Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 964 The Heart of Heaven Like Cabbage

"Sir Speaker?"

Seeing the appearance of the Grand Speaker, Speaker Crudy, who was originally frightened, suddenly became quiet. Originally, he had been holding back his energy and wanted to replace the Grand Speaker. At the very least, he had to be on an equal footing with the Grand Speaker. OK.

But now he discovered that the gap between himself and the Speaker was not as small as he thought. Just look at the current scene and you will know that the originally panicked people calmed down instantly after seeing the Speaker. Come down.

He had tried hard before, but those damn soldiers couldn't do anything and could only watch the chaotic crowd.

After hearing the words of the Grand Speaker, all the people actually became quiet. Some people went to the recruitment point to sign up, and some returned home directly. No one even paid attention to the burning entrance area of ​​the Tianyu.

"Crudy, go visit the recruiting office and form an army. We have lost too many soldiers now. Even if we get through this difficulty, we still need to add a lot of soldiers!"

The Speaker looked at Crudy and said:

"I want to go see our kindred spirits first. They can easily break into our ancient flame federation's realm and cost us nearly three million troops. These little guys still have some skills! Let me go and talk to them. !”

"Yes! Mr. Speaker!"

Crudy replied respectfully, and then walked to the recruitment office. Although there were no soldiers around the Grand Speaker at this time, Crudy felt that the Grand Speaker alone could defeat the intruders in the Capital of Hell. Done!

On the other side, Li Yichen had already called Chang Guchuan and the others into the Sky Realm. When the missile came before, Li Yichen instantly moved to the entrance of the Tian Realm, and then used space solidification to protect himself. Then after the power of the missile was released, he Exchanged the castle that had been prepared long ago!

Because the people of the Gu Yan Federation were in panic, and almost all the soldiers at the entrance to the Tianyu were killed by missile bombings, after he called Chang Guchuan and the others in, no one came to attack them at all.

Now, Chang Guchuan has led the soldiers of the Hell Capital to stand ready on the castle, preparing to face the impact of the Gu Yan Federation army!

"Brother Yi! What... is this guy here for?"

Seeing the Speaker floating from the sky in the distance, Chang Guchuan looked confused. To be honest, Chang Guchuan had seen people who could fly in the air without using anything. There were many people in the capital of hell who could do it. .

But those people's flight was all done by using rush-type powers to fly in the air for a short period of time, and the speed was very fast, and they couldn't last long at all.

But the Grand Speaker floated over from the air quite naturally. With his white beard and hair and flowing white clothes, he looked a bit fairy-like...

(Zombie: Stop it! Although my role is basically gone now, I still want to remind you! Ours is a post-apocalyptic novel, don’t run to Xianxia! You will get scolded!)

"Looks like he should be a powerful guy!"

Looking at the Grand Speaker, Li Yichen had a solemn look on his face. In fact, what he was most afraid of was that there were super strong men in the Gu Yan Federation. If there were a large number of soldiers, Li Yichen didn't care at all. With the castle and Chang Guchuan, he didn't care. Now, no matter how many soldiers there are, it will be difficult to drive them out of the sky.

"Young man, perhaps we should have a talk?"

The Chancellor floated straight to the front of the castle, stopped only ten meters away from Li Yichen, looked at Li Yichen and said with a smile.

This distance was actually quite dangerous, especially since all the soldiers on the castle facing this direction were pointing their weapons at the Chancellor, but the Chancellor came with such a relaxed look and a smile on his face, It's like saying hello to an acquaintance.

"Who are you……"

Li Yichen didn't order an attack. One of them came over to talk with a smile on his face. It seemed a bit bad to attack without saying hello. Besides...since this guy dared to come to this distance, it meant that he was sure that he would be able to attack them when they launched it. Escape intact after the attack, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to do so.

To be able to become a strong man, in addition to luck, you also need to be cautious. A guy who takes risks at every turn will not live long and is unlikely to become a real strong man. Unless he has the aura of the protagonist, he will not die no matter how hard he tries.

"I am the Grand Speaker of the Gu Yan Federation!"

The Speaker smiled and said:

"As for the name... I have forgotten it a long time ago. I haven't used it for a long time. Besides, in fact, the name is just a title, it is not important! Right?"

"The Speaker?

All right! Mr. Speaker, what do you want to talk to me about?

Talk about an alliance and then let us leave your realm? "

Li Yichen asked.

"My heaven..."

The Speaker looked around and suddenly felt a little emotional. He nodded and said:

"You are right, this is indeed my heaven. When I defeated it, I led a group of people, and this is how the Guyan Federation came into being!"

"Furthermore, I came here to ask you to leave. Although I rarely interfere in the affairs of this world, and even if I don't show up, they will forget about me, but after all, this is still my race. , they are my people, I can’t just watch them be ruined by that idiot Krudy!”


Having said this, the Speaker suddenly paused and looked Li Yichen up and down:

"You have sent troops and have invaded my heavenly domain, and even have defensive positions. It is of course impossible for you to leave just like this, so... I will give you adequate compensation!!"


Li Yichen curled his lips, what was the Speaker thinking?

The compensation you gave me must also come from this heaven, right?

If I knock it down, everything inside will be mine, and I can also get a Heart of Heaven.

Anyone who owns the Heavenly Realm knows the importance of the Heart of the Heavenly Realm, and it is even more unlikely that this Great Speaker will be an exception. So what kind of compensation can he use to satisfy himself?

However, Li Yichen just thought about it in his mind and did not say it outright, because it seemed that the Speaker did not seem to be unsure of what he was doing. If he dared to say that, let's see what he could come up with first.

"Yes! Compensation!"

The Great Speaker nodded, suddenly laughed, looked at Li Yichen and asked:

“You must be thinking, why should I compensate?

The things you gave me are only from this heaven. As long as I knock them down, everything inside will be mine! Right? "

After asking this question, the Speaker did not wait for Li Yichen to answer, but continued on:

"But... what I want to give you is really not something from this heaven. In other words... this thing does not belong to the heaven, but belongs to myself!"

With that said, the Speaker waved his hand and threw the two things over. Li Yichen frowned and did not directly reach out to pick them up. Instead, when the two things flew in front of him, he directly asked the system to collect them into the system. In space!

Of course, since the Speaker has not yet agreed, this is not recycling and decomposition, but temporary storage in Li Yichen's personal space!

Because Li Yichen didn't know what it was, he used the Dao system. Even a powerful bomb would be completely safe after entering the system.

Seeing those two things disappear instantly, the Speaker raised his eyebrows, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't feel any fluctuations in the rules of heaven and earth, which meant that Li Yichen didn't use superpowers to put away those two things. This was a bit It's funny, even the Speaker couldn't tell what method Li Yichen used.

At the level of the Grand Speaker, there were actually very few things that could surprise him, but the Grand Speaker only expressed surprise with his eyes and did not ask.

And Li Yichen, who put away the two things, was also surprised, because what the Chancellor gave him was something he didn't expect at all. They were actually two hearts of heaven! !

"Heart of Heaven?"

Looking at the Grand Speaker, Li Yichen had a strange look on his face. The system detection could not be wrong, so what the Grand Speaker just threw over was indeed two Hearts of Heaven, but...that guy Aisa had clearly said that Gu Yan The Federation's Heaven Realm has only swallowed up one Heaven Realm Heart.

Since the Grand Speaker has two Heavenly Realm Hearts here, why not let his own Heavenly Realm devour them?

If this guy doesn't care about this Tianyu, it's impossible, because then he won't come forward, and it's two hearts of Tianyu that are thrown away.

"That's right! It's the Heart of Heaven!"

The Grand Speaker nodded slightly and replied with a smile:

"If you want to conquer our Heavenly Territory, you can get one Heavenly Territory Heart, so I have to give you two Heavenly Territory Hearts. It is only fair to you. Use one Heavenly Territory Heart to offset this. The other resources in the Tianyu are probably enough, right?"


Li Yichen nodded. In fact, for him, recycling this sky realm would be more rewarding, because the entire sky realm, including the land, is a recyclable and decomposable resource for him. However, this is not important. What he wants to know is , Where did this guy’s Heart of Heaven come from?

Aisa also mentioned the Great Speaker, saying that he had not appeared for a long time, and even in the past hundred years, there had been no news about him.

Therefore, the Chancellor's Heart of Heaven should have been obtained by his own ability. It is unlikely that he brought the ancient Yan Federation's army to defeat it before, because if that was the case, it was impossible for Aisa not to know about it.

"Heart of Heaven...how many do you have?"

Looking at the Grand Speaker, Li Yichen asked tentatively.

"Not a lot!"

The Great Speaker shook his head, casually took out a handful of Heart of Heaven, threw it in the air and said:

"These are consumables. I only have a dozen..."

Looking at the Heart of Heaven jumping up and down in the palm of the Chancellor, Li Yichen had a black line on his face. How come this Heart of Heaven suddenly turned into a cabbage?

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