Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 941 Reaching Agreement

After hearing Bit's words, all four congressmen looked at him. Even the Kazan congressman was actually not sure about what he just said. He just guessed and hoped so, so he said it to reassure everyone.

There are also fights between councilors, and they are between the same factions. This is related to how much say he can get in his own faction. Therefore, when he led the troops this time, the four councilors who were able to lead the troops all paid their dues. They paid a lot of money to get this opportunity, and of course they are not willing to give it up!

If the attack on the Heavenly Territory of the Capital of Hell is successful, their faction will certainly be able to get the benefits they deserve when dividing the spoils of the Heavenly Territory, and they personally will not get it in vain, but if the attack on the Heavenly Territory does not go smoothly, then their benefits But it has been greatly reduced, and may even be considered a waste by one's own faction.

Therefore, neither Congressman Kazan nor the other three Congressmen can just go back. Congressman Kazan’s words were also self-comforting. Now I heard Bit say in such a sure tone, they Of course interested.

"The last time we came here was just a few days ago. At that time, in the capital of hell, it was impossible to think that we would come to attack them. At that time, they wanted to make a deal with us. After all, they had just entered the source world and did not understand the source world. The cruelty of the world makes us think that we are all human beings and should take care of each other!"

Bit didn't wait for the four congressmen to ask questions before explaining himself:

"So they couldn't have predicted in advance that we would attack them. It's just that their scouts are relatively powerful and have the ability to be invisible, so we can't detect them. Therefore, it's impossible to hide our surprise attack from them."

"This should be the reason why we were blocked by them with all their strength after we entered, but their firepower could not last too long, because they were probably cleaning up the remnants of native organisms in the sky at that time, and were not prepared to fight with anyone. Let’s start a massive war!”

"Furthermore, they have just occupied a sky area, and the ammunition for their technological weapons should have been almost consumed. I brought 10,000 soldiers here in a hurry, and they did not have time to transport ammunition inside!"

Bit said this, of course, he wanted to get some credit for himself first. Although I and my men did not conquer Tianyu, I consumed a large amount of their ammunition and cut off their route for transporting ammunition. Even if you think The credit for winning this heavenly domain cannot be erased casually!

And whether it was Bit or the other four councilors, they all believed that the space passage connecting the world of Hell Capital to the Source World must be somewhere in the Source World, and it should not be far from here. They would never have thought of it. , that passage will actually be in the sky.

The reason is very simple. A naturally occurring space channel can only be formed when there is a weak point in the space. The rules of heaven and earth in the sky domain are too strong, so the space is also quite stable, and there cannot be a weak point in the space.

Even for a strong person who has the ability to control the rules of space, it is very difficult to tear a hole in the space in the sky, let alone the natural collapse of the space.

Therefore, the four councilors can accept Bit's statement, because they can now see that Bit's troops have surrounded the entrance to the Heaven Realm. Whether the people in the Hell Capital want to leave the Heaven Realm or want to Anyone who enters the Sky Realm will be attacked by them, so of course the Hell Capital has no chance to transport ammunition to the Sky Realm.

Although technological weapons are extremely powerful, their weakness is that they consume a lot of energy. Without enough ammunition, technological weapons will lose their power.

The four congressmen looked at each other and nodded, agreeing with Bit's guess. Congressman Kazan scratched his chin, thought for a while and said:

"We must continue to attack, but... we need to discuss how to attack!"

"Can't we just send someone in to take a look first?"

Councilor Tuwukara replied:

"If Bit's idea is true, then we have two tactics that we can use. One is to attack with all our strength and use our soldiers to consume their ammunition until all their ammunition is consumed and the sky is captured."

After looking at the other three congressmen, Councilor Tuwukara suggested seriously:

"The other tactic is to send people in to confirm the situation in the sky first, and then decide on the next action. The first method is a bit risky, because if we guess wrong, we will lose a lot of money. Warrior! So we can take the second method first!"

"People in the Capital of Hell must have expected that we would send people in to conduct reconnaissance, so... the chances of those who enter coming out are slim!"

Councilor Sangjie said.

"Well! If I were from the Capital of Hell, I would also defend the Heaven Realm with all my strength at this time. As long as someone enters, I will definitely eliminate them as soon as possible. It is impossible for them to have a chance to escape and expose the situation inside."

Bit nodded in agreement.

"Then just send more people!"

Councilor Tuwu Kara said indifferently:

"If you send twenty people in at a time, one or two will always come out, right?

If they are really all killed, then continue. If one wave doesn't work, then two wave. If two wave doesn't work, then twenty. I don't believe it. His hell capital can really seal the sky. No matter how many people go in, they can't get out. one! ! "

"But in this case, one or two groups will do, but if we really send twenty groups, I'm afraid it will have a great impact on morale!"

Representative Temigu, who has never spoken much, said that among the four members, he was the one who personally led the army, so he knew a little bit about it:

"This is obviously exchanging the lives of soldiers for information. If it's less, that's fine. If it's too much, the soldiers will feel that we don't take their names seriously!"

"so what?

Do they still dare to rebel? "

Councilor Tuwu Kara curled his lips and said.

"Rebellion won't happen, but as Representative Temigu said, it will cause a huge blow to morale!"

Bit also sided with Representative Temigu. Obviously, if he wanted to go in and explore the information, he would have to extract people from his troops. He didn't want to lose his troops again.

With what he said just now, Bit doesn't want his soldiers to continue participating in the war. Although he doesn't care much about the lives of those soldiers, after all, these soldiers are commanded by him. If there are too many casualties, it will be difficult for him to go back. Account.

"Then what do you think we should do?

Are we like you, blindly sending troops in? "

Councilor Tutu Kara asked angrily:

"We don't know the situation inside at all now. Who knows what will happen if we directly send troops?"

"I'm just suggesting!"

Bit replied:

"No matter what, we are going to launch an attack on the capital of hell. Are you going to bring an army of two million people here for a while and then go back?"

"Since we must attack and capture the Sky Territory, no matter what the situation is inside, we have to enter, so reconnaissance or not, whether we know the situation inside, is actually not that important to us!"

"I think that instead of consuming a certain number of soldiers for reconnaissance, it is better to start the attack directly and use a continuous stream of soldiers to consume their ammunition."

"The advantage of this is that our soldiers will not know the situation inside, so it will not affect their morale. They will only rush in bravely, ready to kill everyone inside and occupy this heaven!"

"What Bit said makes sense!"

Congressman Kazan nodded and said:

"The mission we brought here with our army is to occupy this heaven! I think everyone knows how our opportunity came about, so no matter how strong the Hell City is, we can't just go back!"

"Therefore, I suggest that we start a general attack directly. With two million soldiers, I don't believe that the capital of hell can withstand our attack!"

"But there's a problem here!"

Sang Jie frowned and said:

"We do have an army of two million, but the space channel is so big. It is impossible for them all to appear in the sky at once! They can only enter one by one."

"In this way, the opponent can use technological weapons to seal the entrance to the sky, and as many as they enter will be killed!"

"Yes! There is no way around this!"

Kazan nodded:

"To get the Heaven Realm, you must pay a price. After all, we were a few days late and did not discover this initial Heaven Realm before the Capital of Hell!"

"So this kind of price is what we have to pay. As long as we can successfully capture Tianyu, I think even if some soldiers are killed or injured, the Speaker will not blame us. He has also seen the list of Hell Capital, and it should be more Understand the power of technological weapons!”

"You can now imagine how lethal technological weapons are to our soldiers. There is no reason for the Speaker to not think of it, so he will understand us, but the premise is... we must conquer this heaven!"

After looking at the other congressmen, Kazan took a deep breath:

"Everyone, let's make a decision, either... directly issue an attack order and take over this realm in one go, no matter the cost, or... we send people back to ask for instructions from the Speaker, but if we do that, our chances may be lost. If we lose it, the Speaker will probably send someone to take over our command, or he may even come in person! How will our faction see us then?

Do you hope that you will gradually become unknown from now on? "

“I agree with the Kazan MP!”

As soon as the Kazan congressman finished speaking, Sangjie said that either some soldiers would be killed or wounded, or he would be considered incompetent. This multiple-choice question was not difficult for him at all - the same is true for other congressmen!

So, in less than a minute, the four congressmen finally reached an agreement: to launch a general attack on the capital of hell immediately, and all the soldiers began to enter the sky. Until the combat mission was completed, even the Tuwu Kara congressman did not mention the reconnaissance matter again... …

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