back to help. After all, although the combat power of the demons was not high, their charm ability was indeed a bit of a headache!

"Anji Zhang! How are you doing now?"

Back in Tianyu, Li Yichen was the first to connect to Zhang Anji's communication...

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