"Yes! In fact, we have no choice now!"

Councilor Sangjie saw Councilor Tuwu Kara frowning and seemed to disagree, so he also said:

"Everyone just needs to think about it. We have lost nearly 200,000 troops now. It would be better if we could capture the capital of hell. Even if we lose 500,000, the parliament can accept it."

"But the problem is that we still have no way to capture the Capital of Hell, and we don't even know the situation inside. If we withdraw our troops now and go back like this, we will not be punished to death, but from now on, there will be no Given any chance, are you willing to accept such a fate?"

"So now we have two options in front of us. One is to withdraw our troops immediately, and the other is to fight to the end. Either we conquer the capital of hell, or...we all die here!"

"I'm definitely going to give it a try!"

Before Senator Sangjie finished speaking, Representative Kazan said:

"If we can now confirm the situation in the Hell Capital Sky Territory and prove that our continued investment is useless and will eventually lead to a dead end, then I will choose to withdraw our troops, but now we are not sure. Maybe one or two waves of people will go in. Will their ammunition be exhausted?"

"In short, I am not willing to withdraw my troops before there is confirmation. I don't believe that the hell city has so many ammunition reserves, enough to kill our two million troops! If this is the case, then I will die here. ! When there are still 100,000 troops left, I will enter the sky. If I can't get out, you can evacuate with the remaining troops. When the time comes, you can say that I am determined to have my own way and have to choose this attack. Way! Just put all the fault on me!"

The Kazan congressman's words made everyone else remain silent. He had already said that he would definitely not agree to withdraw the troops.

In fact, Senator Tuwu Kara can now choose to withdraw his troops. As long as he insists, he can take away half a million troops.

However, if he does this, he will not only offend the other three congressmen present, but also offend the factions behind them. Moreover, even if the entire army here is finally wiped out, the other three factions may also blame him. on the head.

"It's because you withdrew your troops and took away a quarter of the soldiers, making their combat power unsustainable, so they failed!!"

Councilor Tutu Kara always wanted to know what charges others would accuse him, and Speaker Krudy would definitely not speak for him.

When so many soldiers died, someone must take responsibility, and it couldn't be someone who had already died in the battle, so of course he became the best candidate.

And if Kazan and the others succeed and really capture the capital of hell after consuming several more waves of troops, then his sudden Kara will become a joke and a coward! From now on he will never be able to raise his head again, and will spend the rest of his life in the eyes of mockery.

Therefore, in the end, Representative Tutu Kara just sighed and said nothing more!

So, under the command of the Kazan Congressman, the army took action again. This time, the Kazan Congressman was very calm and worked hard. He directly summoned two hundred people over and said something to them secretly. Then he waved them away!

When doing these things, Congressman Kazan did not carry the other three congressmen on his back, so the other three congressmen also saw that these people dispersed and joined the team after receiving the order from Congressman Kazan...

"It seems that Kazan is going to risk everything!"

Seeing this situation, the other three congressmen understood what he was going to do. The people Kazan summoned were all dead men of his faction. As long as it was an order issued by Kazan, those people would complete it regardless of the cost.

And when Kazan summons them, he must let them enter the heavenly realm, and then return immediately to see if they can come back!

Obviously, Congressman Kazan did not intend to stop the team anymore, and it would continue like this, because if it stopped again, Congressman Kazan was worried that other members would not be as confident as him.

Therefore, if you want to know the situation inside, you can only forcefully return when the army continues to enter the sky. And of course, only these dead soldiers are willing to do this.

Knowing Kazan's intention, none of the other congressmen said anything. The other two had originally agreed with Kazan's decision, and Tubulkara...he couldn't change anything by himself, and now Tubulkara had already thought about it, anyway. No matter what he did this time, he couldn't escape easily.

Thinking about it now, it seems that the best outcome is to conquer the Capital of Hell. Even if there are heavy casualties, it is much better than not being able to conquer it. At least their mission is completed!

Therefore, under the somewhat uneasy gazes of the four council members, the legions of the Gu Yan Federation continued to march towards the space passage...

"Are we... still going on?"

After a day, the expressions of the four congressmen finally became unbearable. Councilor Sang Jie looked at the other three and asked in a low voice.

For more than thirty hours, the army continued to advance towards the Tianyu, and Kazan also sent many dead soldiers to follow them into the Tianyu, but there was never any change on the Tianyu side.

Even if the space suddenly overlaps at the entrance to the Tianyu, it can make these four councilors feel ecstatic. This at least proves that the people inside are capable of returning. As long as they stop the army, they can almost understand the conditions in the Tianyu. situation.

Now for the four congressmen, they no longer want any credit. Originally, they planned to bring an army of one million, but later they increased the army to two million because they needed to train.

But now, nearly 600,000 troops have been filled in, but they don't even know what's going on inside. It seems that the entrance to the sky has turned into a black hole. No matter how many soldiers are filled in, they can't make any change. !

"never mind!"

Tuwu Kara looked at the sky and said, he no longer stared at the space passage, but lay directly on the ground, looking at the sky, as if the army next to him had nothing to do with him.

"Yeah! It doesn't matter!"

Temigu also sat down on the ground, like a defeated rooster, and murmured:

"The 600,000 troops were just thrown in. If we choose to evacuate now, we will be directly sent to a military court, because the death of these 600,000 troops is worthless!"

Even if they conquered the Tianyu of the Capital of Hell, they would not get any credit for the loss of 600,000 troops. And now, they don't even know the situation inside the Capital of Hell. If they go back like this, the Parliament will let them go. Are they?

Even the factions behind them would not stand up to protect them at this time.

Moreover, before they were staring at the sky, hoping for a miracle to happen, but now, not only Tuwu Kara, but also Sang Jie and Temigu, their eyes were full of despair. They even felt that even if they put all the With all the army filled in, there will still be no changes to the entrance to the Heavenly Domain of the Capital of Hell.

This twisted space passage seems to really lead to hell. Anyone who enters cannot look back...

"Actually, at the beginning, when we decided to take over the Capital of Hell in one go, I had an ominous premonition in my heart. I even thought of Councilor Aisa!"

Councilor Tuwukara looked at the sky and said softly:

"I remember... Councilor Aisa said at that time that the strength of Hell City is not what it seems on the surface. He felt that it was wrong for us to attack Hell City."

"But at that time, even I felt... Senator Aisa was unfounded and a little too cautious. No matter who it was, after seeing the intelligence they brought back, they would not think how powerful the Capital of Hell is."

"What a pity! We all seem to have forgotten the secret of Councilor Isa! It is said that his predictions have never been wrong, but... he has always predicted small things, so no one pays attention to the secret of Councilor Isa. ! And now... we have finally paid a heavy price!"

After hearing the words of Representative Tuwu Kara, Sangjie and Temigu looked at each other, both with sad expressions. Only Representative Kazan was still staring at the entrance of Tianyu, seemingly not hearing the conversation between the three of them at all. .

Moreover, the current Kazan congressman has a ferocious face, his eyes are red, his fists are clenched, and his mouth is constantly changing, and he does not know what he is talking about.

Seeing the state of Kazan Congressman, both Sanjie and Temigu shook their heads. They did not want to persuade Kazan now, because their fate seemed to be doomed.

In fact, if they wanted to, they could stop the army. After all, they have three MPs here and only one in Kazan. But... for them, there is no difference between 600,000 dead and 2 million dead. Anyway, All four of them are dead.

In this case, just let Kazan do the work. Maybe after a while, the sky will change, and then... the ammunition in the hell capital is exhausted, and they will take down the sky?

Of course, even if this miracle really happened, it would still not be of any help to the four of them who led the troops, because the casualties were too great. If it was less than 500,000, the parliament should be able to accept it, regardless of their merits. There won't be any big punishment. Obviously, the bottom line has been passed by now. Moreover, we don't know whether or when the miracle will appear.

What these three councilors are looking forward to now is to finally know what the sky of the capital of hell looks like, what the soldiers who entered have experienced, and how they didn't even have the chance to exit...

The final hope of the three congressmen finally had a chance to be realized, and the time... was three days later...

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