Naturally, the chariot was not blown up by people from the Capital of Hell, but by people from the Guyan Federation. They had placed a laser-releasing device in the jungle in advance, because this device only needs to be released at a designated time. The laser fired a completely harmless laser. It was a one-time use, so it was quite small. Li Yichen and the others did not notice it.

As for the explosion of the tank, of course it was arranged inside the tank a long time ago and has nothing to do with getting the laser. What they want is just to make the tank look like it was exploded by a laser. As for the truth, who will go there? Real research?

"Damn, these ungrateful guys, they want to kill the Speaker! Open fire!!"

As the chariot exploded, an angry voice suddenly sounded on the island, and with his order, various weapons on the island began to fire. However, by this time, the soldiers of the Hell Capital had already dispersed. He came and found his own bunker. The shooting from the Gu Yan Federation seemed powerful, but in fact it did not pose a great threat to the capital of hell.

"What are they doing?"

Li Yichen watched Gu Yan Federation's performance and couldn't help but frowned. Who did these guys write and direct such a play in front of him to show?

To other races around them who are observing them secretly?

Isn't it necessary?

Although Li Yichen is not very familiar with the Source Realm, he at least feels that there should be no organization like the United Nations in the Source Realm. If there is, the Gu Yan Federation may do this to gain sympathy and let other races Help them fight against their own hell city.

But this is completely impossible. The Source World itself is a place where the jungle is full of the jungle and the jungle. Even the Ancient Yan Federation makes other races feel that the capital of hell is a treacherous person who repays kindness with revenge. For the Ancient Yan Federation, it seems that It has no effect.

The races that secretly observe them from a distance cannot care about who represents justice and who represents evil. They only care about when these two guys can finish the fight, and the Guyan Federation and the Capital of Hell are fighting each other. How much it will hurt both of them, and how much benefit they can take advantage of it.

Therefore, Li Yichen didn't understand at all what the purpose of Gu Yan Federation was in doing this scene. They would definitely not do useless things. No matter how stupid they were, they would not do it. And by doing this, Gu Yan Federation must have some purpose. their own intentions.

Li Yichen thought for a while and looked at the Gu Yan Federation Legion who were shooting desperately, and found that although these guys were fighting lively, even they themselves didn't seem to care whether they could hit anyone, and they just tried their best to make the noise bigger. That’s all.

"Chang Guchuan, call Isa over."

Li Yichen patted Chang Guchuan in front of him and whispered that for this kind of thing, Aisa should be called over to ask, maybe he can know the reason.

Aisa also went out with the army this time, but because he was a little wary of him, he specially asked two soldiers to take him to the rear of the team to prevent him from ventilating the opponent.

Soon, Aisa came to the front. He looked at the island and then at Li Yichen, his eyes a little complicated. The person over there was someone he was familiar with, but now, he was standing in front of the Gu Yan Federation. On the enemy's side, it's really impossible to tell the fate of the enemy.

"Aisa! What's going on over there?"

Because Aisa was behind, he might not be aware of what happened before, so Li Yichen deliberately explained it to him before asking.

"Haha! This should be Speaker Krudy's idea! It seems... Representative Tukara and the others failed! Or... they didn't take any action at all!"

Aisa sighed and then explained:

"What Speaker Crudy did before was not for other races, nor for you, but for the people of the Gu Yan Federation!"

"Watch it for yourself?"

Li Yichen was stunned, acting for his own people?

What does it mean?

"It's very simple. Speaker Crudy must be planning to fight to the end with the Capital of Hell, but he himself is not sure whether they can withstand the attack of the Capital of Hell. Moreover, they have just lost two million troops. At present, We don’t have enough military strength, so we have to recruit troops!”

Aisa said:

"It seems that Crudy has got some information about the capital of hell and knows that you are very strong, so he believes that in the early stages of the war, they may suffer heavy casualties, and once this happens, the people's enthusiasm for enlisting in the army will It will definitely decrease significantly, which will undoubtedly make it more difficult for Speaker Crudy to recruit troops!”

"Therefore, he performed the previous play in order to stir up the hatred of the people of the Guyan Federation towards the capital of hell. Moreover, I think Speaker Crudy will have other plans later to make the people I believe that if they are defeated and the Heavenly Domain of the Ancient Yan Federation is occupied, then the Capital of Hell will definitely start a massacre, and no one will be spared!"

"In this way, the people of the Guyan Federation have no way out and can only fight to the death. If Speaker Krudy conducts conscription again, it will not be difficult, because anyway, if they fail, they will all die. It is better to join the army. If you fight hard, even if you die in battle, you can at least prevent your family from being massacred!!"


Li Yichen took a deep breath, nodded and said:

"So it's like this. That Krudy has obviously molded me into a perfidious person who repays kindness with revenge. He has also turned our hell city into a demonic legion. In this way, he mobilized all your people. To fight against us, this guy... does have a few tricks up his sleeve, but if he does so, he will send all of you into the abyss of death!"


Hearing Li Yichen's words, Aisa opened his mouth, but did not say anything. He ran towards and continued to plead with Li Yichen to let him kill as few people as possible, but now it was a war. If Speaker Crudy's plan succeeded, then of course Li Yichen It is impossible to show mercy.

The two sides are at war, should Li Yichen and the soldiers of Hell Capital be beaten without fighting back?

That is absolutely impossible. No matter what the reason is, as long as you pick up a weapon and join the battle, you are the enemy. No one will be lenient to the enemy.

"Hey! The people of the Guyan Federation will be tricked to death by that guy Krudy!"

Aisa shook his head and sighed, then looked at Li Yichen:

"Unfortunately, although this strategy is not very clever, we cannot crack it. Although many people know about your arrival in our heaven, only a few high-level officials know the real details."

"Therefore, if Krudy says something fictitious, the people will not be able to tell the difference at all. For example, Krudy can say that when you enter the sky, you have actually occupied a sky, and then because you are not familiar with the source world, so after seeing our people, he came over to ask for advice."

"Krudy and the others, considering that we are all human beings, gave you a lot of help in the Capital of Hell. They even helped you build the Sky Realm, and tried to trade with you and gave you a lot of supplies. , allowing you to gain a firm foothold in that heavenly realm.”

"Who knew that after you got your own heaven and completed its construction, you actually came up with the idea of ​​​​the Gu Yan Federation's heaven. And because you had been to our heaven before and were familiar with the interior of the heaven, you led your army to go there. Come and attack, if so, how much hatred do you think the people of the Ancient Yan Federation will have towards the Capital of Hell?"

"Yeah! Not a bad idea!"

Li Yichen nodded. Aisa was right. If Speaker Crudy really did this, then the entire Guyan Federation would definitely hate the Hell City and want to let the people join the army and teach them a lesson. It must be pretty easy for them ungrateful fellows.

However, Li Yichen didn't care. Anyway, he didn't really agree to Aisa's request. Li Yichen made it clear before that how many people should be let go depends on the people of the Gu Yan Federation. If they really choose to fight, then Of course, Li Yichen would not show mercy. Even if they were deceived, Li Yichen had no obligation to explain this to them.

Besides, we are in the middle of a war, so even if he explains, someone must listen to him! !

"Okay! I understand, thank you!"

Li Yichen looked at Aisa:

"Although you have joined us, after all, the people facing us are your former compatriots, so I will not force you to join the battle with them immediately, so next... you can move around freely, or return to the capital of hell first. Okay, I’ll send someone to take you there!”

"Well! Thank you, then I'd better go back, here...hehe!"

Aisa smiled bitterly and nodded. He really didn't want to stay here anymore. Seeing the people of the Gu Yan Federation being killed, he certainly felt uncomfortable. Moreover, with the current situation, he couldn't help the people over there if he stayed here.

Although Aisa still wants to save more lives of Gu Yan Federation civilians, but... even if he speaks now, the people over there will definitely not believe it. No matter what the other three councilors did after returning, at least The Gu Yan Federation must have known about his affairs in the Capital of Hell.

Aisa can fully imagine that Crudy has definitely announced there that he has rebelled against the Guyan Federation and has become a spy in the Capital of Hell. He will even blame himself for the main reason for the death of the two million army. .

In this way, Krudy can not only divert the attention of the people and let them put their hatred on themselves and the capital of hell, but also prevent everyone from pursuing the deaths of those two million soldiers. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

"Chang Guchuan! Are those guys setting off fireworks?

In this case, we also join in and have fun with them! "

After seeing Aisa off, Li Yichen called Chang Guchuan, looked at the island and said with a smile...

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