"We in the Guyan Federation love peace, but this does not mean that we are afraid of war. Since these ungrateful wolves in the Capital of Hell want war, then we will give it to them!"

In a square about three kilometers away from the entrance to Tianyu, Krudy, standing on the circular rostrum in the center of the square, was delivering a speech. The live broadcast of his speech was being broadcasted on all the screens around him.

Crudy waved his arms excitedly and said firmly:

"They want to capture our territory and massacre our people, but we will never

If they dare to come, we will teach them a profound lesson. Therefore, we need soldiers now, a large number of soldiers, to defend our homeland..."

Just when Crudy was about to tell him about the conscription, he suddenly found a bunch of fireballs approaching quickly in the sky. He couldn't help but be startled. That direction... was the other side of Tianyuhai. There was no such thing as their army. These flying objects What is it?

The people below all looked up. Like Crudy, they didn't understand what it was. Their long-term inertial thinking made them not think that there would be an attack coming from the Tianyuhai side.

"Quickly intercept... No! Evacuate everyone, quick!!"

The commander at the entrance to the sky domain looked at the sky and shouted with despair. He didn't understand why there were so many missiles flying from that direction, but there was no doubt that these missiles were coming to attack them. The experienced The commander has already determined the missile's impact point.

Although this commander has never seen these missiles and does not know their models and power, but just from the size and quantity of these missiles, the commander understands that these missiles are enough to destroy the defensive buildings at the entrance to the sky, as well as all the buildings here. people!

Moreover, the missile was close enough that they had no time to react. As soon as the commander called for interception, he immediately changed his tune and ordered the soldiers to evacuate. Originally, the order they received was to stick to the entrance to the sky, but now the commander has taken care of it. No more orders.

However, even if he shouted the order to evacuate, the commander was already in despair, because he couldn't even make adjustments to discharge his weapons after a few words. How could the soldiers who had been waiting in the position for a long time react?

"It's over!"

Seeing the dense missiles falling towards him, the commander only had these two words left in his mind. He didn't even have time to think about why there were missiles coming from that direction. Could it be that... the enemy had already sneaked into their territory, and Have you established a position there?

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The explosions were so dense that they turned the center of the sky into a sea of ​​fire. Smoke, dust and debris of various materials rose into the sky. The huge airflow even blew the people in the square to stagger.

"This...what the hell is going on?

? "

Speaker Krudy was also stunned by this huge change. He looked at the center of the sky and was stunned for more than ten seconds. Then he turned around, grabbed a military officer behind him, and asked sternly, what is Krudy now? The Speaker no longer cared about his own image and even uttered foul language.

However, fortunately, all the screens lost their signals due to the impact of the explosion and did not broadcast this scene. However, more people were not allowed to see Speaker Crudy's furious appearance.

"Then... that's a missile, flying in the direction of Tianyuhai. Is there an enemy missile base over there?

? "

The sergeant chief looked at the entrance to Tianyu, then looked back at the direction of Tianyu Sea, and stuttered out his judgment. However, even he himself did not quite believe what he said.

But judging from what he just saw and what happened in front of him, he could only make this judgment. He could clearly see the scale of the missiles just now. After all, those missiles flew over his head.

Such a large number of missiles absolutely requires a large missile base to meet the demand for simultaneous launch. But it can be said that the Capital of Hell can build such a large missile launch base in their sky, and it has not been discovered by them. The sergeant major would never believe it.

Although the defense center of the Tianyu is basically at the entrance of the Tianyu, and other locations are ignored at all, the entire Tianyu is still monitored everywhere. With such a large missile launch base, it is impossible for the surveillance to not detect it.

And once someone discovers it, they will definitely report it. After all, this is a military facility and cannot be ignored. Moreover, this is a missile launch base. A large base that can launch hundreds of missiles at the same time. Even if it is built underground, it is impossible. It was built silently and without disturbing anyone.

Crudy also didn't believe that no matter how powerful the Hell City was, it could still quietly enter their territory and build a missile base?

Do you think everyone in the Gu Yan Federation is blind?

People in the Gu Yan Federation have never seen Li Yichen's "superpower", so they naturally don't know that Li Yichen can summon a building instantly, not to mention a missile base. If he has enough materials, he can create an aircraft carrier and a nuclear bomb instantly!

"Send someone to investigate immediately! Find out what's going on!!"

Crudy roared. At this time, the crowd in the square was completely in chaos. Everyone was running around. In fact, they didn't know where they should run, but the terrifying explosion caused great fear in their hearts. , making them subconsciously want to escape!

The situation has become so chaotic that Speaker Krudy's conscription plan is naturally out of the question. In fact, in this situation, it is not easy for him to stabilize the people.

They had all gathered in the square, but the explosion came suddenly. In addition, there had never been an explosion of this scale in the ancient Yan Federation's world. Of course, those who experienced it for the first time were frightened to death.

It is certainly not a good thing for so many people to run around in disorder. In an instant, countless people were trampled or even trampled to death by their own people. Although the life levels of the people in the Tianyu were very high, in the panic, they The damage caused also far exceeds that of ordinary people.

In fact, Speaker Krudy played a major role in causing this phenomenon. Before the missile was launched, he had already shown the previously recorded video to all the people. Coupled with his explanation, the city of hell was successfully People have been shaped into a group of extremely vicious devils who eat people without spitting out their bones!

He plans to use this image to make the people of the Ancient Yan Federation fear the Capital of Hell. In this way, even if the war is lost in the future and the soldiers suffer serious losses, he can recruit soldiers from the people again, because the Capital of Hell is too cruel. Well, if you don't come out to resist, they will still kill you when they break through our territory.

Therefore, stand up and step onto the battlefield now. Although you may die in battle, at least there is hope. If you don't fight, you will definitely die.

Speaker Crudy is a genius in this regard, so he succeeded. The people of the Ancient Yan Federation believe that the Capital of Hell is extremely cruel, and even now they hate the Capital of Hell.

Under such circumstances, it was certainly not difficult for Crudy to recruit troops, but the problem was that the timing of Li Yichen's missile attack was really perfect.

Of course Li Yichen didn't do it deliberately, but when he launched the missile, it happened to be the time when Speaker Krudy had just made the people think that the capital of hell was bloody and terrifying, and was preparing to recruit troops.

Just after publicizing the cruel and easy-to-kill nature of the Hell City, I immediately found that my entrance to the heaven was under attack, especially the people who were not stupid. Even if they had never seen missiles, those things flew over their heads, and then they were attacked. The entrance to the sky exploded into a sea of ​​flames, and of course they knew they were being attacked.

Originally, Speaker Crudy said that the Capital of Hell was already at the gate of the Heaven Realm. It was just outside and could come in at any time and start a massacre in their Heaven Realm. But now they feel that the Capital of Hell should have been opened. Come in, and it's in their heaven!

Thinking that those bloody and cruel devils have entered their own heaven and may appear in front of them at any time, cut their necks and drink up their blood, of course the people of the Guyan Federation cannot calm down. They feel that they must You have to run for your life because the enemy has already invaded.

Speaker Crudy said before that he wanted to recruit troops to prevent those devils from invading his own heaven. But now that those guys have come in, can they still stop them?

There is definitely no way to stop him, so he has no choice but to run for his life.

Normally, if Tianyu is attacked and the entrance is captured, then they will naturally have to flee deeper into the Tianyu, hoping that their army can drive out the invaders and they will be safe. But now... the attack is coming from the Tianyu Sea. , of course they can't escape to the depths of the sky!

Can you escape to the Tianyu exit?

Didn't Speaker Crudy say that the warriors from the Capital of Hell were surrounding the entrance to their heaven?

If you escape, won't you be killed by them?

Therefore, the people of the Guyan Federation are like headless flies. They instinctively want to run for their lives, but they don’t know where to run. Some are heading towards the entrance of the Tianyu, some towards the Tianyu Sea, and some are running two steps here and there. While running for two steps, he was pushed down and stepped on by others. Most people simply watched where the people around them were going and followed them. As for the destination, no one knew.

"Maintain order and ask them all to stop!!"

Looking at the chaos below, Speaker Crudy's veins popped out on his head and he roared loudly. However, now, in Crudy's heart, fear exceeded anger.

Since those soldiers came back, he has lost the information from outside the Heaven Realm. The scout team sent to the Hell Capital, Tian Realm, cannot convey the information to the Heaven Realm at all, so now he does not know what is going on outside...

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