Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 951 The growing Chang Guchuan

In this situation, if you want to capture this Sky Territory, what the Capital of Hell must do is to capture this island first before you can successfully occupy the entrance to the Sky Territory. Obviously, the people of the Gu Yan Federation also think so, so they are here. There are so many defensive equipment and troops deployed outside.

Of course, if he wanted to, Li Yichen could directly use missiles to raze the island to the ground. Even if the entrance to the sky would become suspended in the air, Li Yichen would not care. For the army in the capital of hell, flying a Small distances are not a problem at all.

Moreover, the explosion of conventional weapons is basically unlikely to produce a space shock that is enough to destroy the space channel, so it is very safe.

However, this would increase Li Yichen's losses. The exchanged missiles would require resources. If the place was blown to pieces, he would not be able to recover anything at all. In other words, there would be only expenses and no income.

Of course, this is the Tianyu after all. As long as it can be won smoothly, even if it consumes more, as long as it can be won, it will definitely not lose money. As for whether it can win this Tianyu, for Li Yichen, it is definitely not question.

What needs to be considered now is how much price they have to pay!

For Li Yichen, the consumption of all materials is fine, even if all the savings in the mall are used up in order to win this world, as long as no one is killed, there is no problem. After all, for Li Yichen who has the system, as long as Give him some time to go shopping in other dimensions, and he will have all kinds of supplies.

Now there is a space passage to the earth over there at the trial site. In addition, Li Yichen also has the space coordinates of the goblin plane. At least in these two planes, he can come and go at will. Wherever he goes, he should be able to Be able to harvest enough resources, especially on the Earth side.

As for the Goblin Plane, although they came to the Trial Land because of resource issues, it is impossible for them to transfer all their resources to the Trial Land. No matter what, they must always leave behind those who can survive the next Era resources.

In addition, the goblin plane is originally a technological plane, and the resources reserved must be technological, which will be useful to Li Yichen!

However, looking at the small island in front of him, Li Yichen was slow to issue an order. Xiaohu looked at Li Yichen and felt a little strange.

For Xiaohu, although the island is surrounded by water, which must have a great impact on general stealth, at least more than half of the shadows of death are not afraid of this terrain.

After all, they have space capabilities. As long as they use space solidification to condense the space under their feet, they will never leave traces without touching the water. However, this will consume a lot of money for them, and once discovered, it will be quite dangerous. That’s all.

Of course Xiaohu and the others are not afraid of danger. In fact, among all the warriors in the Capital of Hell, only the Shadow of Death is always on the verge of death. These youngest warriors always go deep into the enemy group when fighting.

However, the probability of the shadow of death was very strict. Because Li Yichen didn't speak, Xiaohu and the others didn't move. They were all hiding around, quietly waiting for orders.

"Zhang Anji, Chang Guchuan, move forward at full speed immediately, no need to cover up, just press forward with the army!"

After thinking for a while, Li Yichen actually raised his arm and issued an order to the terminal. Xiaohu couldn't help but was stunned when he heard this order. Didn't he originally say that they should take action first and clear out the enemies on the island before talking?

Although the island is now heavily guarded, if you are careful and pay a certain price, you may not be unable to capture the island.

Could it be that... when Brother Yi saw so many people on the other side, he felt that we, the Shadow of Death, couldn't take down them?

Thinking of this, Xiaohu couldn't help but come to Li Yichen, showed his body, and looked at Li Yichen seriously.

"I'm going to play something big with them!"

Seeing Xiaohu, Li Yichen didn't know what he was thinking, so he smiled, pointed to the small island in front of him and said:

"Now it seems that the other party already knows that we are coming to attack them, and they seem to think that our strength is not very good, so they want to block us outside the island so that we can't even touch their space passage .”

"In this case, let's just put on a show! Look around here, how many races with heavenly realms are there! So, next, your shadow of death will not join the battle, and everyone will watch the show from the sidelines!"

"Watching a show?"

Xiaohu frowned and thought about it carefully, but he didn't understand what Li Yichen meant.

"According to what Aisa said, there are actually many heavenly realms near the Ancient Flame Federation's heavenly realm, but we don't know the location of their heavenly realms yet, although Isa will tell us the locations of these heavenly realms. , but it’s better to find it directly ourselves!”

Li Yichen said to Xiaohu:

"So, I plan to fight with the Gu Yan Federation for a while here. I think that when the two races are at war, other races will come to observe in secret to see if there is any bargain to be gained!"

"And you, just bring your shadow of death and wander around here. Once you find an intelligent race, don't alert them. Keep tracking and collecting their information until you find their territory and then mark it!"

"In addition, I will also send people back to our Tianyu. By then, they will also know where our Tianyu is. You have people go back to remind Lao Wan and ask him to pay attention to defense during this period. There should be Many people are trying to enter our heaven!"


Xiaohu heard Li Yichen's words and immediately nodded in agreement. At the same time, he was secretly shocked. Brother Yi really wanted to play a big game. The Gu Yan Federation alone was not enough. He actually wanted to use the war between the Hell Capital and the Gu Yan Federation as a Bait, to attract intelligent races who can come here, so as to find their heaven.

Li Yichen even deliberately exposed their territory and let people penetrate it. It seemed that he was addicted after defrauding the two million troops of the Gu Yan Federation, and wanted to defraud soldiers of other races!

This is a really good idea. Xiaohu has already seen Zhinao's defensive ability. To be honest, even if he enters Zhinao's defense range, there is no possibility of escaping. He even has no hope of survival. Other races The soldiers probably died as many as they came.

Not only can this reduce the forces of other races, but it can also give the capital of hell enough reason to attack them! Definitely killing two birds with one stone!

However, when a race attacks the Capital of Hell, it is estimated that the strong defense of the Heavenly Territory of Hell Capital will spread. But it doesn’t matter. As long as you know where the Heavenly Territory of other races is, it doesn’t matter whether they come to fight or not, just fight them one by one. That’s it.

Originally, I had some scruples when I first came here, but now...they have to fight the human race's Tianyu. Do they still care about other races?

Just after entering the Heaven Realm, Li Yichen actually wanted to directly obtain all the information about the surrounding Tian Realm, and even deliberately lured them to launch a war against the Capital of Hell. This was a very big step, but Xiaohu didn't feel it was inappropriate at all. Instead, I felt excited!

After receiving Li Yichen's order, Xiaohu immediately retreated, summoned the team leaders of Death Shadow, conveyed the order to them, and told them that from now on, Death Shadow will no longer focus on killing enemies, but will all turn into scouts. If an intelligent creature appears, you must find out the location of its lair.

As long as someone owns the Heaven Realm and sends people here to watch the excitement, no one can be spared! !

Soon, Xiaohu disappeared with the shadow of death. Li Yichen didn't care about how they hid, where they hid, and how they tracked them to find the realm of other intelligent beings.

Although Li Yichen himself can also sneak and has spatial powers, and his sneaking ability is even stronger than all the shadows of death, including Xiaohu, but relatively speaking, Li Yichen is not good at this kind of tracking people, at least not Xiaohu and the others are familiar.

Therefore, what Li Yichen has to do is to issue the order. As for how to execute it and how to complete it, that is Xiaohu's business. He will not care about it. He only wants the result. As long as Xiaohu and the others can find the realm of other intelligent creatures, the process is Don't care!

After Xiaohu and the others left, Li Yichen quietly hid in the jungle and waited. Since Chang Guchuan and the others could march at full speed, they would arrive soon. Only when they all arrived, Li Yichen would start his plan.

Now Li Yichen actually has a plan in his mind, but because this plan suddenly came up after he saw the Gu Yan Federation strengthened the island's defense, it is not perfect yet, but after all, it is just to detect other races. Tianyu is similar to fishing, so in Li Yichen's mind, he just needs to make the momentum as big as possible.

As for whether this plan can really succeed, and how big the rewards will be if it succeeds, in fact, the most important thing is the shadow of death, but Li Yichen is very confident in the shadow of death. Although the members of the shadow of death are all children, in a large number of With the accumulation of resources, their strength is actually the strongest.

Not long after, Li Yichen heard the sound of helicopters in the sky. At the same time, Zhang Anji also contacted Li Yichen through his personal terminal, telling him that they had seen the island and asked Li Yichen what formation they needed to use to get here.

"Spread out, don't concentrate too much, and... don't launch an attack before I give the order!"

Li Yichen replied, and then asked:

"Chang Guchuan, how long do you have?"

"Ten minutes at most! Because there are heavy weapons on the island over there, we are moving forward in a dispersed formation!"

Chang Guchuan replied.

"Good! That's it!"

Li Yichen nodded with satisfaction. They in the Hell City often use long-range weapons to attack the enemy. Of course, he would also pay attention to it. Chang Guchuan could think of this without reminder, which shows that he has grown up...

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