Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 919 Forming a caravan

"You mean...the list those humans gave us is fake?"

Speaker Crudy asked.

"It's not fake, but it's definitely exaggerated!"

Councilor Aisa said:

"For example, for that injection, they did find a way to refine it, but Sir Speaker, if we think about it carefully, we will know that although we don't know how to refine this injection, at least we can speculate. , what is needed to make such an injection?"

Representative Aisa paused and looked at the contemplative congressman:

"Yes, I think everyone can imagine that to refine such an injection, at least one creature with mysteries is needed, either a corpse or a living body, but he must possess the mysteries. This should be the prerequisite!"

After hearing what Representative Aisa said, everyone secretly nodded and agreed with his words. They had indeed thought of this.

"So, no matter how those humans refined this injection, I don't think they can produce this injection in large quantities, let alone put it in the transaction list!"

Councilor Aisa said:

“We only need to put ourselves in their shoes to understand this. If we had such an injection, what would we do next?

Will we use this injection to allow us to have more awakening mysteries, enhance our strength, and seize the opportunity to capture those heavenly realms that we have been scouting for a long time?

Or are we using them to trade with other races in exchange for some dispensable supplies? "

"I think everyone chooses the former, right?

Will anyone choose the latter? "

Councilor Aisa looked at everyone. No one raised any objection. Choose the latter?

How could one have to be kicked in the head by a donkey to do such a stupid thing?

What do you want in exchange? After you become stronger, you can directly take over their world. What do you want?

Do I still need to trade with them?

"Of course, if this potion is to be traded, there is a possibility, that is, we have quite a lot of this potion, too much to use, then we may trade this potion!"

Councilor Aisa smiled and said:

“However, what quantity of this medicine must be reached before we can’t use it anymore?

One hundred million?

One billion?

Or tens of billions?

At least I'm sure that until everyone here has the secret, this potion will always be a hot commodity. What's more, a person can't only possess one secret, so in theory, no matter how much of this potion there is, it will be a hot commodity. It’s impossible to overflow! "

"We are like this, so those humans should be like this too, but they just took out this secret and told us that we can trade. What does this mean?"

Councilor Aisa looked at everyone with a confident look on his face. He knocked on the table lightly:

"It shows that they need time to calm down that realm and build it up. I bet that those people are cleaning up their realm at any cost and are building it like crazy. They must Before we decide to attack them, we must build up that sky domain as much as possible, at least the defense at the entrance to the sky domain, they must build it first to defend against our attack!"

Aisa looked at Speaker Crudy and said:

"That's right, Mr. Speaker, I'm talking about us. In the eyes of those humans, we may be their only enemies at the moment, because only we know the location of their heaven!"

"So! Do you suggest that we organize a team first, and go to that human realm under the banner of trading to trade with them?"

Speaker Crudy asked.

"That's right! And we have to do it as soon as possible, because every day we delay, we will have to face more defense facilities when we attack them in the future!"

Councilor Aisa nodded and replied.


Crudy hesitated:

"If according to your speculation, they are just bluffing and are stepping up their construction, why don't we just send troops to attack them?

Wouldn't this help us buy more time? "

"Just because everything I said before was all speculation!"

Councilor Aisa replied:

"Because all my information comes from Xiaoyong, I don't have much confidence in his narrative, and I only believe in what I saw with my own eyes. At that time, my judgment was able to avoid mistakes. Now, I don’t have much confidence in my guess!”

"And if those humans are not what I guessed, but they really have such strength, then our rash attack may bring disaster to ourselves!"

Councilor Aisa bowed to Speaker Crudy and said:

"Sir Speaker, I remember you said that the reason why we have been able to survive in the Origin World for so long and continue our race is because we are cautious enough. In this case, I think we should take a look first and then make a decision. It’s not too late!”

As he spoke, Councilor Aisa changed the image again, pointed at the image and said:

"The human realm is right here. It's not very far away from us. We'll send a trading caravan there to find out more about the situation. It only takes a few days to go back and forth."

"According to Xiaoyong's description, except for a castle at the entrance, that Tianyu has not built any defensive buildings. In this case, how can [Biquge www.xbqg5200.info] be afraid of giving them another ten days, and their There won’t be any big changes in the sky, and it won’t have much impact on us!”

"Considering this, I think it is quite necessary to go over and confirm! Especially as we all know that this injection is quite precious, and that human can easily give one away, or they do still have some of this injection. , which means they are telling the truth, or... they are willing to lose such a precious injection in order to buy time!"

"As long as I go over and see that person again, within a few words, I can confirm whether his words are true or false. Then, we can truly determine our attitude!"


After listening to Aisa’s words, Speaker Krudy praised loudly:

"Aisa, your analysis is quite good. In fact, what the Speaker and I discussed yesterday is similar to your idea. It turns out that we are also planning to send people over to confirm first, and then make our final decision, just like you said In that way, it is completely worth spending a few days in exchange for real intelligence to prevent us from provoking a truly powerful enemy!"

"This world is too vast. Any kind of race or weirdness may exist. We must be careful! And what you just said made me think that you are a cautious person who can be trusted! So, I I suggest you be responsible for forming this caravan and taking them to the human realm to get the information we need!"

"How we face those humans in the future depends on your judgment, Aisa! Don't let me and the Speaker down! Please!"

With that said, Speaker Crudy stood up, raised his right hand and said to the congressman:

"I am now raising the issue. Regarding the newly emerged human race, I suggest that Representative Aisa set up a caravan to go over to conduct intelligence reconnaissance. This matter will be solely responsible for this matter. All personnel will be freely deployed by Representative Aisa, and they will be deployed after leaving. From here on, you must completely obey Councilor Aisa’s orders. If you violate the rules, Councilor Aisa has the right to execute them on the spot! Everyone, please raise your hands if you agree!”


As soon as Speaker Krudy finished speaking, everyone present raised their hands high except for Representative Aisa.

Just kidding, this is a joint resolution between the Speaker who has not shown up for a long time and the Deputy Speaker who has always been in power in the parliament. Not to mention opposing it, it takes a lot of courage for you to abstain!

As a result, this issue was approved by everyone almost the second after it was raised!

"Okay Aisa! Since everyone agrees, go and prepare immediately. This time, except for the Speaker, you can mobilize everyone. Even if you ask me to accompany you, I will have no problem. , remember, be careful and careful, and bring back the most accurate judgment!"

Seeing that there was no objection, Crudy was not surprised. He put down his hand, looked at Representative Aisa, and warned him!

"Yes! Mr. Speaker, Aisa will do his best!"


Speaker Krudy patted Issa on the shoulder and then left on his own. He just said that he would also obey Issa's orders, but that was to express an attitude and let other members know that in this matter, it is best to No one should cause trouble for themselves. He didn't think that Councilor Aisa would really transfer him and let him join the caravan.

Of course, Aisa has never thought about it that way. Many times, what the senior management says is more about expressing their attitude. If you take it seriously, your life will be difficult in the future.

Aisa didn't even select people among the members. Although these members were quite powerful, he would still be in the parliament in the future, and he didn't want to offend other people because of his temporary pride.

A villain will only float when he succeeds. A truly wise man will be more cautious the more he is favored by someone, because the higher you stand, the more people want you to fall down, unless you stand at a point where you need to The position they look up to, such as the Vice Speaker, obviously, Aisa has not reached that height yet...

"Okay! Thank you for your support. Now please wait for my news. For the future of our human race, I will be careful and try to understand those people as much as possible. Then I will come back with the information and we will decide together. How to deal with those people!"

After Speaker Crudy left, because he had said before that members of parliament could also be transferred, no one else was ready to leave. Instead, they looked at Aisa, who bowed to everyone and said quite politely, this The attitude made all the members quite satisfied. Obviously, this is not a guy who is arrogant when he gains power. Although they do not want to see the growth of the Aisa faction, they undoubtedly feel quite comfortable after hearing these words...

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