Aisa was actually born as a commoner, but he had very good qualifications. Not only did he become S-class, but he also understood the secrets. Therefore, he was favored by the people in the council, and he gained his current status.

Aisa is actually not very satisfied with his current life. Although as a member of parliament, he is not lacking in material things, but Aisa is very tired every day - he is tired!

Because Aisa is not from a family, if he wants to safeguard the rights in his hands, he must strive for more benefits for his faction, so that he can be appreciated by the family leaders at the top of the faction.

If he can't do this, then Aisa is just an ordinary member of parliament. Although there are few people in the Guyan Federation who understand the secrets, there are still hundreds of them. There are only so many seats that can speak in the parliament. There are no It is unlikely to obtain other abilities.

So every day Aisa has to try his best to deal with other parliamentary factions and carry out various wooing or suppression, which is also commonly known as a politician!

In fact, doing these things has nothing to do with one's own strength, because it is impossible to use force. Competing for strength is also a competition for the overall strength of the faction. Personal combat power basically does not play a big role.

So seriously speaking, even an A-level guy can do this kind of thing, as long as he has this kind of diplomatic talent, but in the Guyan Federation, without S-level strength and understanding of the secrets, you can't get in at all. Parliamentary qualifications.

Aisa thinks this is ridiculous. The threshold requires strength, but after you come in, you find that what you have worked hard to cultivate is of no use at all. Here you need to deal with things smoothly and have a deep city. Even Aisa feels that it is difficult to deal with the parliamentary factions. , in fact, it’s almost like doing business.

Therefore, after entering the parliament, Aisa has never used his own force, but he is a person who is quite obsessed with his own strength, otherwise he would not be able to understand the secret as a civilian!

Understanding the mysteries is related to qualifications, but it also requires a lot of actual combat. Without actual combat, no matter how good your talent is, it is useless.

Although Aisa has understood the secret, he still hopes that his strength can continue to improve, and he even wants to reach the level of the Speaker!

But now he has a lot of things to do every day and has no time to practice at all. Although as a member of the parliament, he has no shortage of resources, he has never experienced a battle since he entered the parliament. No matter how many resources he has, it will not work. He even I feel that my strength has declined!

In the past, Aisa often left the Heaven Realm and entered the Source Realm to practice. His strength that was so powerful that he was noticed by the parliament was obtained through these experiences. But now that he is a parliamentarian, he has to scheming with others all day long. He knew a lot about strategies and the like, but his combat experience was constantly fading.

Thinking about it carefully, Aisa remembered that he had been in the parliament for fifty years and had not fought in fifty years. This was longer than all his previous training and fighting time combined!

Now, looking at the entrance to the Heaven Realm, Isa suddenly felt a little excited. He knew that the soldiers of the Ancient Yan Federation would soon rush out from that passage, preparing to conquer the Heaven Realm. And Isa also guessed that waiting It will be a one-sided massacre for these soldiers.

But the worries in Aisa's heart have long since dissipated. Perhaps after he told Li Yichen that he wanted to join the Capital of Hell, he no longer regarded the people of the Gu Yan Federation as his own.

After all, there are humans here in the Capital of Hell, no different from me, and the feeling of the Capital of Hell to Aisa is quite magical. Even the Zerg and the others don't take it seriously, so how powerful will they be?

Only by following the strong can you become stronger. If a bird follows a phoenix, it will fly far away. If you are surrounded by virtuous people, you will be proud of yourself. If you are piled with a bunch of shit every day, white jade will turn into stinky tofu.

Moreover, after he said that he wanted to join the Capital of Hell, Aisa suddenly felt that the original sense of crisis in his heart suddenly dissipated. This meant that the Capital of Hell sincerely accepted his surrender, at least they would not join him. After wiping out the Gu Yan Federation, he will come back to his own account.

Of course, after entering the Capital of Hell, Aisa knew that he would never have the same power as before, but he didn't care. Although he had only had few contacts with the Capital of Hell, Aisa had already felt that the influence of the Gu Yan Federation That kind of intrigue does not exist at all in the capital of hell.

People in the Capital of Hell are probably not good at internal fighting. They prefer external wars. This can be seen by looking at the expression of the legion commander named Chang Guchuan just now and the excitement on the faces of the soldiers who were summoned.

Perhaps, this is the reason why the Capital of Hell is so powerful, and they really understand how to make themselves stronger. Only when the force they belong to becomes stronger can they become stronger! Otherwise, no matter how strong your personal strength is, it will be useless.

The Gu Yan Federation spent a lot of energy on its own internal intrigues, which delayed its own development. At least Aisa knew that they had several opportunities. If they decisively sent troops at that time, they should be able to capture the opponent's territory.

But because of the overt and covert fighting between the various factions in the parliament, all those opportunities were lost. When the parliament allocated how many troops each faction would send and how to divide the benefits after conquering the Tianyu, the time to attack the Tianyu had passed.

Aisa participated in these councils, and even he himself had to become a member of the debate, trying to fight for the interests of his faction, which made him very annoyed.

Obviously Tianyu hasn't been conquered yet, but a bunch of idiots are here discussing how to divide the interests of Tianyu in the future. Do these guys have shit in their heads?

One said how many troops I should send and what proportion I should get. The other said how many troops I should send and how much benefit I should get. Obviously, if the main race force in that heaven domain is used up, they can win it by sending troops, but they can wait until they all finalize the plan. , after the interests were clearly divided, their troops came back, so this time the parliament came to nothing!

According to Aisa's calculations, opportunities like this have been lost at least four times in the fifty years he has been in parliament! In other words, they let go of four Heavenly Realm Hearts in vain!

It sounds like these four Heavenly Territory Hearts are not many, but the Heavenly Territory of the Guyan Federation has only swallowed two Heavenly Territory Hearts from other Heavenly Territories so far. In other words, the Guyan Federation’s own The Heavenly Territory is only the size of three Heavenly Territory Hearts. If all four Heavenly Territory Hearts can be obtained, the Ancient Flame Federation's Heavenly Territory will at least double in size!

Therefore, Aisa has long been disappointed with the Guyan Federation. This time, the process of their negotiation to attack the Capital of Hell was quite fast, but the problem is that what they want to fight this time is an iron plate, and Aisa has now verified it with his own eyes.

And he also proposed it, but they didn't accept it, so he had nothing to do. Just like before, Aisa also said that he would send troops first, and then discuss how to distribute the territory after conquering the sky, but those people also ignored it.

Some people even think that Aisa is too ignorant. How can such a matter related to interests be discussed after the fact?

That will hurt everyone's harmony. You must agree in advance. That way, there will be no trouble when the benefits are distributed in the future!

Aisa is so angry that her liver hurts. Can you please discuss it first to avoid any trouble?

That's right! There won't be any trouble, because after you have negotiated, the army has come back, and you can't fight anymore. You didn't get the Heaven Realm, how about allocating a piece of hair?

How can there be trouble if there is nothing to divide?

Once or twice is fine, but four times in fifty years is a bit too much. It is a typical pig brain. Moreover, these four times, Aisa only counted those that if he seizes the opportunity, he will definitely be able to defeat them. , As for the opportunities that are not 100% grasped, Aisa simply does not count.

This is also the reason why Aisa came to the Capital of Hell so happily to express his intention to join. Anyway, he has no family and no worries in the Gu Yan Federation. Coupled with his disappointment in the Gu Yan Federation, it would be impossible for him to change the world. What a big psychological barrier - as long as the city of hell is willing to accept it.

Judging from his own premonition, the Hell City sincerely wanted to accept him, so Aisa also regarded himself as a member of the Hell Capital. Although he knew that the army of the Gu Yan Federation would soon come in and be massacred, he But there is no regret in my heart, and I am even looking forward to seeing the strength of the capital of hell!

After all, he will stay in the Capital of Hell from now on. No matter what Li Yichen asks Aisa to do, this heaven will be his future home. So, the stronger the Capital of Hell, the happier Aisa will be!

Aisa's expectations were not disappointed, because he soon saw the strength of the Capital of Hell. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the Capital of Hell was even stronger than what he had predicted...

Unlike Aisa, Bit doesn't know the current situation in the sky of the capital of hell. In his mind, the sky of the capital of hell should still be the small castle, and then a lot of people are surrounding the castle for a huge battle. project.

Although he only brought an army of 10,000 people, Bit was very confident. Even though he had seen with his own eyes that there were 20 to 30 million people digging in the Heavenly Domain of the Capital of Hell, he did not take those people seriously!

There is no comparison between construction workers holding shovels and hoes and heavily armed soldiers. Even if there are more of them, Bit doesn't care. What Bit thinks now is to rely on the 10,000 soldiers he brings. The army will capture this Tianyu and then give Councilor Isa a good slap on the face!


When he was still ten kilometers away from the entrance to the Heavenly Realm of the Capital of Hell, Bit stopped his army and frowned as he looked around. The situation seemed not quite right. Why didn't the scouts he dispersed respond to?

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